  Modern Discussion

Modern Discussion  » Nature, pollution, environment protection

Articles and essays about nature, pollution, protection of the environment, and activity of movements and organizations fighting for a clean environment for humans.

Articles Nr in this Category - 36 -
Show From - 1 - To - 25
Title Name Date
1 Ecocriticism: A Brief Introduction Ilyass Chetouani  2023 / 4 / 19
2 Environmental Justice Ilyass Chetouani  2023 / 4 / 9
3 Silent Spring: The Death of Nature Ilyass Chetouani  2023 / 2 / 20
4 Ecofeminism: A Brief Introduction Ilyass Chetouani  2023 / 2 / 19
5 Sustainable development and environmental destruction Prof. Dr. Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry  2022 / 11 / 26
6 The Sacred Environment: Facts and Myths Ilyass Chetouani  2022 / 10 / 16
7 Population phenomena and transformations in Egyptian society Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry  2022 / 8 / 4
8 APPEL DE GABÈ-;-S POUR SAUVER LA MÉ-;-DITERRANNÉ-;-E ! Soufiene Bouzid  2022 / 4 / 17
10 Vitamins and Supplements Mousab Kassem Azzawi  2020 / 9 / 30
11 What is the virus? Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 8
12 Résumé de la conférence de lOrganisation Mondiale de la Santé Soufiene Bouzid  2020 / 4 / 8
13 Résumé de la conférence de lOrganisation Mondiale de la Santé Soufiene Bouzid  2020 / 4 / 8
14 Primary reproductive number RQ and herd immunity Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 4 / 6
15 WEB Based farm field Monitoring System using WSN Ňňsara Taher  2019 / 11 / 21
16 Joker and the Green Movement Osama Shawky E. Bayoumy  2019 / 10 / 7
17 About the suffering of the seven brown bears in Al Zawraa zoo in Baghdad Shatha Markus 2017 / 7 / 4
18 VIRGO WOMAN qusay tariq 2016 / 9 / 17
19 La gouvernance mondiale multi-acteurs et le cosmopolitisme Dr. Jamal Iddine AIT TAHAR 2016 / 2 / 15
20 The Iraqi center for Ecological Studies and Training Hadi Said 2015 / 10 / 18
21 The Iraqi center for Ecological Studies and Training Hadi Said 2015 / 10 / 18
22 Fate of the planet (The egg RAEEF AMEER ISMAEL 2015 / 5 / 3
23 Fate of the planet (The egg RAEEF AMEER ISMAEL 2015 / 5 / 3
24 Towards Clean Cooking Solutions in MENA Region: A Defend International Initiative DI Media Committee 2014 / 7 / 17
25 Lexploitation du gaz de schistes : quels sont les dangers? Hajar Elfatihi 2014 / 2 / 8

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