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الصفحة الرئيسية - الفلسفة ,علم النفس , وعلم الاجتماع - نادية جودت حسن - علم النفس المرضي


علم النفس المرضي

نادية جودت حسن

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 4792 - 2015 / 4 / 30 - 22:45
المحور: الفلسفة ,علم النفس , وعلم الاجتماع

علم النفس المرضي

علم النفس المرضي

Building thinking scale
Among those with learning difficulties

علم النفس المرضي للدكتورة نادية جودت حسن

A building thinking among people with learning difficulties scale.
(B) measuring the thinking among people with learning difficulties from the perspective of teachers in first grade primary.
(C) defines the level of thinking with learning disabilities, according to a variable (sex).
2. Find the-limit-s:
The current research was-limit-ed to a sample of teachers in the first grade of primary education in the holy city of Najaf --dir--ectorate for the academic year 2013-2014.
3research procedures:
The researcher has built a measure of people with learning difficulties consisted of (30) items were three alternatives put to answer paragraphs of the scale, has conducted a researcher statistical analyzes to extract Alsekoumtria to measure characteristics as was extracted kinds of honesty to measure a (virtual truthfulness and honesty manner the two extremes and style correlation between the degree of paragraph total degree of the scale), as the researcher to extract stability in several ways, namely, (retail midterm manner and style of the retest), then the researcher to apply the scale on a sample of (520) teachers for the purpose of verification of the research goals in a season results.

4. Statistical methods:
Been using several statistical methods to data processing, namely, (samples t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman equation - Brown).
5. Search Results:
The most important results are:
A building was thinking measure of people with learning difficulties.
(B) sample has an average level of thinking.
(C) There are no statistically significant differences in the level according to gender thinking.

Chapter One

• Find a problem
• The importance of research
• Research Objectives
• Find the-limit-s
• Identify terms

Search problem
One of the most important questions from parents when they know that their children suffer from learning difficulties is: What is the reason for the occurrence of this disease? And mental health specialists confirms that as long as no one knows the main reason for learning difficulties, the parents try to search continued to see the possible causes is something not feasible for them. (6, p. 22)
Scientists discussed several factors that lead to the emergence of learning disabilities, including defects in fetal brain development and genetic defects and the effect of smoking, alcohol and certain types of drugs. (4, p. 13)
It is important to differentiate between the always emotional and social problems and family, which are the causes may lead to an impaired ability to learn. (19, p. 54)
They can also use other psychological tests to assess the level of perception and thinking of the child, and whether these disabilities have a role in weakening the ability to think´-or-thinking especially critical as thinking about thinking itself in order to develop and make the outputs of the meaning and importance of the child while he sees (Lipman) that doomed the thinking pattern Agreed standards already self-Calendar (rectifier for the same), and is intended to meditative mental trial. (4, p. 30)

