thanks dear al bably you article very interesting and i always interested in this kind of articles because this article give me the back round about the nations in general and how they progress and the other nations stay the same till today like we see today in middle east and you can tell where were the problems start from and stay the same no change so itis a wonderful one i keep it in my records and on the face book to let my friends to read the history as is and you are so wonderful for how you joint all the events together and that make some readers angry from you so god bless you to say the truth thanks again
believe me sir nedal you pointed all thing in your wonderful article and your enemy shit in his underwear just keep going because you say the truth like we see the sun on our eyes god bless you
my dear al hakeem just i want to tell you for some people who read your article dont understand the meaning in general so they try to put you down and the truth they dont understand what you writing and what you mentioned to and till now i wonder some people think you are against ( usa )and with saddam so i feel sorry to those people because they have very short memory anyway that normal in our world. (copy) لأنه في لحظة زمنية معينة توافقت مصالحنا في التخلص من صدام مع مصالح أميركا في إقتلاع صدام ، وهذا لا يجعل منها محررة بل مُستغلة تماماً للظرف الذي هيئته لها الظروف والصدفة والحظ . my dear you explained every single thing in your article and even any person has no idea what is going around will understand your article very easy and what you mean and what you point so i feel sorry to one who dont understand you cant do anything for stuck brains god bless the best i will print copy for my record to give to the people who dont understand what is going on
dear al hakeem your article very interesting for me and i advice to teach what you write to every person has no clear picture about iraq and what happened befor and after 2003 because you point exactly the truth big time and for me no comments just i can tell your article one of the best i ever had been read about iraq and i agree with you big time except what hapening between you and raad with full respect because that not my business and i believe iraq will stay pay the bill and no light for iraqis future just they follow as is and jump from one horse to other and no goal for them and this picture after 9 year from 2003 will stay more longer maybe worst and nobody know so nobody has the truth just usa as i believe so god bless youأفلا يكفي لنا جميعاً ما إنتظرناه من تغيير في إيران منذ سقوط الشاه ولحد الأن ؟
thanks my dear for the wonderful article it is amazing one كان الاجدر عليك أن تبحث بأسباب الحروب تلك وتعالجها قبل أن توزعوا على هواكم لكل رجل اربعة نساء , فهي حجه غبيه لا اكثر وأنا على يقين بأنك غير قادر على زوجه واحده أليوم بحكم التغيير الذي لم يطالك , لكنني اناقش استبدادك وتصوراتك . this is the right answer who try find any excuses for the wars and my dear fuaada you mentioned about the man who has body power but you dont mentioned about the women who works in the villages and they work very hard and the men setting and smoking and go to the wash room and sleeping and dont do anything just sleeping with women and make childrens ( hard work ) so please i dont agree with you about the men has more body power than women what ever you use to do it you can do it thanks again for you
when i read any article like your one i feel happy because its give a hope one day the world going to change for better and we can see the light after long suffering for more than 1400 years our people pay the big bills for nothing just because they dont use their brains like others in the west and today you can see the big different and every person can tell for that so god bless you and bless our nations from all liers keep going anything can help
i beleive our church is frozen for long time i feel sorry to this church and to our people to stay under week leaders since sixties and till today and maybe before so we need brave leaders say the truth for everything and not hungry for money i hope we waiting to see this day sooner not later thanks for you my dear samir god bless you to say the truth
ولو حدث أن تحقق ذلك, وانتصرت ثقافة الإيمو على الثقافة الإسلامية للمجتمع, فمعنى ذلك أن هذه الثقافة الأخيرة هي ثقافة رخوة وضعيفة أو هزيلة بحيث سمحت لظاهرة سطحية تمردية مؤقتة أن تنتصر عليها, أو حينما وضعت نفسها في موضع الخائف منها, أو في موقع الضعيف الذي فقد الثقة بنفسه. what is a great point you need to teach your government first then we can talk with iraqis people i feel sorry to iraq has a shit law and a shit government till now no light in the tunnel almost we lost the hope for iraq ,god bless honest iraqis i thing today they are very few and thanks for you at least to make others maybe wake up
