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الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - إسماعيل محمود الفقعاوي - Some views and reflections on the terroristic crime against the Egyptian Army in Sinai.


Some views and reflections on the terroristic crime against the Egyptian Army in Sinai.

إسماعيل محمود الفقعاوي

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 3812 - 2012 / 8 / 7 - 01:09
المحور: مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

1. The Sadat and Mubarak regimes who initiated the humiliating treaty of Camp David which deprived Egypt from full supremacy over Sinai. Thus, the Egyptian central
Government in Cairo hasn t the right to equip its army with the needed weaponry from Gedi entrances to the borders with Israel. In addition, this treaty officially gave the Israelis the right to re-occupy Sinai through the American s electronic tentacles built in Sinai.

2. The people of Sinai are angry and rebellious against the Egyptian central government because these governments since the rule of Sadat till the out-sitting of Mubark never paid serious palns for real sicial and economic development of the people of Sinai. The Capitalists of internal Egypt and their foreign allies invested billions of money in building hotel and tourist resorts all along the coast from Ilat to Sharm AL SHeihk, without allowing the Sinaiees to work in. These capitalists confiscated fishing coasts from its owner trips and they drove the tribes into the desert hear of Sinai. Even, those capitalists extended their domination over the tourist place inside Sinai such as Saint Katrina Monastery. Finally, the different Egyptian governments never recognized the Sinai people as full citizens of Egypt, only gave them papers of identification.
The people of Sinai feel that they don’t belong to Egypt and they don’t pay it their loyalty. So many tribes in Sinai have the same tribal roots with the Palestinian tribes in Negev in Israel. When Israel had Occupied Sinai in 1967, there was a type of re-unification between the Bedouins of Sinai and their relatives In Israel. Many of Palestinian tribes in Negev affiliate to the Israeli Army and so many individuals of them are agents to Israeli Mosad and intelligence. The process of re-unification, the opportunities of working in Israel the occupation provided to the Sinaiees, and roles played by the Palestinian Israeli agents and those Sinai Bedouin calibrators whom the Israel occupation security officers managed to recruit, made the Sinai people bolster their Isolated from Egypt identity and highly value the Israeli occupation and state in comparison with Egypt in the Delta. The honest Sinai people who rejected the Israeli occupation were affected by the isolation identity, so they moved to the Islamist doctrines to give their new identity an ideological force to support their claims of detaching from Egypt and unite the Sinaiees around their vision. Furthermore, the people of Sinai from El Arish to Rafah (the Egyptian) are mixture from the Palestinians and the Egyptians. The two parts of the SInaiees we talked about above, during the Israeli occupation and after with its symbolic withdrawal, worked in Drug trafficking, weapon smuggling to the different Palestinian different Fidaeen groups including Hamas and Jehad, and lately with the white servitude from Russia and the old Eastern Block. At the same time, each of them constituted their Militias to protect their dirty trade and, if they were able, to detach Sinai from the mother Egypt and establish an Islamic Emirate, especially in the north of Sinai from Al Arish to Rafah the Egyptian in the North.