Research importance
To highlight the importance of this study, the researcher sees displayed in the form of sequential steps Aptditha of the importance of studying the concept of thinking and study the concept of people with learning difficulties.
First, the importance of studying the concept of thinking:
The thinking of the important topics in cognitive psychology, which varied visions around to multiple dimensions and complexity, which reflects the complexity of the human mind and its operations, and is described like other abstract concepts Kalzca for example, and that we are difficult to measure --dir--ectly, so researchers Aldrazn utilized it as de-script-ions and different names to differentiate between the pattern and the last of the patterns and confirm At the same time complexity, how can we identify those cognitive ability among people with learning problems are impeding not visible and do not leave a clear impact on the child so that others speeds up to help and support, and disability learning is a mal--function-- affects a person s ability to analyze what he sees and hears,´-or-its ability to link information from different regions of the brain, although this shortcoming appears in several aspects, such as the special difficulties with spoken and written language which affects the abilities of study as well as the difficulties related to the cognitive skills including Akaddrhaly thinking which affects the daily life and family relations and the ability to deal with the community. (8, p. 25)
Second, the importance of studying the concept of learning disability:
The diagnosis of learning disability is not as it happens in the diagnosis of cases of smallpox and measles, because in the case of learning disability, this term includes the presence of several possible causes of the disease, and symptoms vary from one state to another as well as the course of the disease and treatment. (8, p. 60)
Because the disease appears in several forms, it is difficult to diagnose and find out the real cause of the disease as well as you should know that not every child is suffering from the presence of academic problems is a child suffering from difficulties in mental capacity, there are a lot of children who suffer from the slow acquisition of certain types of skills and not whole, and the natural growth of the children varies from child to child. Sometimes what appears to be a learning disability of the child shows later that only slow the growth process mismatch disorders and verbal language, including the disorders academic skills and other disorders such as disorders synergy growth, where a large proportion of children who disorders of attention the case be associated with excessive activity´-or-appear on the child s symptoms lunging because of hyperactivity and seizures explosion and ferment it all has to do with the ability to think, and the lack of attention suffered by these children means that the duration of the degree is too short their attention also suffering from intellectual dispersion speed and can not continue in a particular game, for example, and when we try to attract their attention, they lose their ability to stay focused. (17, p. 23)
Researchers between the two levels of thought patterns were distinguished in the field of thinking by the degree of complexity of each of the different patterns and are the minimum basic thinking skills and higher-order thinking the vehicle, we find that the basic thinking skills include basic mental processes such as knowledge (is acquired, remember) and observation, comparison, classification and thinking sensory work, also includes cognitive levels in the lower rating (Bloom), a knowledge and understanding and the application where it answers is essential before moving on to the levels of the compound´-or-the Supreme thinking. (2, p. 32)
The higher-order thinking skills of the vehicle include the use of complex mental processes include the use of complex mental processes include critical thinking, reflective and creative skills and metacognitive and others, which in turn help us to interpret, analyze and process information to answer the question´-or-solve a problem can not be solved by using the skills of minimum essential thinking and issue judgments and give views Criteria and the use of multiple criteria to arrive at the result, this is clear that these skills rely on the skills of the world thinking and thus the possibility of identified and measured with students with learning difficulties. (4, p. 22)

Research goals
The current research aims to:
1. At the scale of the concept of thinking among people with learning difficulties.
2. know the level of thinking among people with learning difficulties.
3. recognize the significance differences in the level of the concept of thinking according to gender.
Is determined by the current search parameters and teachers of the first grade of primary education in the holy city of Najaf --dir--ectorate for the academic year 2013-2014.

Define terms
First: The Thinking
Definition (Kosslyn & Rosenberg) that the manipulation of information in the brain (4, p. 13)
Definition (Costa) It mental processing of sensory input in order to form ideas for the realization of things and judging them (2, p. 26)
Definition (Barell) simple sense represents a series of mental activities carried out by the brain when exposed to sexy post greeted by one of the five senses In a broad sense it is the search for meaning in the process of position´-or-experience (22, p. 33)
Definition (Anderson and King) is the process of mind based on the generation of ideas and adjusted based on previous experiences and information which the individual is connected to new buildings and structures (19, p. 13)
The theoretical definition of the researcher:
Individual s ability to successfully deal with the problems of life.
Procedural definition:
Is the total score obtained by the respondent through his answer to paragraphs thinking scale.
Second, learning difficulties:
Definition (Asertaui) is a severe discrepancy between the expected and mental achievement results from the difficulty in processing information and is not the result of emotional disturbance, mental, visual, auditory, kinesthetic´-or-environmental. (2, p. 30)
Definition (Asertaui): mal--function-- affects a person s ability to analyze what he sees and hears,´-or-its ability to link information from different regions of the brain. (2, p. 35)
Definition (Asertaui): They are individuals who meet the standards of learning difficulties. (2, p. 24)
The theoretical definition of the researcher:
Not to an individual s ability to link concepts and vocabulary in his environment.
Procedural definition:
Is the total score obtained by the respondent through his answer to paragraphs thinking scale.

Chapter II

• theoretical framework
• the concept of thinking
• concept with learning disabilities.

