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إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - حقوق الانسان - يوسف المحسن - A bombing raid on the Iraqi wooden bridges is a crime of extermination.


A bombing raid on the Iraqi wooden bridges is a crime of extermination.

يوسف المحسن
كاتب، روائي

(Yousif Almouhsin)

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 8098 - 2024 / 9 / 12 - 04:52
المحور: حقوق الانسان

Was it really intentional,´-or-was it a military recklessness. The air strikes that were launched by the international coalition, starting from the night of the 17th of January 1991, releasing thousands of tons of smart and not so smart bombs.. Government approved, but humanely forbidden, attacking some military bases to destroy the pride of the enemy (Iraq), however, the majority of the attacks targeted civilian, with no real reason´-or-valid excuse for annihilation of goods storage unit, of Water desalination centres, of the wooden bridges located on the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates, also the small rivers branched from them. American coalition war tactics and abilities reports that were approved by the states were able to distinguish between targets from large hights. But what happened was, that the air strikes aimed to destroy the wooden bridges that were only used by pedestrians in towns during a time of family gatherings on the shores of the river. The families gathered to get water that vanished from water systems that reached their homes, when the plan was executed. Missiles which can not be guaranteed to be blind missiles, gave birth to thousand of dead civilian corps, victims ranging from martyrs, injured, disabled and missing. Today and after 31 years after the strikes on the towns of Samawah Al-Khidr, Nasiriyah, Fallujah, Basra, Diwaniyah, Al-Kut and others, this case is still hidden, and there was no investigations done it, keeping in mind it represent a war crime according to International treaties and law. And it represents an act of genocide no less evil then What the past government committed from atrocity and wickedness towards the South and north of Iraq and towards Kuwait.
The American law obligates The American Ministry of Defence to prevail the truth about the relevant evidence and become transparent about the secretes behind these military operations. After 30 years, the removal of concealment around the planes camera recordings, flights records, and the recording of the conversations between the pilots and the bases it was launched from.
The government of the United States of America that is proud to defend human rights and It s leading democracy in the world, And that it freed Kuwait and freed Iraq therefore it should maintain it s picture and reflect on what happened during the war from Blatant violations towards the defeated people at that time. Republican administration of George Bush Sr shamelessly coated the truth behind what had occurred, and this continued with administrations of Democrat Bill Clinton, Republican Bush Jr., Democrat Barack Obama and then the controversial administrations of Republican Trump.
And let us remember that through the multiple wars in the middle east the united state of America especially since 2014 its armed forces have committed many military errors that we do not know if they were actually intended´-or-not. Where the American New York Times disclosed around 1300 documents highlighting and explicitly refer to the hasty and inaccurate air striking and murder of thousands of Syrian, Iraqi and Afghani civilians, according to what Al-Jazeera reported, citing the newspaper. The documents presented the massacres caused by US air strikes, including the killing of 120 Syrian farmers in the village of Tokhar in a raid that the Pentagon said targeted ISIS terrorists, and in August of last year 2021, a US drone destroyed a car carrying ten people from one family in the Afghan capital, Kabul, where Washington said that The car was loaded with bombs before it retracted its announcement, and at a later stage it paid compensation to the Afghan victims families.
Going back three decades, the date of the seventh and tenth of February of 1990 witnessed shelling in broad daylight and while the people gathered on the banks of the Euphrates River in the cities of Al-Khader and Samawah 280 km south of Baghdad. The air strikes targeted interior bridge in Al-Khader that wasn’t used by the military cars. Another wooden bridge was attacked in the middle of Samawah used by the pedestrians to cross between the two banks. Those same bridges were exposed to more than 100 missiles during the period of war. The result of all this bombardment to the death of number exceeding two hundred people, the hundreds injured and disabled, most of them children, women, girls and the elderly. In addition to many missing people whose fate remains unknown. This is an example of one of the tens of incidents that happened during the 1991 war on the Iraqi and Kuwaiti land, some of which are still caused by internationally prohibited cluster bombs, which have not yet been removed from vast lands and cause fatal accidents every year, especially in the southern Badia regions.
The goal of (Desert Storm) was the liberation of the State of Kuwait in accordance to the judgement of the UN Security Council, and Kuwait was saved before August 1990 and received the full war compensation weeks beforehand, exceeding fifty billion dollars, while the victims of the intended and unintended mistakes of the war are still waiting. What happened is that the martyrs, the victims of the Iraqi bridges were not recognized by the countries whose planes participated in the bombing of cities.
The administration of President Biden and the Democratic Party are called upon today to defend the record of the United States of America in the field of human rights. Because targeting civilians is a war crime and an act genocide, is not befitting of those who call themselves the advocates of human rights.
A year ago, I went to the lawyers association and asked them alongside a group of lawyers and activists to together file a lawsuit inside the United States of America, through an American law firm to demand the disclosure of the circumstances of the killing of civilians from the Iraqi bridge victims, and the perpetrators to be revealed and brought to justice.
The lawsuit demands the US Department of Defence to lift secrecy about the operations The aerial bombardment launched by planes inside Iraqi territory during the period of the second Gulf War (Desert Storm).
The lawsuit also demands the announcement, according to a legal investigation, of the reality of the committed acts, whether they were premeditated´-or-war mistakes, with an apology to the victims and their families, which means the approval of a fair and rewarding compensation by the offender party, because it is a humanitarian duty, and far from.

#يوسف_المحسن (هاشتاغ)       Yousif_Almouhsin#          

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الصفحة الرئيسية - حقوق الانسان - يوسف المحسن - A bombing raid on the Iraqi wooden bridges is a crime of extermination.