2015 / 5 / 3
Human mind has, due to the great scientific development, devised one of the most splendid stories regarding the genesis of the Universe and the life there in. This story relates that an explosion had taken place 15 billion years before-;- one of the nebulas had exploded and due to its density and intensive heat, its sub-atomic contents transformed into another shape within fragments of seconds. This transformation, however, was coupled with fragmentation and expansion in space in all -dir-ections-;- this expansion is still on the go and will continue indefinitely.
During this expansion and the decrease of both temperature and density, there happened some other transformation which resulted in the formation of the atomic matter and the galaxies including all the stars therein and all the planets and the dark holes and the like. And somewhere in this state which we call ( the Universe ) , there formed a galaxy which we call ( the Milky way ) and it is one of 100 billion galaxies so far estimated . At one of its boundaries, there shaped a medium-size star we call (the sun)-;- moreover, in the after-math of the first explosion, i-e after about 10 billion years ever since the blast known as (Big bang), the planet Earth shaped up. Then before 4 billion years, the account of the life on earth had taken shape as a result of the geological transformations as well as due to the prevalent circumstances at the time which had ensued out of the interaction of Carbon within itself and with other elements to form series and then nuclear acids capable of reduplication to form structures inherent with an inner tendency to keep on , resist , adapt , spread , be distinct , out-branching and discovery .Those who adopt the branch-out tendency keep on mentioning further details of which some other secondary tales materialize .These relate realms of animals ,vegetation , fungi and others and finally there appears the hero of the story , ( man) especially on the sideline of the animal kingdom ,needles to say , man is the possessor of the best brain ever produced in this kingdom , only to shoulder the burdens and cares of a live nation -;- then man began to think over , act , manufacture , invent ,discover , and boost up the earth to the level where we can see constructions . Man is only creature who aspires to transcend part boundaries out to the infinite boundaries of space. The details of this story and its other secondary accounts can be traced in books on physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences. Generally speaking, this account is the best fabrication so far, based on concrete reality and even the scientifically tangible one, on account of the succession of cause-and – effect premise. In fact, I have related this summarized account so as to get a question as well as suspicion that I have thought of for long, especially after the revolutions in genetics and physics, i.e. The sub-atomic branch of physics. The question, however, is where are we heading to? . The suspicion is what I call... The egg...Or the spread of consciousness.
Throughout all that has been mentioned, there appears necessary to explain that:-
1- The transformations, i.e. – the constant geological changes as well as those of the heat and density and expansion that took place in the Universe are to be followed by transformations on the earth and then on the biological level. 2-Living organisms seem as one community with diverse individuals having a tendency to survive-;- thus, they produce individuals (or types) which they replace by others in case they do not survive. 3- These communities have affected the surrounding natural circumstances by bringing into existence appropriate material entities .4-The community-members are bound to gather through means of communication, co-existence, integration and devour (the other programs) -;- within this , man begins to organize these relations in a better way in order to keep alive such creatures and produce some new species. 5-This community has formed of individuals with simple chemical compounds by comparison with the great complexities which came afterwards. These, however, came into existence as simple compounds of nucleic acid, then the first genes appeared, then successive programs followed. Now these have a colossal body of software (genes) which structure their individuals. Man, being the supreme mind owner, has been capable of organizing his discoveries into data which are organized into programs, which now we can see as computer-software. 6- The bio-mass developed from microscopic masses into a mass that may weigh up to trillions of tons, and the carbon continues to attract other elements to its structure which is diverse and gradually increasing. 7- The spread of consciousness: Despite the fact that consciousness began to gather pace with the existence of the first genes of creature in certain small places on the earth, yet nowadays, it has spread all over the earth and is still fast spreading. 8- The attempt to gather up energy (biggest mass within smallest size) in living organisms, especially in the DNA as well as in bases, reactors and nuclear accelerators. 9- The continual increase in the size of the conscious level as well as in the mentalities and the constant co-ordination amongst these aims at the organization of anew big mind for the community of organisms having aspirations to reach out of the earth. These nerve centers of the new mind embody in the formation of (human) governments and establishments up to the world organizations chaired by the United Nations which will be the major organizer of the level of mentalities. 10- The living software appears to have a response to the potential awareness contained in the matter. 11- With the advance of genetics and the capability of bringing it under control through modern high-tec devices -;-moreover, the advance of software ( in computation ) has brought up anew and speedy way for the production of new creatures -dir-ected in accordance with the aims intended , and to accomplish what the human body can not do . At the same time , there came about the potentiality to incorporate the new living organisms( creatures) into outer mechanical bodies (robots) …( the carbon draws the silicon nearer to it to be a catalyst in the performance -;- this , however, can be seen in the advanced smart electric discs) .12- Not all the individuals can feel´-or-know at the same level that it is part of a whole body having partial duties -;- this , however , is similar to the fact that the cells of a human body do not recognize that they are part of that body having specific duties . 13- The story started with the explosion,( Big Bang), and no story ever narrates the origin of existence. Not only is this true , but also the end , i-e , the end of the bio-life ,even on the near-future level as well as the scientific expectations which do not exceed hundreds of years , especially in the recent tens of years during which man has depended on the accurate scientific investigative verification . The transfer of the thought to the digitalization has resulted into the weakening of the characteristic of imagination.
