أخبار عامة - وكالة أنباء المرأة - اخبار الأدب والفن - وكالة أنباء اليسار - وكالة أنباء العلمانية - وكالة أنباء العمال - وكالة أنباء حقوق الإنسان - اخبار الرياضة - اخبار الاقتصاد - اخبار الطب والعلوم
إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - وداد عقراوي - الهجمات التركية على المدنيين الكرد


الهجمات التركية على المدنيين الكرد

وداد عقراوي

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 2138 - 2007 / 12 / 23 - 11:02
المحور: مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

نحث السلطات التركية على احترام سيادة العراق، ووقف اي عمل عسكري يقوض السلام والاستقرار الاقليميين، والوفاء بالتزاماتها الدولية وضمان احترام القانون الدولي والقانون الانساني الدولي.

حملة لمنظمة الدفاع الدولية بالتعاون مع هيئة تنمية مجتمع ميزوبوتاميا ـ المانيا

يرجى نسخ الرسائل في نهاية الحملة ومن ثم اضافة التوقيع و العنوان الى الرسالة وارسالها على العنوان او رقم الفاكس او البريد الالكتروني المرفق

الاعداد: الالاف من المدنيين
الاعمار: اطفال وكبار ومسنين
السلطات : التركية / العراقية / الكردية / الامريكية
الفئة : قلق ازاء سلامة المدنيين / ووضعهم وحالتهم الصحية


وفقاً للمعلومات الواردة في 16 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2007 شنت الطائرات المقاتلة النفاثة التركية غارات جوية على مناطق قنديل، خنيره، بوسي، فاسجين، بازل ، جمجو وسوليد. وتم قصف مجموعة من القرى الصغيرة بعضها يقع على عمق 70 كيلومتر داخل اقليم كردستان في شمال العراق. والحقت طائرات ال f16 خسائر فادحة بالقرى المذكورة بما في ذلك تدمير المدارس.

وبعد القصف الجوي الاول انتظرت القوات الجوية التركية عودة المدنيين الى قراهم لتفقد خسائرهم فاذا بالطائرات تهاجم مرة اخرى. بعد ذلك بدأت المدفعية التركية بشن هجماتها على خواكورك في منطقة سيدكان. وتم تدمير القرى التالية تماماً: كوبتون، رامكون، كونيزاره، بانجيخه، لاوجه، اشكولخا، سوراديه، ايزيه وكالاهتوكان.

وضع المدنيين - تدمير واسع النطاق
تسببت الهجمات الجوية فى الحاق اضرار فادحة للمدنيين وتدمير المنازل والممتلكات في 10 قرى. وغدى العديد من السكان بلا مأوى. المزيد من المدنيين لقوا حتفهم، وأصيب كثيرون غيرهم من ضمنهم اطفال صغار. وقتل الكثير من المواشي وتم تدمير ستة جسور بين مدرسة محلية والقرى المجاورة.

المفوضية السامية للامم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين
تتابع المفوضية السامية للامم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين قضية الاسر الكردية المشردة. وصرح الناطق باسم المفوضية، بيتر قاسلر، "ان كل المشردين من القرى الواقعة على الحدود مع تركيا هم عوائل مدنية واطفال وكبار السن. اسفرت الهجمات الايرانية والتركية منذ أسابيع على قرى اقليم كردستان العراق عن تشريد مئات العائلات". واعرب قاسلر عن قلق المنظمة الدولية ازاء تشريد العوائل الكردية نتيجة للهجمات التركية الجديدة. واشارت المفوضية الى ان اكثر من 1800 شخص اجبروا على الفرار وترك كل شيء وراءهم. وهم الان بحاجة ماسة الى المعونات، خصوصاً مع بدء برد فصل الشتاء.

الولايات المتحدة الامريكية وامداد تركيا بالمعلومات الاستخباراتية
لقد ادعى مسؤولون اتراك بان الولايات المتحدة الامريكية تدعم هجماتهم وفتحت الاجواء العراقية في المنطقة الشمالية لتقصف الطائرات التركية بحرية. واشار رئيس القوات التركية الجنرال ياسر بويوكانيت على شاشة التلفزيون التركي الى ان: "أمريكا وفرت [لنا] المعلومات الاستخباراتية. ولكن الأهم من ذلك، فان امريكا فتحت لنا الليلة الماضية الفضاء الجوي [العراقي] - ومن خلال فتح المجال الجوي، فقد عبرت أمريكا عن موافقتها على هذه العملية". ولم تبدي اميريكا اي اعتراضات حول عمليات التوغل التي قامت بها تركيا.