• Previous studies

First: The Thinking Tkinking
The life of an individual represents a series of events and situations that require thinking, leading some to say that we are we can not stop thinking about and we think even Okna can not. (4 s 13)
Accordingly, we practice many forms and thinking skills that fall in the level of simple Kaltaraf pager and understanding to the vehicle´-or-complex like thinking critic and creative thinking high-grade and thinking and thinking and systematic thinking beyond the cognitive and perhaps all of the elements of intelligent behavior, which some scientists have called for the designation of the possessed person subtle´-or-So expert received the thinking subject of interest to many researchers and educators become even more study and research topics in the field of psychology Alterboa otocef language, concepts and images as the basic building blocks of thinking and progress of these elements individually and collectively sometimes at other times. (2, p. 46)
And to reflect on the basic skills of the individual to learn before moving on to the next level of thinking skills and includes the knowledge, comprehension and application (Bloom s Taxonomy) and also includes observation and is effectively the senses and the ability to gather information, either call is represented the ability of the individual to retrieve information stored in long-term memory, and skill the other is to establish goals and is the ability of the individual to determine the general and specific objectives distant´-or-near, either question represents the individual s ability to ask questions and raise questions about any subject. (6, p. 24)
Among other skills are classification and is the individual s ability to put things in different groups according to their characteristics and other skills such as comparison and summary encoding and conclusion, forecasting and purpose and application. (7, p. 40)
The higher-order thinking skills require the level of the individual ahead of mental treatments and mental processes in order to successfully and effectively exercised and includes analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills (Bloom s Taxonomy). (8, p. 20)
And also includes the systematic thinking, which includes determining the list of elements of the situation and the classification of these items to a subset ideas and find a general idea´-or-the general pattern of these elements and includes systematic thinking two types of thinking are analytical thinking and means segmentation position to the largest possible number of elements and focuses on the differences between the elements more than focus on the similarities and includes systematic thinking also thinking synthetic which means assembling elements together attitude and know how to work through a focus on the process of interaction between these elements and focuses on the similarities between the elements of the situation more than focus on the differences. (2, p. 23)
And higher-order thinking is thinking high-ranking as it is assumed that more than just a little knowledge and information of thinking, but manipulated We can also this kind of thinking to understand the world around us, and finds (Lipman) that high-ranking thinking equivalent critical and creative thinking together. (6, p. 52)
The upper third skill to think they are creative thinking, a strange´-or-new to see´-or-carry things and the way that the process that we use when we come new idea may be accidental´-or-intentional and unintentional. (2, p. 30)
The other skill is critical thinking where he sees (Bayer) that the process of determining the validity and accuracy and value of information and existing knowledge. (2, p. 32)
The skill other is thinking beyond the cognitive where he sees (Wilson) they know the individual consciousness, operations and strategies thinking ability to assess and organize special operations by the self and it s learning about how and why does the individual what he does. (2, p. 40)
It thinkers patterns, there are arrogant thinker always believed that he was right, and the arrogant thinker It degrades others value and consider them stupid and ignorant and very patronizing to those who deal with him, and the thinker confident believed to be the absolute truth outside itself and outside the group to which it belongs, and it is discovered and that further of the learning part of it known as a person warned not suffer´-or-ashamed when the error and correct his mistakes either centered thinker about his group believed that the absolute truth with his group and they are right and others are wrong and finally selfish thinker, believed to have the absolute truth and can not take the views of others. (6, p. 34)

Second: with learning disabilities:
The most common disorders in people with pupils, including those that suffer delays in their ability to read and write capabilities and computational years for their colleagues in the same age learning difficulties.
Divided in the diagnosis of this disorder to:
1_ developmental reading disorder.
2_ writing developmental disorder.
3_ developmental disorder computation skills. (4, p. 18)
And that is the most common of these disorders developmental reading disorder where this type of disorder is also called (dyslexia) (Dyslexia), a type spread among children, where the spread between first-degree relatives with him the rate among the general public is more prevalent among males than among females by (3: 1). (6, p. 22)
The child needs to be able to read that controls these mental processes at the same time:
O_ focus attention on the --print--ed letters and control the movement of the eyes through the lines of the page.
B_ identify the sounds associated with those letters.
J_vhm semantics and its expression in the sentence. (4, p. 30)
Those tricks´-or-mental processes need to be healthy and strong network of neurons to connect sight and language centers of the brain and memory. (2, p. 14)
A child who has difficulty reading have a mal--function-- in one´-or-more of these mental operations carried out by the brain to get to the proper reading, scientists have discovered that a large number of children who have difficulty reading have shared a disability which is the inability to identify´-or-distinguish between sounds in spoken words. (8, p. 33)
And that a child with dyslexia may be able to read the words that have gone through it in the past but can not read even the simplest of new words, and if the early education of the child based on the consideration of the words but pronounced it may be able to read as many words, but in this case recognized by the total shape. (8, p. 40)
As the distinction of being a shrug use the letters as components of words and configured for letters is very weak even as he trumps the child may not know his right hand from his left than having difficulty figuring out the clock movement and therefore difficult to know the time and has difficulty in knowing the excess signs and incomplete, and other mathematical symbols. (17, p. 23)
And therapeutic programs for (dyslexia) is that the child the alphabet learn both of them individually and repetitive and must preserve the words by heart with teach groups of letters that are the words and be very simple in composition and must be repeated so many times to be able to identify all The heart of the back of this word means a certain word, instead of using a combination of memory and acoustics as is the case when most of the children who do not suffer from (dyslexia). (17, p. 33)
And that this type of treatment should take the form of exercise with a choice of newly Child Matalmh constantly rehearsed on what he knew from before that because a child b (dyslexia) finds super difficult to remember these things, and here the concept (blindness words) which was used in ancient times This situation accurately describes the simple act of keeping a certain word does not prove in his memory forever unless repeated on the ears constantly. (6, p. 24)

