Ethiopia and Egypt: Between the policies of the European Question, and Beyond

Hatem Elgoharey
2021 / 4 / 28

Ethiopia and Egypt: Between the policies of the European Question, and Beyond

From a wider point of view, some controversy is taking place in the world now, between the "European question" and its cultural syndromes and complexes, and the consequent policies of action and reaction. On the other hand, there are some attempts to emancipate from the "European question" and its syndromes, to its "post"
In the Ethiopian "Renaissance Dam" file, the complexity and difficulty of the file appears to be more related to the policies of the "European question" and its cultural syndromes. The hope of overcoming the difficulties and complexity of the file appears to be more linked to the "post-European question" policies.
Concerning the file s link with the syndromes of the "European question" on the Egyptian and Ethiopian sides. On the Ethiopian side, it can be said that the West and Zionism supported the project, obsessed with controlling Egypt as a center of gravity for the Arab self and its historical incubator, fueling the feeling of persecution among the Ethiopians as if Egypt is an extension of the European / white racist man.
On the Egyptian side, Donald Trump was pressuring Egypt to accept the "deal of the century", which triumphs for Zionism, considering "Israel" as one of the most prominent syndromes of the "European question" to which it was associated, and Trump was pushing Egypt either to strike the dam under its political cover,´-or-to subjugate Ethiopia at The end with an agreement, that keeps the contradictions between the two countries under his control as well.
In fact, overcoming the "European question" and the policies of the cultural syndromes associated with it, falls on the shoulders of Ethiopia mainly, because it is the party that has the initiative in the matter, and can build cooperation and paths with the Egyptian side instead of clashing and antagonizing it, thus pushing Egypt now to adopt confrontational policies in defense for itself.
The relationship of the two parties to the "European question" and its overall cultural syndromes can be summarized as follows: Egypt is linked to a "post-independence state" from the European occupation of the last century, and the centrality of the idea: liberation and independence that continues until now, as a reaction to the presence of Zionism, which representing the "European question" and its contradictions in the Arab region.
Ethiopia, its relationship with the "European question" is also linked to the "post-colonial" period, and the contradictions and policies left by the colonialist on the continent, to be always in a state of an Identity and political conflict, through a confused political borders not expressing the natural reality of the population, and by constantly creating contradictions between Diverse parties.
But how can the two sides transcend the historical contexts of the "European question" while they are still in the same circle? And under the pressure of the same factors! How to overcome the contradictions planted by the "European Question" and its side effects on the African continent and the Arab region?
I think that this must be through the slogan: liberation and the "human ethical commonality", away from the material representations of the "European question", and the inevitability of the conflict between capitalism and Marxism, which are a two sides of a same coin, that is European materialism itself, with the emergence of a joint cooperation projects globally and on the black continent, away from the polarizations and representations of the "European question" and its liberal´-or-Marxist concepts.
The Arab self has presented a potential project to overcome the "European question" with its new revolutions, with slogans that go beyond the right and the left and the syndromes of the "European question", including political religion parties. Also some African countries have taken some steps towards overcoming them as well, but they have not yet formed a realistic model of awareness considering the importance of overcoming these "European question" syndromes, and the awareness of overcoming their contradictions and policies that always create conflict.
However, until that awareness develops to transcend the "European question" and its syndromes, reference must be made to some related Ethiopian stances, which require a quick review.
It projects its position on European colonialism to Egypt, and considers Egypt an extension of the white colonizer, and sees in the "slave and master" dialectic a solution, through the domination and exercise of the same oppression towards Egypt, and impersonating the role of the old colonialist towards the Egyptians as an alternative to the old mentality of the "slave".
With reference to a historical and current crisis in the Ethiopian mentality towards Egypt and the Arabs.. historically, Ethiopia feels the superiority of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and its connection to the Nile River despite its origin from the Ethiopian land, and in the present time there is another crisis, which is the spread of some Ethiopian women working as domestic workers in Arab countries, and what results from these different and conflicting feelings, that may feed the "slave and master" syndrome, which saturated the political mentality of the ruling elite related to the "European question" and its syndromes in Addis Ababa.
On a third side, Ethiopia is linked to the Zionist project and the State of Israel, which is almost the only existing racial colonial representation of the "European question" and its expansion in the nineteenth century, after the disintegration of the apartheid regime in South Africa, and using Ethiopia by "Israel" and the West as a submissive tool to dominate and control Egypt, by nurturing a sense of its ethnic inferiority, exploding various contradictions, turning things around and presenting Egypt in the image of the colonizer and the enemy.
From a fourth side, Ethiopia is trying to link its attempt to control the share of the Egyptians in the water and the conflict with Cairo, as an extension of the contradictions of the "European question" in America, with the killing of "George Floyd" and the escalation role of the "Black Lives Matter" movement, to play on the contradictions of Western/ European sentiments, as if the rebellion of Ethiopia in the face of historical Egypt, is a victory for the "Black Lives Matter" movement!
It is worth noting that the same tactics were used by Zionism to promote its racist and terrorist occupation of Palestine, when it exploited the contradictions of the "European question" of racism, with Hitler against European Jews in World War II, to present the occupation of Palestine through the force of arms and the "slave and master" dialectic, as a reaction to Hitler s persecution of them, so they carried out a racist act in response to another racist act, and they used weapons, terror and persecution, in response to the use of weapons, terror and persecution against them!
The hope remains that the world will surpass the era of the "European question" with the least possible losses, and overcome the contradictions it produced with a greater will to build, and overcome the syndromes of European extremism and racism towards the multiple "other".
The politics of the "post-European question" remains a dream and a new "human ethical commonality" that goes beyond the extremism and racism of European materialism, and its multiple justifications, whether in Liberalism´-or-Marxism.

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