3. The Israeli party which is the most instigator of such attacks and events, and the most benefitted party of such terroristic crimes. First let’s admit, based on the so many well-documented historical facts, and as they did in Sinai, that Israel managed in so many instances to plant Israeli Musad and intelligence agents and collaborated individuals nearly in all the Palestinian political and fighters factions throughout the whole time of the Palestinian revolution existence from 1964 to present. I almost sure, that Israel, through its one or more collaborators in the Palestinian militia group that committed this terroristic crime against our Egyptian soldier brothers, convinced this Palestinian group whether it is Naser Salaheddin brigades, Jaljlat or any other group, with conducting this operation while the Egyptian Ramadan fasting soldiers were preparing themselves for the breaking. Even, these Israeli collaborators made this stupid and ignorant Palestinian group to endear this operation as a Jehad for Allah and Palestine. This idea, I am stating, is with no question or doubt supported by the Israeli Last Sunday 3rd August warning and alert to the Israelis not to go to Sinai and to those in Sinai to go home. How did Israel know about the operation unless it has collaborators in that group and even Israel itself is the one planed it and ordered it agents in that group to convince the leaders of that group to execute it?
Israel is terribly concerned exactly in this time of doing such vicious massacre and crime. Among other benefits, Israel is eager to levy the following by such an operation:
a. To compel the Egyptian government to agree to the Israeli proposal of adjusting the Camp David accord. It aims at making the Egyptian welcome it proposal of establishing a free zone of 10 kilometers in Sinai depth and by the borders between Gaza and Egypt. By achieving this goal, Israel will continue its firm occupation and blockade of Gaza and Hamas. It is also will prevent the honest Muslim Jehadists who believe in the liberation of Palestine, not the establishing of an Islamist Emirate, from crossing the Borders to fight the Israelis.
b. Despite the winning Ikhwan and Morsi pledges to the Americans and thus the Israelis to continue keeping and adhering to the Camp David accord against before winning to abolish it, Israel doesn’t believe those pledges. Despite any international assuring agreements with the Arabs in general and the Egyptian and the Palestinians in specific, Israel doubts the Arab’s intentions now and in the future. Even if the Palestinians, for instance ultimately surrender for the Israelis and signed for the Israelis to occupy the whole of the historical Palestine, Israel will continue its savage inhalation of the Palestinians. More, even if it managed to kick all the Palestinian live in Palestine to Jordan, for example, it will continue to pursue them to make sure that any political institution for the Palestinians that can threaten Israel in the far future will never be existed. Based on that, Israel is in great fear not only from the arrive of the Islamists to power in Egypt, but also from The military council itself after the uprising of 25th January in Egypt that because the military council itself will try to change its relations and compliance to the Americans and the Israelis to give the Egyptian people the impression that he is a nationalist one.
c. By such an outrageous operation, Israel manages to put hinders and obstacles in front Morsi’s promises of the internal reform during hundred days from his inauguration. The outrage among the Egyptian because of their mourn over the martyrs, in addition to illogical and unbelievable betrayals of the Ikhwan to the uprising and Morsi’s in understandable retreat from his pledges to the National committee of Hamdi and Wael Qandeel which stood by him against Shafeeq and Mubarak class, Morsi’s prime minister Hisham Qaneel, contrary to any sense, appointments of his government’s ministers and Morsi’s appointment of Al Genzory as his advisor, will bring great troubles to Morsi and the Ikhwan. All in all, this operation will add chaos to the already deteriorated reality in Egypt.
d. No doubt that Israel, under its feeling of its power supremacy and racism, is so angry and disappointed from the intimate relationships started to be built between the Hamas of Gaza and the Ikhwan in power in Egypt. Haneya of Gaza was met 10 days in Egypt as an Islamist hero of Mohamed the prophet companions. Easily, all his demands from Egypt promised to be fulfilled; the Qatari fuel transported to Gaza through the national crossing at the border of Egypt, not through Karm Abu Salem entrance which the Israelis control it and exact taxes for anything passes to Gaza through it. This operation would lead the Egyptian masses to pressure Morsi to stop provide Gaza with anything except through Karm Abu Salem where Israel will be able to watch weapon smuggling. This operation led the Egyptian military leadership with the presidency consent to destroy the tunnels which caused Israel a great headache. Israel tried many times to destroy these tunnels but failed.
e. Finally, Israel succeeds to support the Mobarak class’ illegally wealthy people and its media in shedding doubts on the Islamists in Egypt. It also succeeds to incite some of the Egyptian masses against the Palestinians. But this only for a short time because the Egyptian honest politicians, media and intellectuals not idiots to not soon and immediately discover the truth that Israel is the only side who perpetrated this crime.