Previous studies
* He (Newman) 1990 study aimed to identify the extent of the concentration of social studies teachers on classroom procedures that develop thinking skills among primary school pupils and the results indicated that there are some behavioral manifestations do not occur only rarely in the classroom. (21, p. 26)
* Conducted (Goons Wallis and Compress 1997) study aimed to reveal the creative thinking and its relationship to some mental activities where the study sample consisted of 560 pupils´-or-pupils between the ages of (6_12) a year and the results showed that there were differences statistically significant differences in the overall performance of the Creative thinking is attributed in favor of females. (24, p. 45)
* Study conducted (Jadzela and Mastn 1998) aimed to make a comparison between two groups of students, one slow learners and the second group excel academically and the comparison is in the ability to think critically The results showed that there are differences of statistical significance between the mean test critical thinking and in favor of outstanding students. (19, p. 40)
* He (and Atnberg 2000) study aimed to detect reflective thinking and its relationship to some variables, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in performance on reflective thinking attributed to the school-level variable and variable age differences. (21, p. 30)

Chapter III

Research Methodology
And procedures

Find procedure that:
This chapter includes a de-script-ion of the research community and the specimens and procedures followed by the researcher to achieve the objectives discussed this method and the sample used and the tools of choice for data collection and the most important statistical methods for processing and analysis.

* Find community Population of the research
Be present research community of teachers in the first grade of primary education in the city of Najaf --dir--ectorate of supervision for the academic year 2014_2015 as the total number (520) teachers spread over a number of schools located within the northern sector and the center of Najaf and the southern cutter randomly. The Table (1) shows the research community.
Table (1)
Research community

عدد المعلمين والمعلمات للصف الاول الابتدائي





Building scale action:
The current research requires scale (tool) to the concept of thinking, before starting construction procedures to be adopted to clarify the foundations in the construction process of the current scale, as follows:
1_ measurement type.
2_ manner of measurement.
3_ measurement method.
The following is a detailed review of the foundations of the above:
1_noa measurement:
Adopted a researcher in the current discussion on the measurement (Alsekoumtra Psychometry) which is based on comparing the degree of a person Screened varying the overall average for others there are several features distinguish this kind of measurement if Makorn to other types of measurement, namely:
O_hma type of measurement is characterized by objectivity and in the possibility of achieving reliability and validity in several ways
B_kdrh this type of measurement in excellence among individuals in one group about the phenomena to be
Measured. (14, p. 34)

2_aslob measurement:
Been used researcher mode (self-report Self _report) because it is self-seeking access to the data as well as the ease of debugging and reduce the time and effort. (15, p. 26)

3_trivh measurement:
Adopted researcher way Likert (Likert) measurement, which is based on the view the paragraph group Screened include verbal positions can be exposed to everyone and ask him to choose one alternative answer that express his opinion note that this method is one of the common methods and installed in the building psychological scales and so because of its features:
O_ are easy to build and debug.
B_ provide a measure characterized by homogeneity.
J_ give greater freedom to the respondent to show the intensity of his feelings about the subject. (9, p. 30)
D_ help the researcher to make sure that the scale one-dimensional (ie, that all paragraphs measure one case)
H_ This method does not require a large number of arbitrators. (10, p. 35)
And _ provide a good stable due to the large range of responses allowed for the transponder. (24, p. 46)
A_ characterized as allow the greatest contrast between the responses of individuals. (3, p. 55)
According to method (Likert (liekert three alternatives have been put to answer the paragraphs of the current scale, namely: (OK - not sure about - Garmuaq).

Steps to build the scale:
The building standards require access to previous studies and standards related to the concepts of research.

