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The Common Culture between Egypt and Tunisia Hatem Elgoharey  2022 / 4 / 28 Studies and research in history and heritage 
An open popular cultural document on Egypt and Sudan Hatem Elgoharey  2021 / 9 / 28 Research topics and political essays 
Ethiopia and the Dam: Exploding the Contradiction between North and South of the Continent Hatem Elgoharey  2021 / 5 / 31 Research topics and political essays 
Ethiopia and Egypt: Between the policies of the European Question, and Beyond Hatem Elgoharey  2021 / 4 / 28 Research topics and political essays 
Egypt and Ethiopia: Who resists and who is affiliated with colonialism! Hatem Elgoharey  2021 / 4 / 19 Research topics and political essays 
Post European Question: Corona as Cultural Articulation for the Arab self Hatem Elgoharey  2021 / 2 / 20 Research topics and political essays 
From Facebook to Virtual Sociology Hatem Elgoharey  2019 / 11 / 19 Research topics and political essays 
Initiative of cultural mix exchange on the new Silk Road Hatem Elgoharey  2019 / 11 / 17 Literature and art 


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