Hadi Said
2015 / 10 / 18
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Iraqi Green Peace
[email protected] w.hadigreenpeace.org
Mobil No.: 07901533217
Article : Reasons
On the 26th of APRIL 2003 THE (( Iraqi green peace volunteers humanitarian organization )) , was established . It is an ecological organization using the green sphere as an entrance to study the Iraqi environment , and monitoring its problems . Its comprehensive wide goal is to build democracy in Iraq , by proving the link between the natural laws of the physical environment and the concepts of democracy .
And the strategic goals of the organization , is to bring back the ancient forests which was existing in Iraq . By this the biomass will be improved , and also for economical development … For this the organization duty is to encourage scientists and specialists to join us for this .
But we are facing the following obstacles :-
1 – Lake of funding : The stone´-or-seed of funding was given by civil pillar , we used it to build the personality and repetition of the Iraqi G,O V.H .O. And also the amount of money which the president of this org . found himself obliged to give for maintaining the movement of the organization .
2 – Head Quarter : Civil Pillar let us to share their building . Then later and now we are in an apartment belong to the president of the org . as a center equipped with facilities .
3 – Security situation in Iraq : Increasing terrorist disasters in Iraq , effect very much all activities of our org. We lost our freedom to carry on our projects . About 90 % of our members were forced to keep away from the org. and also specialist who was ready to cooperate with us publicly .
4 – Cartoon and not real NGOs: such NGOs which have not any academic´-or-real specialized, allege to themselves the names of (( Green peace ))´-or-environmental ecological pretended . Keeping themselves far away from any real scientific grouping .
5 – International Greenpeace organizations : we established good cooperative relationship with them . We found that they posses a very strong supports, and their works in mostly political demonstration protesting .
6 – Donators as an obstacle . They want to support a short quick projects to prove their success to their financer . Like a short humanitarian assistant . And because they are very suspicious in dealing with NGOs . And they fall in the traps of those who gave a wrong idea about NGOs. Most of donators they took the projects of our organization .
Also we found that donators they do not like to deal with real well qualified NGOs.
7 – The Coalition Power A. and terrorism: we found the duty of C.P.A. and the destruction of the terrorism , do not help the work of green peace activities .
The slogan now is (( cut a tree and put a bomb))
8 – Loss of trust: our people inherited suspicious and loss of trust in the others, and the desire to take and not give , some of our members believing that the organization received money from donators , and they are asking to take their share.
9 – Destruction struggle : among all NGOs caused by un specialized and not educated NGOs.
10 – Loss of independent : because that NGOs have not a financial resources , and this is the weak point miss used deliberately to ruin the reputation and the free chaise of the NGOs , by letting them running after a smell of any donator
Note : It is the duty that a percentage of the government yearly budget should be cut to the NGOs.
Articles 2 : The right -dir-ection
In order that our organization can adjust itself with the above mentioned obstacles and overcome them, we evaluate the situation in Iraq and we could find alternatives as follow :
1. The ((Iraqi Green Peace Volunteers Humanitarian org. )) is a monitoring , detecting the ecological problems in Iraq , to study them and to suggest how to solve .
2. It is an org. for training and education. And for this the org. established :
a. The (Ecology and Life ) newspaper
b. The (Iraqi center for ecology and humanitarian studies and training)
Articles 3 : Definition and terms:
a. The (( Iraqi Center for Ecology and Humanitarian Studies and Training ))
b. It is a center of specialized and scientists carrying studies and researches , monitoring all phenomenon of pollution and destruction re sources in the Iraqi environment , in order to protect and improve it , and also to train different kinds of NGOs cadre .
Articles 4 : Group benefited :
1. Leaders and members of NGOs to be rehabilitated with knowledge and concepts, and also technically in which will enable them to lead the people whom they represent in the community .
2. Leaders and members of the municipal council
3. Employees that are working in government establishment , social , environment, health, sanitation, agriculture , wild life , hydrology, development and humanitarian concepts.
4. Leaders and members in women , child, family and youth NGOs and organization .
5. Teachers , pupils and students.
6. Old ages.
7. Handicapped NGOs and organization
8. Other NGOs and organization.
Articles 5:
A . system of the work : community organization cooperation and coordinating between and with , ministries international , humanitarian organization and community leadership .
