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إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - الثورات والانتفاضات الجماهيرية - رولا حسينات - Children of Gaza are dolls, and perhaps its inhabitants are legends


Children of Gaza are dolls, and perhaps its inhabitants are legends

رولا حسينات
(Rula Hessinat)

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 7832 - 2023 / 12 / 21 - 14:24
المحور: الثورات والانتفاضات الجماهيرية

This is the first time I talk about the suffering of the Gaza Strip during the Israeli assault on it for more than two months. I remember your question my friend Esther when we met through the Times Meeting: How are you doing during the war? Our answer was brief about our situation...but we did not talk about the suffering of our neighbors in Gaza Strip.
When we were young during our educational stages, we studied history, the modern history of Europe, the liberation movements, successive revolutions, and religious wars that collectively shaped Europe in this way... And I will not hide from you, I fully realized that you have not accused anyone throughout those centuries of being a terrorist, a murderer,´-or-an aggressor, but rather on the contrary, you, like many, bless those revolutions that led to the formation of Netherlands... I must write a little about the history of Netherlands so that we can remember that history of struggle.

It is the history of sailors who struggled on deltas and it is not a few in the North Sea in northwest Europe. The archives of history begin with four centuries that constitute the region of the military border area of the Romanian Empire. This came under the influence of the alliance of the Germanic peoples to the West. When the new power began and the Middle Ages began, the three dominant Germanic peoples in the region united: the Frisians in the north, the Low Saxons in the northeast, and the Franks in the south In addition to the religious war, which led to the separation of the Netherlands as a Catholic country. The truth that we tell in the stories of heroes is that there are those who sacrificed their lives in order for us to live freely, and we cannot in any way exclude any them. This scene also applies to those small organizations that are scattered here and there in their searching for freedom... As well as we cannot ignore the fact that Palestine is a country was occupied by Israel... And throughout historical times, there have been liberation movements to gain independence? Can anyone ignore this fact?
But the truth that others want is that Israel is a state in its own right and that these small organizations are terrorist organizations in their entirety, and it is not possible to accept otherwise. This is something that cannot be accepted in any way.
Perhaps I am not here to discuss the origins of the Palestinian issue, but they are the constants that cannot be denied in any way.
Do you know, my friend, that more than 4,000 prisoners are sitting in Israeli prisons, subjected to various forms of torture and humiliation without any form of humanity? More than a half of them are women and children.

Do you think they are criminals? What could criminalize childhood, in your opinion? Stealing a piece of candy´-or-stealing a loaf of bread? Neither this nor that. They were here playing under the shade of the guns, with a sky of bullets above them and the blind eye of the gun... Among them were those whose mother did not hug him when he woke up in the occupation prisons. Among them were those who had not returned from school to this day. Among them were those who entered prison when he was six´-or-seven years old. He was sentenced to twenty´-or-thirty years, and some of them were sentenced to two hundred years... What is the classification of crime in international law, in your opinion, my friend? Whoever holds the stone and whoever holds the gun, both receive the same penal sentence and receive the same punishment... What irony is this? but it s true.

I remember your question when we were in a research seminar about which projects would be considered important to be a successful option in Bangladesh... We were between two options: water and providing sexual care for women... The team chose the second option. You asked me with astonishment why you did not choose water: Isn’t it an important issue? The answer did not come to me at the time, but I know that Bangladesh is a country that suffers from floods that destroy its infrastructure and kill a large percentage of the population every year. If the issue is water, then it is in a way that eliminates the disasters of the floods. This was the case when we presented our options to rescue victims of earthquakes, as happened in Turkey and Morocco, when houses collapsed on their residents and no one was able to save those who were under the rubble... despite the presence of bulldozers, machinery, civil defense personnel, and aid provided from around the world...

But the residents of Gaza did not have an earthquake to demolish the homes on their inhabitants, and there was no earthquake to divide the land beneath them, and there were no bulldozers, vehicles, civil defense personnel,´-or-aid from around the world... they were alone, completely alone, in the face of tyranny and madness to eliminate those who stood against the occupation. My friend, you did not know the names of many of those who were killed by the Israeli military war machine and internationally banned weapons.
Do you know that the mothers of Gaza asked their children to write their names on their arms so that someone would recognize them when they found their bodies, but the irony, my friend, is that they did not find their bodies?! Their bodies were scattered pieces that no one found and no one knew...
Do you know that many people died without treatment in hospitals, and many of them even died after the Israeli army took over the hospitals?

Do you know when they were buried, weeks later, many of them were eaten by stray dogs...and many of them were buried. The Israeli army dug up the mass pit in which they were buried in order to steal their organs.
My friend, I cannot imagine my children going to ---sleep--- hungry...or without me providing them with water, clothing, warmth,´-or-even safety.
But the children of Gaza did not have any of this, and neither did their mothers, nor their fathers, nor any of the residents of Gaza... If there was not death by military machinery, there was death from hunger, thirst, and disease... Do you know, my friend, that a lot of Pregnant women had their stomachs ripped out...and many men were taken prisoner and subjected to various types of torture and their clothes were stripped from them in the most horrific forms of humanity that did not exist in the first place...Do you know, Esther, that I tried to write a story about Gaza Strip, but I was unable to describe the crime that occurred? It is practiced by Israel, with coverage from the world and Arab approval, unfortunately, and the name is salvation from terrorism. What kind of terrorism are these people talking about? Can the defender of his land and the demander of freedom be described as a criminal´-or-a terrorist?
Perhaps, my friend, children of Gaza are dolls, and perhaps its inhabitants are legends.

#رولا_حسينات (هاشتاغ)       Rula_Hessinat#          

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الصفحة الرئيسية - الثورات والانتفاضات الجماهيرية - رولا حسينات - Children of Gaza are dolls, and perhaps its inhabitants are legends