Post European Question: Corona as Cultural Articulation for the Arab self

Hatem Elgoharey
2021 / 2 / 20

Post European Question: Corona as Cultural Articulation for the Arab self

In the latest issue of the Arab Journal of Culture, which affiliated to the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, my study has been published under the title of:
Post European Question: Corona as Cultural Articulation for the Arab self
The study deals with the general cultural impact of the Corona pandemic on the Arab self, it considers the pandemic in terms of the circumstances it carried and the political events that accompanied it, as a culmination of events that were taking place in the region and the world in the short term (ten years during the second decade of the new century), and in a long term (the rise of European culture as a prevailing pattern in the last two hundred years).
Under the title: "Post the European Question: Corona as Cultural articulation for the Arab self", considering that the historical circumstance that coincided with Corona is an appropriate and qualifying moment for the emergence of a new "cultural pattern" and a new "cultural articulation".
And transcending the cultural pattern of the "European Question" with its ancient cultural articulation, complexities and syndromes that haunted the world for a long time, and exhausted all that it can give to humanity with its contradictions, which have exploded strongly and have reached their climax in keeping with the Corona pandemic.
And the emergence of the -dir-ect cultural hegemony of the political provisions of the "deal of the century" with US President Donald Trump in what was known as "Abrahamic" and the normalization agreements with "Israel", with its religious roots that are biased towards Zionism and is considered a liquidation of the Palestinian cause.
But the study raises a perception on the other hand, that the circumstances and contexts that accompanied the pandemic and coincided with it, can represent a renaissance and restoration of the Arab self and act as a "cultural articulation" for it in preparation for a process of self-modernization and building an effective "civilization accumulation". With reference to the Chinese role during the pandemic as a "civilization accumulation" rising next to the Arab role as a potential "cultural articulation".

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