B . Fields of training
1. Training rehabilitating and technical courses for NGOs.
2. Different training courses in the fields of environment
3. Training courses in the fields of agriculture and pediology.
4. Training courses in the field of zoology and w. life
5. Training courses in forestry and desertification
6. Training courses in climate and climate changes.
7. Training courses in environmental pollution.
8. Training courses in community based first aid.
9. Training courses in Permanente development.
10. Training courses in ecology , politics and law.
11. Training courses in woman and child rights
12. Training courses in old ages care.
13. Training courses in relief and consolidation.
14. Training courses in civil defense.
15. Training courses inhuman rights in Iraq.
16. Training courses in democracy , federation & election.
17. Training courses in computer and internet.
18. Training courses in municipal and rural services.
19. Training courses in any subject needed.
20 – Training courses in administration and community organization
C. Carrying on symposiums, workshops , lectures, and exhibitions.
D. To carry on different types of ecological trips.
E. Producing video C.D. about ecology
F. Introducing different types of publication and posters.
G. Carrying on a television debates.
H. Publishing and authoring books and researches.
Article 6 : Scientific working cadre :
A. Permanent working cadre:
No. Name Scientific Degree
1 Hadi Nassir Said Al - Baqir 1. Diploma in journalist -Cairo
2. D.P.H.S. (A.U.B.)
3. B.A. (B.U.)
4. E.S.M. P.G. Dresden U.
5. T.O.A. (W.H.O.)
6. T. C (UNDP)
7. Author 14 books
8. Senior expert
2 Dr. Salam Taha Al-Falahi
3 Abdul Razzak Al-Awadi 1. B.Sc. . (Bagh.U.) law
2. D.C.A. (Baghdad)
4 Dr. Prof. Jameel Moosa Thabab Ph.D. chemistry
Prof . Al-Mostansiriya Un.
5 Dr. Prof. Raffi Al-Kobaisi Ph.d. Athleete and sports
6 Ihsan Yahiya Al-Tahir
Agricu. Engineering 1. D.C.L. ( A.U.B.)
2. B.Sc. Agriculture engineering
7 Haider Ihsan Yahiya
Biologist B.Sc. in Biology and Becteriology lab . (Bagh.U.)
8 Abdul Kareen Mohamed Ali Al-Talib
1. B.Sc. (Bagh.U.) law
2. D.H.S.E. (cairo )
3. E.S.M. P.G. Dresden U.
9 Kassim Yahiya Allawi M.Sc. in P.H.E. (Elex.U.)
10 Ala Attiya Al- Zihairi B.Sc. in Arts (Bagh.U.)
11 Sanaa Hadi Nassir 1.B.Sc. electrical engineering
2. Diploma computer (B.U.)
12 Suha Al-Shekhli B.Sc Lit (Baghdad)
13 Marwan AL-Kaisi B.Sc. Arch. Engineerin
14 Marwan Ag Kaisi B.Sc .Arch . Engineering
15 Fallah Al- Azzawi
16 - Salah Al – Shakarchi
17 Abdul Ameer Al- Moosawi B.Sc. Engennring
B.A. Art T.V. -dir-ector
B- Visiting scientific cadre
The center will carry on a survey to detect all the scientific specialized qualified academic staff to cooperate with them.
Article 7:
The Technical equipment and administrative we need are :
1. Administrative needs:
a. Building
b. Furniture
c. Desks and cupboards
d. Chairs for trainees
2. Technical:
a. Blackboards
b. Screen
c. Data show
d. Complete computer set with -print-er
e. Over head
f. Copying machine
g. TV. with video
h. Video Camera
i. Photo camera
j. C.D. writer
k. Complete microphone set
l. Files , records and stationary
m. Electrical generator
n. Buss for transportation
o. Complete set for laboratory sampling for, water , sewage , soil , air , blood insects , bio . and food . For physical , chemical and bacteriological examination .
p. Complete set of microscopes.
Q - Epidiascope
R – A complete computer set
S - ….. etc .
Second : Things are available :
a. An apartment belong to the president of the ( I.G.P.V.H.O.)
b. Plastic chair 30
c. Blackboard 1
d. Desks 2
e. Meeting table 1
f. Wooden library 1
g. Library different kinds of books 200 book
h. Bass can be rentered.