However ,there are some similarities between the egg ( that laid by a hen for example ) and the globe , which enhance the scepticism to visualize one of the prospective scenarios for the completion of the previous evolutionary course .The emphasis ,therefore , is not to be laid on shape , but rather on the similarities of transformations that take place inside the egg and the earth so as to reach the following findings :-1- The conical shape of the globe and the egg is approximant . 2- The protection of the egg-shell is somewhat similar to the gaseous layer surrounding the globe. 3-The yolk and the albumen of the egg (as food and high energy) are similar to the core of the earth (high heat). 4- The heating and heat –distribution in the turning of an egg ( during incubation ) and the heat coming from the mother-hen ( the source ) is approximated to the pivotal revolution of the earth and the revolution of the earth ground the sun ( the mother and the source ) .the approximation of temperature needed for the fetus during incubation . 5- The fetus inside the egg represents the living nation on earth , and that the genes of the fetus ( its programme) exist as matter in the carbon layer on the crust of the earth -;- this , however , was caused to appear and accumulate by the variable natural conditions of the earth as well as by the revolution of the earth -;- These accumulated into genes which exist and spread in the community of living being -;- and the processes of composition and de-composition as well as the extinction and re-institution of new types are put stages to final composition of genes in the fetus which will eat away all the surface crust of the earth . Afterwards , it will change into a new creature with a huge mind and body , prepared to go forth making use of the high heat of the core of the earth as a propel le force for it .
The spread of consciousness:-
By taking a look at the volume of the Universe (with its billions of galaxies containing billions of suns around which revolve plants), and the connection between this and the conclusion, we come to the conclusion that life and its generative conditions can recur in some other locations in the Universe. Moreover, science indicates that there exist million planets in which there exist creatures as developed and advanced as we are, especially in the Milky-way Galaxy alone. There also is a possibility to transfer life (living creatures) from one place to another through the advancement of scientific techniques in addition to the belief that the bio-progression on earth has not been a collection of chance occurrences-;- rather a correspondence amongst codes of laws´-or-rules-;- and that the re-nascence of life inherent within the matter needs but re-organization so as to provide exit –channels. To this, we may add saying that the commencement of life is actually inherent in the movement existent in the photon and means of transition and others. Besides, the outer sense of life could arouse our amazement as to its creation out of infinitesimal molecules of the matter, and the manner of connection of consciousness with it, specifically with the carbon as it happened on earth-;- this will maximize our suspicion about the spread of consciousness all over the Universe, laden with waves, and living beings, and thus the first initiative to explore space is taken by the inhabitants of the earth.
The invasion of space by man could not have been made possible without the volume of brain ( being around 1400 gm ) , as well as the development of the physique in the shape known so as to allow man to manufacture end mimic the surroundings and to store the energy required to blast off and attain high velocity .
Let us suppose that the volume of our galaxy is that of an orange, and that the nearest galaxy to it lies within around half a kilometer, the invasion assumed will not exceed one millimeter. Therefore , the massive invasion of man with its depth and spread throughout the Universe requires man to live much longer , to extend into billions of years and even billions on billions of energy rate by comparison with the existing energy and immense development in the brain faculty´-or-all of these together in order for man to transcend the barriers .And as the small expanse over which living creatures including man spread stands in positive proportion to the size of brain and physique ( the length of genetic strip ) in general and that was of auto-potential capability to spread -;- and the size of brain should be proportionate to the size of the body . so the massive invasion requires a huge-size brain which is in proportion to a huge body in addition to the huge energy . This, however, is something we doubt to come about gradually in response to the afore-mentioned indications and the developmental progression of genes and the continual production of the new creatures to which man will contribute so as to give them great invasion is the end of the sun after billions of years and the de-orbiting of the moon as well as the great negative climatic changes that will affect the existence of living creatures.
All that will engender the living community to its strategy some sufficient time before that making use of the lofty sense of its individuals ( because its internal physical rules ) and will be distinct more as a whole , and change into a one big creature capable of leaving off the place by deflecting a way from its orbit around the sun -;- and this might aid in the understanding of the secrets of physics relevant to time and other dimensions -;- this creature , therefore , will cross over to anther dimension . The end of this scenario will not happen before the elapse of millions, if not billions of years. The inevitability of this progression, if it is fulfilled, does not mean that it will be compulsory, to the tiny details the individuals of the living community live being, but its one scenario presumed, and we think that the ever-thriving community can change the course, and it has an ample scope to operate with no conflict with the course of general rules.
When this scepticism is unreasonable at all, it resembles the physical thought that assumes that the total size of the globe will shrink into the size of a hen’s egg if the molecules get closer within and in the atoms to the extent that spatial distances disappear.
The importance of forwarding these scepticisms lies in the contribution to understand the future and the bottom line-causes behind the existence as well as to develop the fantasizing capability go as to get at the truth above all.
1- Our contemporary view of the Universe by Talib Nahi Al-Khafaji.
2- The phenomenon of man by Tay-yar Du shardan
3- Genesis on planet Earth by William Day
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