أخبار عامة - وكالة أنباء المرأة - اخبار الأدب والفن - وكالة أنباء اليسار - وكالة أنباء العلمانية - وكالة أنباء العمال - وكالة أنباء حقوق الإنسان - اخبار الرياضة - اخبار الاقتصاد - اخبار الطب والعلوم
إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - الدوله العلمانيه هي الحل / بولس رمزي - أرشيف التعليقات - Its more complicated than that - A Reader

Its more complicated than that - A Reader

- Its more complicated than that
العدد: 15245
A Reader 2009 / 3 / 20 - 22:58
التحكم: الحوار المتمدن

First off, the Egyptian state is hardly religious by any stretch of imagination; it’s an heir to Nasser’s regime, which oppressed Muslim fundamentalists, and took a clear secular nationalist stance; it’s a direct outgrowth of Sadat’s secular regime, which oppressed both leftists, as well as islamists, took an open door economic direction, held a peace treaty with Israel, and got assassinated by fundamentalists; It’s a regime that has imprisoned more islamists than both of it’s two predecessors combined, has continued to align the country with western policies, angering devout Muslims in the process, and have fought a staunch war against the spread of fundamentalism through its secular ministry of culture, as well as official information agency.

The spread of fundamentalism is a more complex phenomenon that has nothing to do with governmental sponsorship; if any thing, the current regime has tried its best to halt its progress, alas to no avail. Combination of worsening economic conditions, failed national policies, as well as lack of well-rounded education will inevitably turn

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الدوله العلمانيه هي الحل / بولس رمزي

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الصفحة الرئيسية - الدوله العلمانيه هي الحل / بولس رمزي - أرشيف التعليقات - Its more complicated than that - A Reader