This can help us to start training
Article 8:
a. Training course conditions:
1- Duration : 7 days for each
2- No. of each a month : 2 courses
A year : 22
3- No. of hours in each:
21 hours theoretically and applied
3 hours field work
b. Expenses for each :
1- 24 lectures for each
2- -dir-ector for course
3- Trainers 2 for each
4- Buss for one day
5- 30 File + 30 notebook + 30 pen + papersfor reports
6- 30 -print-ed certificate
7- Opening and ending for each (hospitality and transportation)
8- Press and propaganda
9- V.C.D. film
10- Miscellaneous
c. Attendant :
1. Each course attendants 30 trainees
2. Qualifications accordingly to what set by the center
3. Should be nominated by whom the trained is belong.
4. Each trainer should pay (5000)ID to hold some of the expensive and in case there will be a donator , the 5000 ID will not be taken.
5. After each course there will be an examination.
6. The a certificate will be given mentioned in it the subjects of the course with no. of hours.
7. In each course the following will be notify :
a. Ministry of planning and development cooperation.
b. Ministry of education
c. Ministry of NGOs
D – The NGOs assistant center
8. The center depends on voluntary desire .. And when there will be donators a policy of rewards will be applied .
Article 9 : Financial Recourses
1. The fees of the attendants.
2. Which the president of the ( I.G.P.V.H.O.) give as alone .
3. Ministry of planning, education , NGOs, assistant NGOs center .
4. The government should support.
5. Contacting donators
6. Stimulate to encourage forming an Iraqi donators.
Article 10:
All financial and the work of the center should be within the Iraq laws and regulation.
Article 11:
The acceptance and evaluation of the scientific work and level of the center:-.
The center will work to evaluate his program , curriculum and its scientific levels. And also to evaluate the
teaching cadre and the lecturers . And also the level of each course .And the level of the certificate.
This evaluation may be by the following:
1. Ministry of higher education
2. Baghdad and Al-Mostanseriya universities.
3. Ministry of education
4. By international organization and agencies , and institutions.
5. Ministry of culture .
Article 12: The Administration of the Center:
1. -dir-ector of the center: he has a high degree in ecology with a long experiences´-or-equivalent
2. The center has an administrative staff from the permanent teaching cadre no more than 20 whom they have no less than B.Sc.
3. The administrative staff will be elected each 2 years by the general assembly of the Iraqi Green Peace Volunteers Humanitarian organization
4. The administrative staff will elect the -dir-ector of the center
5. The center has an administration , legal and accountancy cadre , as usual.
Article 13: Ecology and life newspaper
1. The administrative staff and all the visiting scientific cadre of the center , in the mean time are the staff of publishing and administration of the newspaper.
2. A scientific board should be formed to the newspaper.
Article 14: Evaluation of the center work
1. The -dir-ector of the center should submit a report about the work of the center each six months . And he has the authority to submit an emergency report.
2. The administration staff must meet each month on the first Monday
Article 15
Both the Iraqi Greenpeace volunteers humanitarian organization with administrative staff of the center , will work together to improve and develop the center to a level of institute .
Article 16:
The center is one of the establishments of the Iraqi Greenpeace volunteers humanitarian organization . As far as the ((Ecology and Life newspaper)) .
Article 17:
The proposal required budget of the center will be attached to the donators and risponsible authoroties .
Article 18:
The administrative board are :
1. Hadi Nassir Said Al – Baqir
2. Dr.Salam Taha Al-Falahi
3. Abdul Razzak Al-Awadi
4. Dr. Prof. Jameel Moosa Thabab
5. Dr. Prof. Raffi Al-Kobaisi
6. Ihsan Yahiya Al-Tahir
7. Haider Ihsan Yahiya
8. Ala Attiya Al- Zihairi
9. Sanaa Hadi Nassir
10. Suha Al-Shekhli
11. Marwan AL-Kaisi
12. Falah Al-Azawi
13. Salah A-Shakarchi
14. Abdul Ameer Al - Moosawi
Article 19 The center has : aSecret Secretarial Committee from the donators and those who supports the center strongly finantially .And can take and reviewing discious
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