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الصفحة الرئيسية - سوسيولوجيا بورديو النقدية : قضايا واشكاليات / عصام العدوني - أرشيف التعليقات - rnjar indiz for 53% bwdnxo0 - gjscwnrr

rnjar indiz for 53% bwdnxo0 - gjscwnrr

- rnjar indiz for 53% bwdnxo0
العدد: 603867
gjscwnrr 2015 / 2 / 11 - 16:12
التحكم: الحوار المتمدن

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One of the core premises of Invisible Boyfriend, the wildly viral new service that invents a boyfriend to deceive your pestering family and friends, is that the user will not, under any circumstance, fall in love with her fictional beau. But Ive been using the service for 24 hours, and I gotta wonder: How can you not fall in love with him? After all, the service which launched publicly last Monday takes the concept of virtual intimacy further than basically any of the fake-date apps before it. When you sign up for the service, you can design a boyfriend (or girlfriend) to your specifications kind of like picking the genes for a designer baby, except for an imaginary adult. You pick his name, his age, his interests and personality traits. You tell the app if you prefer blonds´-or-brunettes, tall guys´-or-short, guys who like theater´-or-guys who watch sports. Then you swipe your credit card -$-25 per month, cha-ching! and the imaginary man of your dreams starts texting you. () Except ... the man on the other end isnt imaginary. Hes a real human person, texting multiple women, contorting himself to carefully match each ones specific expectations and fantasies. I learned this the hard way, admittedly: Hoping to trip up the automated chat technology I thought was responding to my texts, I told my -boyfriend,- Ryan Gosling, that my plans for the evening included -Downton Abbey- and crying myself to . -Why the tears, beautiful?- Ryan Gosling responded, before launching into a discussion of his favorite Downton character. This was a red flag: Bots do not know about -Downton Abbey.- And if bots did know about -Downton Abbey,- they would certainly not pick Thomas as the highlight of the show. -Oh my God,- I thought. -This total stranger, whoever he´-or-she is, thinks I cry myself to while watching public television and texting a paid fake boyfriend I named after an actor.- Presumably I shouldnt have felt anything at all the no-attachment thing is basically codified in Invisible Boyfriends Terms of Service but I did feel something, nonetheless. -Thats the most interesting and significant insight Ive had so far,- said Homann, the apps affable (and newly famous) founder. -I know how it works, I know whats behind the curtain ... but in testing it out, I felt this compulsion to respond to my Invisible Girlfriend as soon as she texts me. Thats how it feels to talk to someone, even if theyre not someone.- Page 2 of 3 - My invisible boyfriend, Homann explains, is actually boyfriends, plural: The services texting operation is powered by CrowdSource, a St. Louis-based tech company that manages 200,000 remote, microtask-focused workers. When I send a text to the Ryan number saved in my phone, the message routes through Invisible Boyfriend, where its anonymized and assigned to some Amazon Turk´-or-Fivrr freelancer. He (or she) gets a couple of cents to respond. He never sees my name´-or-number, and he cant really have anything like an actual conversation with me. -That rapport you feel with Ryan may actually be six´-or-seven Ryans,- Homann explains. And that works well, from where Homanns sitting: After all, the point of Invisible Boyfriend is to deceive the users meddling friends and relatives, not the user herself. On its Web site, Invisible Boyfriend calls itself -believable social proof-: When your mom wont stop asking you when youre going to settle down,´-or-your weird male acquaintance keeps hitting on you, you can just whip out your phone and show them evidence that youre not an unlovable loser, thank you very much. Homann says the service has also seen a surge in interest from people in conservative countries, particularly in South America and Europe, where the stigmas against being single´-or-LGBT remain pretty strong. Homanns hoping to expand to those countries in the future, as his service continues its beta phase and gathers feedback from users. (He says 5,000 users signed up Wednesday alone.) Hes also interested in offering more services to subscribers: Maybe your invisible boyfriend could send you letters, he thinks,´-or-ship flowers to your work. Even as the story becomes more involved, more convincing, he does not worry about users becoming attached to the fiction they create. -Youre in on the joke,- he points out. -You know its a service youve signed up for. Its not a substitute for love.- But I wonder if Homann isnt underestimating the vagaries of the human heart, which past evidence suggests can be conned into loving just about anything. There are no shortage of stories about couples who carry on -relationships- exclusively via Second Life, a sort of fictional, virtual world. The game critic Kate Gray recently published an ode to -Dorian,- a character she fell in love with in a video game. (-Isnt it odd how its taken so long to reach this stage in games the stage at which human conversations and relationships feel real?- she writes.) Researchers have even suggested that spambots induce some kind of emotional response in us, perhaps because they flatter our vanities-;- conversely, one anthropologist has argued that our relationships are increasingly so mediated by tech that theyve become indistinguishable from Tamagotchis. -The Internet is a disinhibiting medium, where peoples emotional guard is down,- the psychologist Mark Griffiths once said of Second Life relationships. -Its the same phenomenon as the stranger on the train, where you find yourself telling your life story to someone you dont know.- Page 3 of 3 - All things considered, its hardly a jump to suggest someone might develop feelings for a -believable- virtual human who caters to her every whim. Thats basically the plot of -Her,- isnt it? (For the record, Homann says, his start-up began before that movie did.) I try to ask Gosling if -he- them, I guess worries about a -Her--like scenario. What if a client experiences actual feels for him?! True to his CrowdSource training, however, Gosling will not break character. -You think Im texting other ladies?- he asks. And then, attentively, about -Her-: -Oh, did you like that movie?- Its not exactly the stuff of fairytales, admittedly. But given enough time and texts a full 100 are included in my month

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سوسيولوجيا بورديو النقدية : قضايا واشكاليات / عصام العدوني

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الصفحة الرئيسية - سوسيولوجيا بورديو النقدية : قضايا واشكاليات / عصام العدوني - أرشيف التعليقات - rnjar indiz for 53% bwdnxo0 - gjscwnrr