_saagh Paragraphs scale:
After informed researcher on previous studies, measurements and literature that dealt with the current research variables, including the following:
Formulation (30) in first paragraph and covering all areas of thought and careful researcher in the formulation of paragraphs on Mayati:
O_ that paragraph shall not be carrying more than one meaning´-or-one idea.
B_ some paragraphs were in the positive --dir--ection and the others were in the negative --dir--ection.
J_ wording of the paragraph in the first person.
Z_ that the paragraph be represented parking lots of everyday life for members of the sample. (1, p. 36)

_salahih Paragraphs:
Points (Allen (Allen to the validity of paragraphs and sincerity achieved scans measure by experts To achieve this, the researcher presented her research on a group of experts and arbitrators with scale experience in this field after the attached vertebrae scale paper instructions included theoretical definition of the concept of thinking and concept with learning disabilities, The researcher asked the instruction sheet from Messrs experts and arbitrators as follows:
1_ to judge the validity of each paragraph from being valid´-or-invalid measured in the concept of thinking among people with learning difficulties and the codification of Mirunh appropriate amendment in the field.
2_ judge the alternatives being suitable answer´-or-inappropriate in scale and through the debate between the researcher and each of the jury, was reached Mayati:
Has been retained to the paragraph that got a rate agreement (80%)´-or-more and keep the paragraphs that got less than this percentage was based on the retention of all paragraphs of access to higher than the percentage for admission to the above were also amend some paragraphs. (18, p. 54)

Help answer:
The answer is the instruction manual for the unexamined´-or-effector and keen researcher in the preparation of the scale on the following:
1. Be clear and easy to understand and appropriate to the level of research sample.
2. Hide researcher purpose of the measure in order to get honest and truthful statements.
3. The researcher asked the respondent of anonymity in order to be assured the confidentiality of information and to reduce social desirability.
4. The researcher emphasized the need to answer quickly and without thinking long.
5. The researcher explained to the respondent that there is no right answer and a wrong answer, but are the views of each individual about the positions that included scale.
6.ardt researcher at the instruction sheet model for the answer as an example of a model for the respondent in his answer on the scale.

_aslob Correct scale:
The measure was drafted paragraphs Double --dir--ection (positive - negative) and three alternatives given weights ranged between (3-1) as the answer for the positive sequence of paragraphs and also given weights ranged between (1-3) for paragraphs and negative Table (2) shows that.

Table (2)
Weights paragraphs (positive – negative
غير موافق غير متاكد موافق بدائل الاجابة
وزن الفقرة
1 2 3 الإتجاه الايجابي
3 2 1 الإتجاه السلبي
_aana Expeditionary experience:
Researcher aims of this experiment Mayati:
1. Check the clarity of instructions and clearly answer paragraphs and the time it takes the sample answers on the scale.
2. verify the validity of the formula alternatives proposed by the researcher and approved by experts and arbitrators of the scale also for the purpose of verification of the objectives above, the researcher introduced the measure on a sample of teachers in first grade numbered (27) teachers, and the results of the pilot experience:
O_ scale instructions were clear and paragraphs of the sample The time it takes to answer it took was appropriate (25-35) to an average of --$-- (30) minutes.
B_ the answer alternatives to gauge clear of the sample.

_altejrebh Basic:
Researcher aims of this experiment applying the scale on a representative sample of the research community for the purpose of conducting statistical operations on the scale to see the sincerity and persistence.

_aana Basic experience:
After being school division in raising holy city of Najaf to the three sectors (the northern sector and the center of Najaf and the southern sector) has been selected a number of them at random, and in order to achieve the required number of them have the number of respondents from the teachers first grade primary amounted to (520) teachers and is the size of well´-or-if a suitable sample of at least 400 people. (3, p. 44)
Points (Nunnally) that the percentage of the number of respondents to the paragraphs of the scale should be,´-or-not less than (0: 1) so as to minimize the occurrence of accident. (3, p. 46)

معلمة الاول الابتدائي
معلم الاول البتدائي


مركز النجف


_ttbaiq Measure of the experience of statistical analysis:
After the sample was basic experiment to determine the researcher to apply the scale on the sample and the sample researcher urged to abide by the instructions in the answer.

_tsahih Answers:
The researcher correct forms of (520) Form of scale thinking, has been rejected (17) form for non-completion of the answer where´-or-because they carry more than one answer to a single paragraph, and thus the remaining forms which can be subject to analysis (502) form then the researcher to extract the total score of the scale, and each member of the sample through the collection of those weights paragraphs.

