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Talal Arubaie Women and secular parties
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
الموضوع والكاتب
ألمرأة المسلمة..وعقدة التابعية للرجل !!! - تانيا جعفر الشريف
تاريخ النشر |
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I agree with your analysis and would like to add that the situation of women in the secular parties is not much better. As far as I can tell, there is only one woman in the central committee of the Iraqi Communist Party, and there is no woman in its political bureau, and there has been no female secretary of this party since its inception. So what does prevent the communist party from having the third or the half of its central committee in women? Are men wiser or more competent than women? I think the last few years of men’s government, or even prior to that, have given a clear answer to this question. The situation in other secular parties is even worse. It seems that that the patriarchal discourse in Iraq is on the ascendency and is becoming prevalent in all parties, irrespective of their being religious or secular. This is very sad and worrying to say the least.
