محمد عبد الكريم يوسف
مدرب ومترجم وباحث
(Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef)
الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 7226 - 2022 / 4 / 22 - 11:42
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية
بقلم محمد عبد الكريم يوسف
الصحافة الاستقصائية لون دراماتيكي من ألوان الإعلام الذي ينشد الكشف عن الحقائق وتسليط الضوء على الانحرافات المعيارية وأوجه الفساد الذي يعرفه المجتمع، وهي بهذا المسعى تكرس الدور “التحرري” لوسائل الإعلام، وهو المعطى المفاهيمي الذي يترجم ثنائية فلسفة حرية التعبير (نظرة فردية) ومواجهة السلطة (نظرة عامة).
لقد أضحت الصحافة الاستقصائية اليوم مهنة لها أعرافها وقواعدها، حتى أن أغلب الصحف الغربية خصصت لها أقسامًا ومحررين متميزين قادرين على البحث والتحري والكشف عن قضايا معينة تحدث في المجتمع، خاصة جوانب الانحراف والفساد، ونتيجة لذلك سمي هؤلاء المحررون بـ “المنقبين عن الفساد”.
تستخدم الصحافة الاستقصائية حوالي ١٠٠ أداة في التحري والتحليل والكشف عن القضايا المثيرة في المجتمع يمكن ان نذكر منها :
Google Docs, write and think together: https://docs.google.com
Workflowy, ever expanding notes, easy to share: https://workflowy.com/
X-Mind, powerful desktop mind mapping tool: http://www.xmind.net
Groupmap, real-time online collaborative
brainstorming and decision making: https://www.groupmap.com/
Mindly, mind mapping on the go: http://www.mindlyapp.com/
Realtime Board, make a story canvas: https://realtimeboard.com/
Go Moodboard, simple online moodboards: http://www.gomoodboard.com/
Monitor a story
Feedly, powerfull feedreader: https://feedly.com/
Nuzzel, news shared by friend & connections: http://nuzzel.com/
Google Alerts, alerts based on search term: https://www.google.com/alerts
Mention, real time alerts based on keywords: https://en.mention.com/
Tweetdeck, indispensable tool to monitor twitter: https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/
Hootsuite, monitor Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube,…: https://hootsuite.com
Facebook Signal: surface relevant trends, photos, videos and posts from Facebook and Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/get-started/signal
Storyful Multisearch, quickly query keywords across Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram and Spokeo: http://bit.ly/201go0Q
IFTTT, automate actions between apps, set alerts & track stories: https://ifttt.com
Versionista, track changes in web pages: https://versionista.com/
Wikiwash, monitor real-time changes on wikipedia http://wikiwash.metronews.ca/
People Trail
Social Me, discover someone’s social media presence: http://www.360social.me/
Rapportive, shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox: https://rapportive.com/
Graph.tips, experimental Facebook Graph Search Engine by
Henk van Ess
: http://graph.tips/
Mentionmap, map twitter users and hashtags: http://mentionmapp.com/
Followerwonk, deep twitter search, compare users: https://followerwonk.com/
Myne, mobile app for advanced twitter search: http://www.saviapps.com/myne/
Bio is Changed, get notified when a twitter bio changes: http://bioischanged.com/
Bond, schedule calls with your sources: http://bit.ly/1uSKIsx
Crystal, personality profiling with one-click as you browse LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. https://www.crystalknows.com/
Little Sis, a free database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government: https://littlesis.org/
Paper Trail
Document Cloud, analyze and annotate documents: http://www.documentcloud.org/home
Overview, analyze and visualize documents: https://www.overviewdocs.com/
Open Coporates, the largest open database of companies in the world: https://opencorporates.com/
Open Spending, explore, visualize and track government spending: https://openspending.org/
Banjo Discovery, discover & organizing social media content by time and location: http://ban.jo/discovery
Geofeedia, monitor social media based on location: http://geofeedia.com/
Echosec, free location based social media search: https://www.echosec.net/
Yomapic, location search for Instagram and social network VKontakte http://www.yomapic.com/
LIFTTT, IFTTT with location triggers: http://www.visualcandyapps.com/lifttt/
Newspaper Map, find and translate online newspapers: http://newspapermap.com/
Flight Aware, Live Tracking Maps, Flight Status, and Airport Delays for airline flights: https://flightaware.com/
Marine Traffic, Discover information and vessel positions for vessels around the world: http://www.marinetraffic.com/
First Draft visual verification guide for photos, http://firstdraftnews.com/downloads/firstdraft-vvg-photo-ALL.png
First Draft visual verification guide video, http://firstdraftnews.com/downloads/firstdraft-vvg-video-ALL.png
TinEye, reverse image search: https://www.tineye.com/
Veracity App, reverse verification app: http://apple.co/2h0YLNw