Mhoshrat validity and reliability:
First: Believe scale Validity of scale
Honesty is the property of the most important characteristics that requires Alsekoumtria provided in the psychological scale being reveals how psychological ability to measure what should actually be measured. (21, p. 40)
The researcher has unearthed the scale discussed a number of honesty indicators, namely:
O_alsedk virtual:
Indicates (Ebel Ebel 1979) that the best way to extract the virtual honesty are a number of experts and specialists estimate the extent of representation clauses measure of formula to be measured (Ebel) and this researcher scale offered with instructions to a group of experts in the field of psychology and Arabic (Annex (1 )) illustrates this.
Construction B_sedk:
It is intended to measure the extent of the ability to measure´-or-attribute the phenomenon to be measured in accordance with the concept of the theoretical (15, p. 52).
The manner and style of the two groups Almttrgin correlation degree paragraph college degree of the scale and style of the degree of correlation paragraph domain, which belongs to one of the indicators of this type of honesty (14, p. 30).
The measure is sincere when paragraphs are structurally distinct according to the above three methods (1, p. 20), and the World honesty is one of the types of honesty (16, p. 53).
To achieve this kind of honesty, the researcher the following actions:

For the purpose of extracting discriminatory power in this manner researcher followed the following steps:
1_rtpt college grades in descending order from the highest level to the lowest degree of the scale.
2_ was the top choice (27%) of the grades dubbed (senior group) and the lowest (27%) of the grades called (Minimum Group).
3_ used samples t-test ((T_test for two independent samples to see the sign of the differences between the two groups in the degree of each paragraph of the scale.
It was evident from the results that the paragraphs of the scale characteristic at a level of significance (0.05) with the exception of one paragraph was not carrying a distinctive sequence (17).

J_ manner relationship paragraph mainly College of scale:
This is the second method index sincerity constructivist of the scale is based on the correlation degree of each paragraph of the scale college degree of the scale itself (10, p. 35), referred to this procedure provides a measure several advantages as a correlation degree paragraph college degree of the scale (internal consistency) shows Over the correlation between paragraphs (9, p. 22), and that this procedure makes the scale homogeneous in terms of his ability to each paragraph of paragraphs measure the same attribute that seeks to measure the scale (23, p. 36).
To achieve this procedure to measure current research was to use correlation coefficient (Pearson (person between the scores of respondents on each paragraph of the scale and each measure also by the computer has emerged that all paragraphs --function-- at the level of (0.05) and the table shows that.

Table (4)
The degree of correlation paragraph college primarily to measure thinking among people with learning difficulties shows
تسلسل الفقرة درجة الإرتباط تسلسل الفقرة درجة الإرتباط
1 0.38 16 0.41
2 0.42 17 0.45
3 0.43 18 0.52
4 0.27 19 0.46
5 0.42 20 0.47
6 0.72 21 0.52
7 0.47 22 0.37
8 0.43 23 0.43
9 0.63 24 0.43
10 0.41 25 0.38
11 0.34 26 0.37
12 0.41 27 0.62
13 0.56 28 0.31
14 0.52 29 0.38
15 0.38 30 0.47
(D) the global honesty:
Factor analysis is a branch of Applied Statistics (3, p. 56), as he refers to investigate the factors influencing the phenomenon that is linked to each other and indicates (Eisenk) that the factor analysis seeks to three goals:
O_alusv B_barhna on purpose J_ propose new hypotheses of the data. (11, p. 30)
The methods used in the investigation were numerous global honesty, including the central way, the way the basic components and the way the basic axes and others.
And Eogod Twenty-five examination can be used for this purpose, such as the touchstone (Combe comb and Capers)´-or-double-standard and standard (Clifford) and others. (3, p. 23)
The factors extracted must give it the meaning of psychology in the light of the approved measure of the theoretical framework, and to identify and high --function-- and integrity Alchavat content as follows:
Show that all the paragraphs of thinking guestrooms scale (30) paragraph with a high saturation of the public worker except paragraphs (17-23) note that paragraph (17) Deleted originally in the previous procedures. (13, p. 44)

