أخبار عامة - وكالة أنباء المرأة - اخبار الأدب والفن - وكالة أنباء اليسار - وكالة أنباء العلمانية - وكالة أنباء العمال - وكالة أنباء حقوق الإنسان - اخبار الرياضة - اخبار الاقتصاد - اخبار الطب والعلوم
إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - عندليب الامبريالية الأسمر : وداعا حقوق الإنسان / حميد كشكولي - أرشيف التعليقات - Obama’s disguised, albeit more malign, rhetoric - Talal Alrubaie

Obama’s disguised, albeit more malign, rhetoric - Talal Alrubaie

- Obama’s disguised, albeit more malign, rhetoric
العدد: 25119
Talal Alrubaie 2009 / 5 / 29 - 21:39
التحكم: الحوار المتمدن

With the election of Obama as the president, the US is hoping it will make capitalism appear more palatable and likeable in the eyes of others. It tries to tell us that it could be kind-hearted and that its system enables the underdogs to climb up the hierarchical ladder and reach even the position of the president. Obama is the honey added to sweeten the poisoned food. His stance on the prohibition of the publication and distribution of the abuse of human rights in Iraq is just a drastic example. His polices are as dangerous as those of Bush’s, or even more, because his agenda and policies are heavily masked by rhetoric that necessitates reading the (invisibly) small prints, scholarship and a healthy dose of skepticism. The belief in him is greatelly due to feelings of desperation and to reality distortive wishful thinking.
The capitalist system is not that fool to elect someone as the president who is not the smartest and most competent one to serve capitalism, and the issue of the color of his skin becomes totally insignificant, or turned even into an advantage and used as a m

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عندليب الامبريالية الأسمر : وداعا حقوق الإنسان / حميد كشكولي

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الصفحة الرئيسية - عندليب الامبريالية الأسمر : وداعا حقوق الإنسان / حميد كشكولي - أرشيف التعليقات - Obama’s disguised, albeit more malign, rhetoric - Talal Alrubaie