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إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - حيَّ على الأكباش ! / محمد اللوزي - أرشيف التعليقات - Mayo is the perfect household fix for treating dandruff - aimeealan

Mayo is the perfect household fix for treating dandruff - aimeealan

- Mayo is the perfect household fix for treating dandruff
العدد: 441261
aimeealan 2013 / 1 / 4 - 09:34
التحكم: الحوار المتمدن

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Chandeliers several years ago were functional as lighting apparatuses. They were accustomed to light churches, abbeys, and big halls. But nowadays, theyre more of a decoration or perhaps a household ornament of even the most simple of homes. Lighting is there to supplement its general beauty.
For some freakish accident your chandelier got damaged. Should you still would like it to go back to its original state, you will have to have it repaired. Well they are able to give a bit of sparkle and elegance to any room. You can purchase chandeliers from the myriad of places, there are all types of chandeliers from which to choose: crystal, wrought iron, alabaster, etc.
Then you would also need your artillery of cleaning materials. If you plan on doing the work during the night, youll need another source of light since you wont be able to use the lights on your chandelier. You will also require a cleaning solution, sprayer, dry cloths along with a ladder. Your cleaning solution must have a neutral pH. Any acidic or basic solution may react to the types of materials used on your chandelier.
In case your piece is much like the crystal chandelier, you might want to remove all of them and wash them on a basin full of cleaning solution. Many people would state that you may also use bleach along with other detergent to clean them but there are wrong. These solutions can certainly wear out the crystals.
As this is the situation with chandeliers, it might be perfect to say that it will need constant maintenance and care for it to retain its original beauty and luster.
Hanging on top of the ceiling, a chandelier doesnt need cleaning attention everyday. But it would be good to check it every now and then. Dust may accumulate with time and small cobwebs may also be present. You will have to turn on its lights so you would be able to see its status properly. Whether it needs cleaning, then set each day when you are able spend all of your time cleaning it.
Dust, cobwebs and other foreign materials may linger around your chandelier and its time for you to fix it up. To begin with, you will have to a lot half of your entire day or even a whole day to clean up. Well of course if you dont possess the time but have the money, you could ask the aid of professionals.
Before starting, it is of utmost importance that you simply switch off the lights and put an indication around the switch to not switch it on. To your safety and protection - you need to clean the chandelier, not kill yourself. Next is to place your dry cloth on the floor just beneath your chandelier. If you notice any cobwebs or other foreign objects, take them off. Now that that is done, bring your sprayer with the cleaning solution and spray away. Just let it drip around the dry cloth on the floor. This method of cleaning is called the dripping method.


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حيَّ على الأكباش ! / محمد اللوزي

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الصفحة الرئيسية - حيَّ على الأكباش ! / محمد اللوزي - أرشيف التعليقات - Mayo is the perfect household fix for treating dandruff - aimeealan