الناطق باسم الحكومة العراقية
صرح السيد الدباغ "ان هذه الهجمات هي هجمات على سيادة العراق". من جانب اخر صرح مسؤولون كرد من شمال العراق، في 18 كانون الاول/ديسمبر 2007، ان انقرة قد بدأت بسحب قواتها، الا ان المتحدث باسم الحكومة العراقية اكد بانه لا يعلم اذا كان الانسحاب قد اكتمل.

الوضع الآن
عبرت القوات التركية الحدود الى شمال العراق في 18 كانون الاول / ديسمبر 2007، واعرب الجيش التركي عن تصميمه على مواصلة العمليات وفقاً للاذن البرلماني والموافقة التي حصل عليه في تشرين الاول/اكتوبر لتنفيذ مثل هذه الهجمات.
وصلت القوات الى قرى خايارش وبونواك وجاناروق وكيليروش وهي مستقرة الان هناك.


يساور منظمة الدفاع الدولية وهيئة تنمية مجتمع ميزوبوتاميا القلق ازاء العمليات العسكرية الاخيرة التي نفذتها تركيا على الاراضي العراقية. وتدين المنظمتين هجمات الجيش التركي ضد المدنيين العزل. اظهرت الضربات الجوية التركية المكثفة عدم احترام تركيا لسيادة العراق وسلامة المدنيين في المنطقة المشار اليها. قتل المدنيين وتدمير سلسلة من القرى الجبليه الصغيرة - بمنازلها والممتلكات تمثل انتهاكاً صارخاً لاتفاقيات جنيف.

بالاضافة الى ذلك فهذه العمليات هي انتهاك مباشر للقانون الدولي، ولا سيما المادة 2 (4) من ميثاق الامم المتحدة، الذي هو جزء من القانون الدولي العرفي، وهو قرار ملزم لجميع الدول، وكذلك ميثاق كيلوغ برياند، المعروف ايضا باسم ميثاق باريس، اشارة الى المدينة التي تم فيها التوقيع في 27 اب / اغسطس 1928.

القانون الدولي
هناك حظرين منفصلين لاستخدام القوة في القانون الدولي: ميثاق كيلوغ برياند والمادة 2 (4) من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة.

ميثاق الأمم المتحدة
ميثاق الامم المتحدة جزء من القانون الدولي العرفي وهو ملزم لجميع الدول. وهذا يعني عملياً ان الدول، حتى لو لم تكن موافقة على مضمون الميثاق، فهي ملزمة بموجب مواد الميثاق.
* المادة الأولى من الميثاق تتضمن أن مقاصد الأمم المتحدة هي أولاً حفظ السلم والأمن الدوليين.
* وتنص المادة 2 (4) من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة على الاتي:
"يمتنع اعضاء الهيئة جميعاً في علاقاتهم الدولية عن التهديد باستعمال القوة أو استخدامها ضد سلامة الأراضي أو الاستقلال السياسي لأية دولة أو على أي وجه آخر لا يتفق ومقاصد "الأمم المتحدة"".

ميثاق كيلوغ برياند
اودعت تركيا وثائق الإنضمام إلى ميثاق باريس. بموجب المادة الاولى من هذه المعاهدة تتفق الدول على نبذ الحرب كحل للخلافات الدولية التي قد تنشأ بينهم، وبموجب المادة الثانية فلا بد من ايجاد حلول سلمية لجميع النزاعات.


تتقدم منظمة الدفاع الدولية وهيئة تنمية مجتمع ميزوبوتاميا بنداء الى رئيس الجمهورية العراقية ورئيس الوزراء العراقي ورئيس اقليم كردستان العراق ورئيس حكومة اقليم كردستان لتوفير الحماية للمدنيين الكرد ونحث المؤسسة العسكرية التركية لوقف ضرباتها الجوية على الفور وجميع العمليات العسكرية وتجنب اي خرق لسيادة الدولة المجاورة لها.