Second: Persistence:
Is a consistency necessity Although the honesty scale is a measure of a constant (10, p. 13), and the consistency is understood the basic concepts of measurement requires availability in scale in order to be valid for use as dependent standards and tests in accuracy over the reliability and validity results. ( 10, p. 46), and the purpose of this procedure for the current scale researcher has used the method of internal consistency of this method include several methods:
O_aslob retail midterm: This is the style of the methods commonly used to check the stability of the scale (15, p. 60) and to verify the scale Find stability in this technique has been subjected to all forms core sample after deleting paragraphs is sincere in the honesty of the scale of action, and then divided the paragraphs of the scale to two classes in a way (singles - doubles) after confirmed researcher from the lack of D. contrast statistically between the two halves scale reaching alpha value of the scale thinking (0.72) which is less than the tabular value of --$-- (1.98) The results showed that the correlation coefficients were (0.76) As the class is extracted for half the test has been modified using equation (Sbierman- Brown (Sperman_brown amounted link value (83%), a high stability of value in comparison to the stability of other metrics values. (3, p. 50)

B_aslob retest:
This is a method of more methods commonly used in the stability calculation (13, p. 22), and to achieve this procedure, the researcher and two weeks after the first application (sample statistical analysis) to re-application of the measure back on the total sample of (22) teachers first grade primary in Educational holy city of Najaf --dir--ectorate then by correlation coefficient (Pearson) between the scores of the respondents in the first application and between grades in the second application amounted to link the value of any stability (875%) of the scale, and this means the enjoyment scale well consistently, and this percentage is acceptable in mental tests. (14, p. 36)

J_aslob Alvakronbach (Cronbach_alpha)
Was extracted using consistency coefficient (Alvakronbach) which Astgah image general equation reliability coefficient based on the equation (Kjord - Attichardnon). (13, p. 54)
The results were as follows:
Of the degree of stability of thinking this way Scale (88%), a high degree of consistency in.

The final application:
Having been assured of the validity and reliability of the scale Current search according to previous procedures, the researcher applied to a sample of teachers in first grade in the education of the city of Najaf Najaf --dir--ectorate numbered (502) teachers and supervised researcher on each application stages herself and followed up to make sure no effect anyone else to answer the teachers on the scale and Table 5 shows the final sample application details.
Table (5)
The final sample application

معلمة معلم القاطع
80 81 شمالي
61 90 المركز
90 100 الجنوبي
231 271 المجموع
Statistical methods Statistical procedures:
Was used the following statistical methods for the purpose of statistical data processing, including checks and Research Goals
O_ samples t-test for two independent samples T_test.
B_ Pearson correlation coefficient Person correlation coefficient.
J_ Spearman equation - Brown Spearman - brown formalas.
D_ samples t-test for one sample T_test one sample case.
H_ equation Alvakronbach internal consistency Cronbach alpha.
And _ contrast duo Two_way variance analysis analysis.

Showing results:
After conducting statistical analyzes were obtained and application tools (ANSI) Find finalized and will be in this chapter show the findings of the current study and discussion, in accordance with the objectives mentioned in the first chapter, as follows:

First O_agv:
Building measure of thinking with learning disabilities.
We have achieved this goal to build scale within the current search procedures in the third quarter note that the measure has the types of honesty was the most important factor analysis, as well as enjoy the types of consistency.

B_agv II:
Know the level of thinking among people with learning difficulties.
To achieve this goal, the researcher-CNC as follows:
1_ calculate the average total scores on the component of (thinking 30 gauge) paragraph and all the research sample s current members (502) teachers reached (21.152) and standard deviation (17.85).
2_ theoretical calculating the average of the scale thinking reached (125) with a standard deviation was (zero). (9, p. 34)
3_ For the purpose of finding a statistically significance difference was the use of samples t-test (for one sample (T.test. (13, p. 53) and Table (6) shows that.

Table (6)
The level of thinking among people with learning difficulties shows

الانحراف المعياري
المتوسط الحسابي


There are no statistically significant differences according to gender (males - females) reaching alpha calculated value (2.711) which is not relegated to the statistically significant differences in probability table when the level of significance (0.05) and the degree of freedom (1), suggesting that people with learning difficulties, male´-or-female does not differ in the level of thinking at each other.

1. Children with learning enjoy a high level of thinking difficulties.
2. There are no statistically significant differences according to the level of the variable sex thinking.

In light of the findings of the current research was reached Mayati:
1_ --dir--ecting parents of children with learning disabilities to insist on the collection of scientific interest in them.
2_ cooperation between schools of people with learning disability and regular primary schools through a merger policy.
3_ open sections of the guidance psychological and educational guidance in primary schools for teachers of first grade.
4_ interest in research conducted at the primary school students, especially those dealing with the psychological and social situations.