ألف وأربعمائة عام والمسلمون مسجنون في إحدى زوايا الأرض المظلمة، لاتربطهم ببقية العالم علاقة، لا يسمعون في سجنهم سوى هدير نبيهم، فكيف تريدونني أن أفصل بينهم وبين ذلك الهدير؟!! أما المؤرخ الفرنسي ETIENNE GILSON فيقول: التاريخ هو المختبر الوحيد الذي يُثبت نتيجة الفكرة. اليست ألف وأربعمائة سنة كافية لإثبات نتائج الفكر الإسلامي؟!! أليست أوضاع المسلمين هي النتيجة الحتمية لذلك الفكر؟!! ألا نستطيع، وبناء على تلك الحقيقة المرعبة، أن نتصور حجم العزلة التي فرضها الإسلام على أتباعه؟ another great article and every article you give our muslims brothers more support and more help to understand where they are now after 1400 years and where is the world , believe me my dear wafaa one day millions of muslims will pray for you to save them from islam and the example say ( walk with somebody who make cry and dont walk with one who make you laugh) because the last one wants the benefits for you thanks wafaa sultan god bless you
كم مرّة سمعنا بعض المسيحيين يقولون: (استمرارية وجودنا في البلاد الإسلاميّة تؤكد على التسامح الإسلامي)، محاولين أن يُسقطوا من وعيهم نوعيّة ذلك الإستمرار، وكيف جرّدهم من أبسط حقوق الإنسان. يسمع الواحد منهم شتيمته من على منابر المساجد، ليس هذا وحسب، بل ويعرفون في عمق اللاوعي عندهم بأنهم مهددون في كل لحظة بأن يواجهوا أحد خيارين: الجزية عن يد وهم صاغرين وإلاّ الموت! ويعتقدون أيضا بأنه كلما ازداد دفاع الضحية عن الجاني كلما دلّ ذلك على حجم الإهانة وعمق الجرح! لذلك أتفهم موقف بعض المسيحيين من الإسلام ودفاعهم المستميت عن الجاني، ولكن أرفض بشدة أن يقدموني كبش فداء على مائدته! what agreat description you are always wonderful and great let me say thanks for you to make our minds very open and fresh and give the christianity big lesson to wake up god bless you
i agree with you for the whole article and i believe that only good in the middle east countries and some around but what i have seen here in canda the women has more rights than the mens by the law and every person here knows that ,the woman is protect by the law more than the man so i believe here in canada the man looking for the rights and the women has more chance for work than the men so more jobs hiring women so what we can do now i believe the time and the technology change is more likely for women now to work than the man thanks for you
thanks DR AKRAM for another wonderful article we really enjoy it and you give an open minded perspective on how the world put their plants to reach their goals and you show only that the power talk and there is no real democracy at all just alittle in the west and most the world like the same with just few things change between east and west, my question if the east or the muslim countries has the same power like usa today in stead of usa( no power) as an example what you think will happen to the world is the moslims will leave the world in peace or what will happen ?
أصل إلى قناعة لو أن بعض الكتاب، ومهما بلغت ذروة جنون العظمة عندهم، قد قرأوا ما كتبوه قبل أن ينشروه لرموه في أقرب سلة قمامة. كل إنسان يقرأ السيرة النبوية لمحمد ويؤمن بها لا يمكن أن يخرج إلى الحياة إنسانا سليما عقليا ونفسيّا- إن كان محمد نبيّا من عند الله فلماذا لم يعمل هذا -الله- على تنظيف سيرة نبيه، إن كان فيها شيء مدسوس، على مدى أربعة عشر قرنا؟!! نعم إن لحظة التواصل الجنسي هي لحظة انصهار روحين، وليس فقط جسدين، في بوتقة واحدة وفي لحظة واحدة! لم يستطع الإسلام أن يرتقي بذلك التواصل فوق مستوى الغريزة الحيوانيّة! المسلمون عبر التاريخ الإسلامي لم يتشربوا سوى الحقد. ظنوا أنهم سيقتلون عدوّهم بحقدهم، دون أن يدروا بأنهم لم يقتلوا به سوى أنفسهم. -الإنسان الذي يمتلك الجرأة على قول الحقيقة هو الأغلبية- always Dr wafaa great you are always in our hearts you are really our flag god bless you to change our moslims brothers for better
nice article i just want to say the problem not man against woman but i believe when the woman go against woman in the men community in general specially when you see one woman get a top position in any islamic countries then you see most of the one who go against her are womens,why?i believe that come by time from the brain wash that the woman not good for the most jobs, just good for sex and home so all that mad the women push to satisfies this is the truth so i believe the mens needs to rebuilt what they knocked down for long time
another great one لكنه من التعسف المبكر، مع ذلك، أن نقارن الأحزاب الإسلاموية مع أحزاب الديمقراطية المسيحية الغربية، لأننا لم نر أيّاً من زعمائها يعد بالتطبيق الحرفي لتعاليم العهد القديم أو الجديد فيما لو وصل إلى السلطة، ولا عمل على توحيد الكنيسة مع الدولة. إنهم ديمقراطيون تماما وليس لهم من المسيحية سوى استلهام أخلاقي غامض. الأمريكيون من جهتهم، مشهورون بالمكانة التي يولونها للدين في حياتهم، لكن قوانينهم يشرعها الكنغرس وليست مملاة من الكهنة والقساوسة حاملي الإنجيل. yes this is very important point for moslims to understand how is the west today is better than us i hope they wake up thanks for you again
thanks dear for your article you explain all the points very clear and i believe your points come up not far from now like i heard in kuwait they want to knock down all the churchs according to the quraan so exactly like you said sooner the dirty faceswillbe uncover no more i like your article, iam happy to read like this one because this is the truth not every person can see it and think about it thanks again for you to make the world wake up