كما نحث السلطات التركية على:
* ممارسة ضبط النفس؛
* احترام سيادة العراق؛
* الامتناع عن اتخاذ اي عمل عسكري يمكن ان يقوض السلام والاستقرار الاقليميين ؛ و
* الوفاء بالتزاماتها الدولية وضمان احترام القانون الدولي والقانون الانساني الدولي.

منظمة الدفاع الدولية وهيئة تنمية مجتمع ميزوبوتاميا تؤكدان على اهمية تعزيز الحوار، وستواصل المنظمتان متابعة الوضع عن كثب.


يرجى نسخ الرسائل و من ثم اضافة التوقيع و العنوان الى الرسالة وارسالها على العنوان او رقم الفاكس او البريد الالكتروني المرفق

مع شكر وتقدير وداد عقراوي

رئيسة منظمة الدفاع الدولية



His Excellency George W. Bush – The president of the US
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Fax: + 202 456 2461
E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

Turkey stated that these raids were with consent of the United States and providing intelligence assistance and information to Turkey. If Turkey is telling the truth it is unacceptable that the United States, in charge of monitoring our airspace, authorized Turkey to bomb civilians.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I urge you to call upon Turkish government to immediately end the military actions and use dialogue to solve the PKK issue. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
Fax: + 202 225 8259

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

Turkey stated that these raids were with consent of the United States and providing intelligence assistance and information to Turkey. If Turkey is telling the truth it is unacceptable that the United States, in charge of monitoring our airspace, authorized Turkey to bomb civilians.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I urge you to call upon Turkish government to immediately end the military actions and use dialogue to solve the PKK issue. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Council of Europe office
55, avenue Kléber
F - 75784 Paris Cedex 16
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 27 36 47

Dear members of Council of Europe,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

Turkey stated that these raids were with consent of the United States and providing intelligence assistance and information to Turkey. If Turkey is telling the truth it is unacceptable that the United States, in charge of monitoring our airspace, authorized Turkey to bomb civilians.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I also reiterate that as a possible future EU member, Turkey must uphold to the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights. But Turkey, instead of granting Kurds minority rights in Turkey, is violating Kurdish civilian’s rights in North Iraq.

I urge you to call upon Turkish government to immediately end the military actions and use dialogue to solve the PKK issue. I call on the international community and all good forces to condemn strongly the military interventions in general and the recent air strikes and operations in particular. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Council of Europe office
In Brussels (Liaison office with the EU)
12, avenue Tervuren
B - 1040 Brussels
Fax: +33 2 230 94 62

Dear members of Council of Europe,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

Turkey stated that these raids were with consent of the United States and providing intelligence assistance and information to Turkey. If Turkey is telling the truth it is unacceptable that the United States, in charge of monitoring our airspace, authorized Turkey to bomb civilians.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I also reiterate that as a possible future EU member, Turkey must uphold to the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights. But Turkey, instead of granting Kurds minority rights in Turkey, is violating Kurdish civilian’s rights in North Iraq.

I urge you to call upon Turkish government to immediately end the military actions and use dialogue to solve the PKK issue. I call on the international community and all good forces to condemn strongly the military interventions in general and the recent air strikes and operations in particular. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General
United Nations, S-378
New York, NY 10017
Fax: 212-963-7055
Subject: Please forward to His Excellency Bab Ki-Moon

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

Turkey stated that these raids were with consent of the United States and providing intelligence assistance and information to Turkey. If Turkey is telling the truth it is unacceptable that the United States, in charge of monitoring our airspace, authorized Turkey to bomb civilians.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I also reiterate that as a possible future EU member, Turkey must uphold to the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights. But Turkey, instead of granting Kurds minority rights in Turkey, is violating Kurdish civilian’s rights in North Iraq.

I urge you to call upon Turkish government to immediately end the military actions and use dialogue to solve the PKK issue. I call on the international community and all good forces to condemn strongly the military interventions in general and the recent air strikes and operations in particular. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Embassy of Republic of Iraq - Norway
E-mail: oslemb@iraqmofamail.net
Subject: Please forward to His Excellency Jalal Talabani - The President of Iraq

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.
There are 2.2 million civilians who fled out of Iraq and 2.4 million are internal displaced. Iraq doesn’t need more refugees.