YouTube Dataviewer, a simple tool to extract hidden data from videos: http://bit.ly/1wHdJPX
Checkdesk, open source fact checking application: http://bit.ly/2i9H3fS
Bellingcat beginners’s guide to geolocation video’s: http://bit.ly/2hbFHkx
Collect Data
Import.io, easiest way to scrape data from the internet: https://import.io/
Webscraper, free Chrome extension for scraping: http://webscraper.io/
Crowdata, crowdsource document investigations: http://crowdata.readthedocs.org/
Kobotoolbox, reliable free field surveys: http://www.kobotoolbox.org/
Poll, easy online polls: http://poll.lab.io/
EU-Data Tools, Set of free tools for analysing data about the EU: http://www.politico.eu/article/7-tools-on-eu-governance-brussels-lobbying-governance-open-data/
Open Refine, clean your data: http://openrefine.org/
Tabula, turn PDF reports into Excel spreadsheets, CSVs, and JSON files for use in analysis and database application: http://tabula.technology/
Structure your story
Detective.io, online investigative platform: https://www.detective.io/
Casefile, map complex investigations: http://bit.ly/15HLRyH
VIS, visualize investigations: http://vis.occrp.org/
Zotero: information management tool: https://www.zotero.org/
Drp.io, file hosting without a password: http://drp.io/
Toggle, keep track of your time: https://www.toggl.com/
Camscanner, turn your phone into a scanner: https://www.camscanner.com/
Cloud-convert-, -convert- anything to anything: https://cloud-convert-.org/
Small Pdf, tools for pdf’s: http://smallpdf.com/
Easy Annote, annote pdf’s: http://www.easy-annotate.com/
Google Translate App & Extension, use your camera to translate text instantly in 26 languages: http://bit.ly/1dPxz1l
Hushed, temporary anonymous phone numbers: http://hushed.com/
Telegram, encrypted messaging: https://telegram.org/
Signal, secure calling and messaging: https://whispersystems.org/
Mailvelop, encrypt your webmail: https://www.mailvelope.com/
Redphone, secured phone conversations: https://whispersystems.org/
OnionShare, open source tool for secure and anonymous file sharing: https://onionshare.org/
Disconnect.me: protect your browser from trackers and search privately https://disconnect.me/
Spideroak: group chat & file-sharing like Slack but more secure: https://spideroak.com/
Filmic Pro, video app with professional -function-s (iOS): http://www.filmicpro.com/
Cinema FV-5, video app with professional -function-s (Android): http://www.cinemafv5.com/
Teleprompter, use your smartphone as a teleprompter: http://apple.co/2hufjzn
Camera+, versatile photo app (iOS): http://apple.co/Miq1bF
Camera FV-5, versatile photo app (Android): http://www.camerafv5.com/
Interviewy, audio-recorder with tran-script-ion -function-s (iOS): http://www.interviewy.co.uk/
Field Recorder, record interviews & voice dictate (Android): http://bit.ly/2hqpMew
Sky Recorder, audio recorder for VOIP: http://eapps.pro/app/sky-recorder/
O-transcribe, online tran-script-ion tool: http://otranscribe.com/
Multimedia Publishing
Spicynodes, interactive concept for layered information: http://www.spicynodes.org/
Thinglink, make interactive video & pictures: https://www.thinglink.com/
Timeline.js, best timeline tool out there: http://timeline.knightlab.com/
Storymaps, interactive map and timeline tool: http://storymap.knightlab.com/
Soundcite, integrate sound in your articles: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/
Tangle, make adaptive documents: http://worrydream.com/Tangle/
Exposure, stunning platform for picture and video stories: https://exposure.co/
Pageflow, open-source storytelling tool for rich video and image stories: http://pageflow.io/en
Shorthand social, scrollytelling optimized for social sharing: http://shorthand.com/social/
Data Stories
Silk, publish interactive data stories: https://www.silk.co/
Raw, easy custom datavisualizations: http://app.raw.densitydesign.org/
Chartblocks, versatile platform for infographics: http://www.chartblocks.com/en/
Datavisual, alternative tool for data graphics: http://datavisu.al/
Infogram, easy and stylish infographics: https://infogr.am/
Highcharts & Highmaps, create interactive charts & maps easily for your web projects: http://www.highcharts.com/
Media Impact Project, impact assessment & metrics guides for news projects: http://www.mediaimpactproject.org/impact-assessment-and-metrics-guide.html
Google Analytics, DIY Engagement Tracking guide: https://learn.inn.org/2015/08/18/tutorial-diy-engagement-tracking/
Need more Tools?
Twitter: @Journalism2ls
Web: http://journalismtools.io/
Contact us for personal workshops, lectures, digital newsroom strategy, tools sessions,…
CONTACT: +32 477 27 58 71
[email protected]
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#محمد_عبد_الكريم_يوسف (هاشتاغ)
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