4. The fourth party seriously bad affected of this operation is Hamas in Gaza. Before listing the loss Hamas perhaps lose, let me state Hamas’ later vision to the area of Sinai from Al Arish to the Egyptian Rafah. Mahmoud Al Zahar, the hook leader of Hamas in Gaza, nearly forty days ago declared, what is seen then as a reason for jokes and sarcasm, that the legislation Council in Gaza will soon be the capital of the Islamic caliphate. Haneya, the prime minister of Hamas in Gaza, declared the same day of their coup against the Palestinian Authority in 2007, a Police day and said to the police regiments and the audience that he sees them keeping security in Jerusalem and Heifa. Before that Al Zahar and Hamas nearly as a whole in Gaza reproached and rejected Meshal agreement with Abas, in Qatar, for the reconciliation with Abas the prime minister of the unity government. Al Zahar also stipulated the cancelation of the security coordination with Israel for applying re-unification. This stipulation is seen impossible by Abas and his clique in Ramallah. Few months ago the journalist Karam from the West Bank wrote that the Egyptian security forces in Sinai arrested a yacht in the water of the Mediterranean Sea opposite Rafah the Egyptian, full of 20 missiles bought from Libya to the Islamists of North Sinai. The arrested prisoners confessed that Hamas operatives involved in that cargo in buying and transporting it. Some news reports talked about some Hamas operatives train the Islamist in North Sinai. The last point in this context regarding Hamas vision is the rumor which says that Al Zahar or somebody from Hamas asked the Egyptian Ikhwan to sell or lease the part from Al Arish to Rafah to Hamas to have it as a strategic depth for its territory in Gaza.
I think that Hamas in Gaza heartedly adopt the opposition to any serious steps for the end of national schism. Hamas believes that Gaza is the first step toward the achievement of its Islamic Renascence Project which the Legislation Council will be its capital, not Jerusalem. This means, at the high levels of Hamas leadership in Gaza, that the Palestinian national unity is with little importance and priority in comparison with the Islamic caliphate which Gaza under Hamas rules will be one of its Emirates. If our speculations above have any credibility, then we have the right to conclude that Hamas leadership held the strategic probability of helping the Islamists in the North of Sinai to have this northern part of it established as an Other Islamic Emirate adjacent to Gaza. They might have thought that an Islamist Emirate alliance to Hamas in North Sinai would be a moral supportive to their one, they would help in establishing a see port on the coast from Al Arish to Rafah, and the Sinai Emirate would be a base for military purposes to liberate Palestine.
If Israel succeeds, through its 5th column and spies, to convince the Egyptian public and the military council that not she who committed the massacre but the Palestinian and the religious groups in specific, then I expect that Hamas will lose the following:
a. Hamas publicity in Gaza will be reduced to the lowest level. Because of the electricity and fuel crisis in Gaza, let alone of many other things, lost a lot of its publicity among the Gazans. Under the expected difficulties to befall on Gaza as a result of tunnel destruction, strict measures in the national entrance between Gaza and Egypt, and the anti-Hamas media campaign, Hamas will lose more and more.
b. Those opportunist people who are affiliated with Hamas now for making personal interests, it is expected to leave Hamas to protect themselves from the Egyptian Mukhabarat prevent them to enter Egypt through the National crossing.
c. The whole strategic dream of Hamas to materialize its Islamist Renascence Project will be collapsed for good.
d. Hamas will soon suffer poverty in its national or Hamas organization private budget which in return will lead the opportunist affiliate individual to depart Hamas. Hamas, then and after a while, will not be able to provide its police and civil service employees with their salaries. This also will disable Hamas to improve the social and economic life of the Gazans. Event, Hamas may resort to end and cut some jobs.
e. In such a gloomy scenario of Hamas weakness, it is not illogical to expect the people of Gaza to start to demonstrate in the streets for improving their deteriorating life and for the end of national schism and separation. In one word, riots in Gaza are expected to erupt and break out.
f. I expect that Hamas leadership in Gaza, in such imaginary, will be split into two main decisive streams, one supporting the national unity and the other support of using sever measures and force against the rebelled masses. Hamas in such a scenario wouldn’t be in a boozed and high spirit to have a wide range of choices.
In conclusion, I expect, surly, that the Israeli finger behind this terroristic crime will be revealed and uncovered soon, if not the people in Egypt and all over the world had already discovered it. Hamas before any other offices in Egypt is concerned of cooperating with Egypt in discovering the perpetrators and bringing them to justice. Here in Gaza Hamas, seriously and heartedly, will pay all its best efforts to erase the perpetrators and their organizations from the soil of Gaza. It may also incapacitate the other religious militant groups in Gaza. As a result of discovering the Israeli role in this operation, the relationship between Egypt and Israel will be worsened and maybe the U.S will interfere and mediate to protect this relationship from total breakdown including the cancelation of Camp David accord it the Israelis refuse the adjusting of it in accordance with the Egyptian’s conditions.
Ismail Mahmoud Al Faqawi
6 August 2012

#إسماعيل_محمود_الفقعاوي (هاشتاغ)      

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الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - إسماعيل محمود الفقعاوي - Some views and reflections on the terroristic crime against the Egyptian Army in Sinai.