I urge you also to urge the Turkish military immediately to stop the air strikes and all military intervention to the area. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Kurdish regional Government offices
The Kurdistan Regional Government in Erbil, Iraq
Choose: Department of Foreign relations
Subject: Please forward to His Excellency president Masud Barzani

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I urge you also to urge the Turkish military immediately to stop the air strikes and all military intervention to the area. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Embassy of Republic of Iraq - Denmark
Granhøjen 18
2900 Hellerup
Fax: + 45 39 40 69 97
E-mail: kbnemb@iraqmofamail.net
Subject: Please forward to His Excellency Nuri Kamil al-Maliki - Prime Minister of Iraq

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.
There are 2.2 million civilians who fled out of Iraq and 2.4 million are internal displaced. Iraq doesn’t need more refugees.

I urge you also to urge the Turkish military immediately to stop the air strikes and all military intervention to the area. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


Kurdish regional Government offices
The Kurdistan Regional Government in Arbil, Iraq
Choose: Department of Foreign relations
Subject: Please forward to His Excellency Nechirvan Barzani - Prime Minister

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict. I urge you to do everything necessary to protect civilian Kurds.

I urge you also to urge the Turkish military immediately to stop the air strikes and all military intervention to the area. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey and Iraq.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


His Excellency Abdullah Gul
The President of the Republic of Turkey
Fax: + 90 312 427 1330

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.

I urge you to exercise restraint, to respect the territorial integrity of Iraq, to refrain from taking any military action that could undermine regional peace and stability, and to fulfill your international obligations to ensure respect for International law and International humanitarian law.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict.

I urge you to stop immediately the air strikes and all military intervention to the area. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

I reiterate that as a future EU member, Turkey must uphold to the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully,


His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdogan
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey
Office of the Prime Minister
06573 Ankara
Fax: + 90 312 417 0476

Your Excellency,

I am writing you to express my deepest concern over Turkish military actions inside Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq.

I urge you to exercise restraint, to respect the territorial integrity of Iraq, to refrain from taking any military action that could undermine regional peace and stability, and to fulfill your international obligations to ensure respect for International law and International humanitarian law.
The killing of civilians and the destruction of villages - homes and property represent a gross violation of the Geneva conventions.
Turkish Army flattened a series of small villages ranging between 20 and 70 kilometers inside Iraq. The attacks against civilian Kurds are violent invasion of territory.

Turkey is bound by international law. The effect of Article 2(4) Charter of the United Nations is very simple. It makes it illegal under international law to use force against another state.
The 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law describe the duty as one to avoid "military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state." It is clear that any form of punitive action is illegal. It is also important to note that it is not just the use of force that is prohibited, but the threat of force. This raises questions as to the legality of Turkey’s determination to continue its military cross-border operations.

I strongly condemn Turkish air strikes which were probably designed to terrorize the local Kurdish civilians. The principle that civilians must be protected lies at the heart of the International Law of Armed Conflict.

I urge you to stop immediately the air strikes and all military intervention to the area. A continuous escalation of the conflict will cause more suffering to civilians in the region, which so far has been the stable part of Iraq.

I reiterate that as a future EU member, Turkey must uphold to the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights.

Finally I urge you to ensure in all circumstances the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Turkey.

I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.

Yours respectfully

#وداد_عقراوي (هاشتاغ)      

الحوار المتمدن مشروع تطوعي مستقل يسعى لنشر قيم الحرية، العدالة الاجتماعية، والمساواة في العالم العربي. ولضمان استمراره واستقلاليته، يعتمد بشكل كامل على دعمكم. ساهم/ي معنا! بدعمكم بمبلغ 10 دولارات سنويًا أو أكثر حسب إمكانياتكم، تساهمون في استمرار هذا المنبر الحر والمستقل، ليبقى صوتًا قويًا للفكر اليساري والتقدمي، انقر هنا للاطلاع على معلومات التحويل والمشاركة في دعم هذا المشروع.

اشترك في قناة ‫«الحوار المتمدن» على اليوتيوب
حوار مع الكاتبة انتصار الميالي حول تعديل قانون الاحوال الشخصية العراقي والضرر على حياة المراة والطفل، اجرت الحوار: بيان بدل
حوار مع الكاتب البحريني هشام عقيل حول الفكر الماركسي والتحديات التي يواجهها اليوم، اجرت الحوار: سوزان امين

كيف تدعم-ين الحوار المتمدن واليسار والعلمانية على الانترنت؟

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الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - وداد عقراوي - الهجمات التركية على المدنيين الكرد