wooow really itis a wonderful article i know you know alots to give to us from your imaginations but i liove this way because it makes every person thinking what is behind that and that and make every person search for what is now and what is coming thanks for you
yes DR. you pointed the truth and looks to all middle east and arab and moslims countries they drive backwards and the other world drive forward and nobody understand where they are going and every leader after takeover any arabic coutries start to lie and lie that the one before him was bad and dictator and him is the best but the truth he is more worst than before if we try to compaire everything and considering the time and the world needs so i believe we are lie to ourself then we try to believe this lier and we sell it to others as a truth that what itis today and alots of our writers doing this job so god bless our nations and you too thanks again for your article iam very interst with it keep going god bless
my dear your article very nice and any person who love the freedom willbe interest in your article and about the future so i dont see any light for arab and moslims countries snd any good future for the recent time maybe after 50 years from now if they wake up and every person unterstand that our countries control by dectatorians leaders and when they change they change for worst like iraq and so on because they are already they control by the worst dectator called the religion so the change should start from the religion first then everything willbe fine and you know who control iraq today and who will control syria after then what will happen after i believe so many wars will killing most the people, thanks dear i agree with you but not in arabic and islamic countries those people has brains wash form the love and the peace and there dreams with fight and throw jewish and christians in the ocean that all what they want, idont think they care about their futures.
thanks DR. AKRAM you mentioned so many points in your article but i believe we cant reach that today or even tomorrow without pay our bills for more blood till the people get tired from what they doing now and dont forget our leaders on the other side of the river so iraq need alots clean up to reach your points so iraq not ready yet for democracy as i believe according to our people who lives in the west they still way behind so the matter needs alots time so not all students are smarts to pass the exam in good stand thanks again for your nice article
thanks dear sultan i print every single word in your article in my mind and iam very interested in it and we can recommended this article as a search in our life and you are always amazing especially for those people who try to use(alta8ia) with you but always they fail , your are over those people big time because those has no brains to think that why their countries in the mud and getting worse and worse so you are still our teacher to learn from you alots and iam sure you have alots to teach please keep going because those dummies persons will fell down sooner or later, dont worryi . i like this one very much المسيحية هي المسيح، والإسلام هو محمد! وبناء على هذين التعريف أقول: المسيحية أفضل من المسيحيين والمسلمون ـ على علاتهم ـ أفضل من محمد. لا تهمني ماهية المسيح، ولا يهمني إن كان نبيّا أم إلها، لكنه في عرفي فوق مستوى البشر! من يعرّف الله على أنه محبة ومن يأمر أتباعه بأن يحبّوا أعداهم هو حكما فوق مستوى البشر، ولذلك لا أستطيع أن أبشر برسالته لأنني مازلت دون مستواها!
my regards to you iam very interested in your article especially your answered قد لاتجد رابط بين الحرق والتعرى ولكن التعرى فى بلادنا احدث صدمه تفوق الحرق والدليل 2 مليون شخص يزورون مدونة علياء ومثلهم يكتبون ويتكلمون عنها فى يوم واحد ! and i like all your points and the way you answer is very clear and each answer is an article thanks dear god bless you and bless alyaa who try to make our nations to wake up from the dirty they use to live keep going
thanks sir for your article but i believe there is alots missing if you find that by yourself in the west like you can see the strib bars for girls and strib bars for boys. what you call that ? and the second thing that why the bible has two parts old book talk befor jesus and new book that should be done after ( jesus time and after) should everything change step by step according to the jesus plan till the end or i think has no meaning for jesus on the ground that time and today and for future that what jesus letter mean that not jesus fault but our fault and the problem is mohamad came up after more than 600 year and push the people back again to moses time maybe worst ,that why jesus letter struggling some how till today thanks gain nice article