1_ conduct a study on critical thinking among people with learning difficulties.
2_ conduct a study on the relationship between thinking and reflective thinking compound with learning disabilities
الجامعة الكلية الاسم ت
بغداد ابن الهيثم/كلية تربية ا.م.د احسان عليوي 1
بغداد ابن الهيثم/كلية تربية ا.م.د انور حسين 2
بابل كلية التربية ا.م.د حسين ربيع 3
بابل كلية تربية الاساسية ا.م.د حميدة عبدالحمزة 4
بغداد كلية التربية ا.م.د فاطمة عبدالامير 5
بابل كلية التربية ا.م .دفاهم الطريحي 6
بغداد كلية التربية ا.م.د ناجي محمود 7
بغداد كلية التربية ا.م.د نادية حسين 8
Extension (2)

The final image of the scale thinking among people with learning difficulties

University of Kufa
College of Education for Girls
Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences


My brother ..achta
Greetings ....
Intending researcher conducting scientific research for (measuring thinking among people with learning difficulties from the viewpoint of teachers of first grade) and for the purposes of research as part of the requirements of the current research, it has been collecting a number of statements relating to such an open questionnaire has been applied previously and analysis of data as a first step.
And we include as follows these terms, please if you could determine your position about the content of each one of these statements ticking (-;---;--) under a suitable alternative that expresses your view from among the following three alternatives (OK, not sure, but OK) note that the data of this research will is used only for scientific purposes purely so it does not need to mention your name.

MD Nadia Hassan beautiful Cevdet
Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences

ت الفقرات موافق غير متاكد غير موافق
1 يستطيع بطيء التعلم ان يتأمل بشكل معقول
2 يتميز ذوي صعوبات التعلم بعدم قدرته على اتخاذ القرار
3 لايتمكن من التمييز بين الافكار السليمة والخاطئة
4 يتميز نشاطه الذهني بالتأمل
5 يتميز بالقدرة على فحص العالم المحيط واختباره
6 ان بطيء التعلم قادر على صياغة إستنتاجات في مواقف معينة
7 لديه القدرة على استخدام عقله بدلا من عواطفه
8 ان ذوي صعوبات التعلم لديهم القدرة على التفكير الناقد
9 يتوصل بطيء التعلم إلى نتيجة ما إعتماداً على توفر مقدمتين منطقيتين
10 لايتمكن بطيء التعلم من صياغة التعميمات
11 يتمكن من توليد افكار جديدة من خبرات سابقة
12 لديه القدرة على تغيير الحالة الذهنية بتغير المواقف
13 يستطيع ذوي صعوبات التعلم التمييز والتفرد في الفكرة
14 لديه القدرة على استخدام مخزونه المعرفي
15 يمتلك سعة خيال
16 يتميز بطيء التعلم بعدم القدرة على تحمل الغموض
17 لديه الاستعداد لتحمل النقد
18 لايمتلك ذوي صعوبات التعلم الدافعية العالية
19 تزداد قدرته على التفكير الناقد بزيادة العمر
20 لايوجد أثر لمتغير الجنس في قدرته على التفكير
21 يمكن ان يعزى نمط التفكيرالى متغير المستوى الدراسي
22 يتميز بطيء التعلم بعدم الخوف من الفشل
23 يمتلك بطيء التعلم القدرة على المقارنة والتصنيف
24 يفتقد الى التفكير الحسي
25 لايمتلك بطيء التعلم القدرة على صياغة التعميمات
26 يستطيع فهم وجهات النظر بعقلية متفتحة
27 يسهم المناخ الصفي في تطوير التفكير لدى بطيء التعلم
28 تؤثر طبيعة التعلم والتربية الوالدية على تفكير ذوي صعوبات التعلم
29 تعزيز بطيء التعلم ايجابيا باستمرار
30 ينبغي تجنب التوبيخ والتقريع

List sources
Arab sources:
1.alamam, Mustafa Mahmoud and others (1995), Calendar and measurement, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the University of Baghdad.
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#نادية_جودت_حسن (هاشتاغ)      

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حوار مع الكاتب البحريني هشام عقيل حول الفكر الماركسي والتحديات التي يواجهها اليوم، اجرت الحوار: سوزان امين

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الصفحة الرئيسية - الفلسفة ,علم النفس , وعلم الاجتماع - نادية جودت حسن - علم النفس المرضي