I believe you are very courageous and brave to come out and talk of your sexuality. I think it is good and very important to have a dialogue with others and try to dispel myths. The major problem is a lack of sexual education on all levels. This is a major major problem, and even the vast majority of medical doctors have no training in human sexuality whatsoever. The situation is disastrous. You have started going the path of openness and I should congratulate you most cordially. Please keep up the good work. There is no such thing that human rights could exist without sexual rights. Human rights can and should never never be divided.
As I tried to respond to this article, the paper refused to publish my corrections. I always think that tleft and right ideologies seem to share patriarchal values, and unless these values are challenged and demolished there could be little or no progress in all aspects, including the sexual. We, sexologists, do not talk nowadays of sexuality, we talk rather of sexualities ( a pleural form). Sexuality is a process and exploration; it is not only a legitimate source of pleasure, but also a constituent of our identity as well as a source of (an urge for) creativity. I think, though difficult certainly to prove, that our social stagnation, aggression and violence have alot to do with sexual deprivation and sexual taboos. Sexuality is only perceived in terms of taboos and hardly in celebratory terms. cont..
Thanks for the comment 33. As I have said before there are so many misconceptions and myths about human sexuality on both (or more) sides, hetero- and homosexual. I think this is to do mainly with the lack of dialogue and openness to talk about sexual matters in an informed way in our soceity, a society which is marred by tradition of homophobia and panicky fears of female sexuality. There is also a reversal of moral values, since honor for women is equated with an intact hymen. The absurdity of such a belief is limitless. Unfortunately, the so- called leftist groups are reluctant to address matters of sexuality, and particularly homosexuality, something which contributes to backwardness and stagnation. I can recall an incident about 10 years ago, in which someone wrote an article in a paper of a leftist party. In his article he equated homosexuality with sexual perversion. cont..
It is found that, because of the compressibility of the air, the flow is separated into three main regions, an outer region in which the flow is subsonic, an innermost region which cannot belong to the outer flow, and a middle region that separates the two, in which the flow is supersonic. Formulas are derived by which the radii of these regions may be computed. The minimum possible pressure and the maximum possible speed are computed. The vertical shape of the funnel is also computed on the assumption that it is parallel to the surface of the critical flow.
Received: January 20, 1955; Revised: March 18, 1955
SOME ASPECTS OF THE DYNAMICS OF TORNADOES ABDUL JABBAR ABDULLAH Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, College of Engineering, New York University *
In this paper an attempt is made to construct a dynamical model for a tornado that may explain some of its known features. The assumption is made that a tornado is dynamically equivalent to a combination of a pure sink and a pure vortex in the hydrodynamic sense. The compressibility of the air is taken into account, but the air is assumed to be dry. Friction is neglected and the motion induced by the disturbance is assumed to be horizontal.
(6) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie -المساواة الكاملة بين -المرأة والرجل-.
عزيزي عصام شكري ألمحترم. أشكرك على ألحوار. أنك تدعو ألى -المساواة الكاملة بين -المرأة والرجل-. وأعتقد أن ألبعض قد يجد طرحك قاصرا حيث يدعون ألى ألتمييز ألأيجابي لصالح ألنساء. وهل أن يمكن ألتحدث عن -ألمرأة- كمفردة تتضمن جميع ألنساء وبألتالي أختصارها لما هو بيولوجي فقط, في حين أنها صيرورة أجتماعية تأريخية كما تقوله مثلا سيمون ديبفوار في -ألجنس ألأخر-, ولذلك ييدو طرحك لربما رجعيا بحق ألنساء لأحتوائه ضمنا تصورا محددا سلفا لما يشكل -جنس ألمرآة-. مع وافر تحياتي.
عزيزي رأئد فهمي ألمحترم. شكرا على هذا ألحوار. أسمح لي أن أعلق على بعض مفرداته ألتي تشغلني بشكل حاد أكثر من غيرها, ولربما أعاود ألتعليق لاحقا حول مفردات أخرى. حول قضية ألعلمانية, حسب فهمي لما ذكرته, فأنك ترفض مصطلح ألعلمانية, مفضلا مصطلح ألدولة ألمدنية, ولا أدري هل تقضيلك هذا ناتج فقط لرغبتك في تجنب سوء فهم ألبعض ألمتعلق بمصطلح ألعلمانية. ولذلك أرحو أن توضح لي هل يعمل ألحزب حاليا من أجل فصل ألدين عن ألدولة دستوريا أم لا. حيث أني أتفق تماما مع ألمفكر ألمصري ألكبير د. سيد القمني بأن -الدولة كيان معنوي أما الدين فهو للبشر ، ثم تقول الشريعة الإسلامية المصدر الرئيسي للتشريع ، وهنا حددت رعيتك بالمسلمين فقط ، بينما العدل أن تقف الدولة موقف الحياد بين كل أديان رعاياها ، فكيف تنحاز لفئة من المواطنين ضد فئة أخري-. وقوله ...-في عهد السادات أصبح الإسلام السياسي هو الوطن ، واعتاد الإسلاميون التراجع عن كلامهم ، فقالوا سابقاً بدولة دينية كاملة و يقولون اليوم بدولة مدنية ذات مرجعية دينية- -دولة مدنية ذات مرجعية إسلامية كلام يُقال للأطفال والذين لايملكون فهماً سياسياً ولو متواضع لأن الدولة المدنية تعني أننا نحن من سيشرع لنفسه الشرائع عبر مجلس نيابي منتخب بانتخابات حره نزيهة ، أما الدولة الاسلامية المفترض أنها ستطبق الشريعة الإسلامية وهي حكم الله ،إذن... فبهذا هم ينصبون علينا بل ينكرون معلوما من الدين بالضرورة ، فهناك اّيات قطعية تقول من لم يحكم بما أنزل الله فأولئك هم الكافرون والفاسقون فلماذا يكذبون علي الشعب ويقولون دولة مدنية بمرجعية اسلامية!- وأعتقد أن أما يقوله حول مصر ينطبق أيضا على ألعراق تماما. كما وتشير بحق ألى. -تدهور مستمر في العلاقات بين فرقاء حكومة الشراكة- الوطنية،. والاستعصاء المنامي في التوصل إلى توافقات، والتراجع مقلق في الأوضاع الأمنية... واستشراء الفساد والخلل الكبير الذي شاب ( شاب في ألماضي)، ويشوب عملية بناء الدولة في ظل التحاصص الطائفي والاثنيي- ولكن كل هذه ألأمور ألتي أشرت أليها حدثت في ألماضي أيضا, وأن نفسك تقول -شابت-, فلماذا أشترك ألحزب في حكومة ألمالكي ألسابقة بوزيرين, أنكم أحدهما؟ وما ألذي أستفاد منه ألحزب والتيار ألسياسي ألديموقراطي من هذا ألأشتراك؟ فألدلائل تشير ألى ألعكس, وأستميحك عذرا ألقول أن أعدادك وحساباتك لم تكن مقنعة, وعلي أية حال فأن ألأختلاف يسيط ولايعني ألكثير من ألناحية ألفعلية. وكيف تفسر أيضا وجود نائبي وزير من ألحزب ألآن في حكومة بألمواصفات ألتي ذكرتها؟. كما تتكلم عن مؤتمر ألديموقراطية وألتجديد. أعتقد, حسب تجربتي ألشخصية, أن ألديموقراطية في ألحزب قد أنتعشت بعض ألشئ ما قبل سقوط صدام, ولكنها عادت وأنتكست بعد سقوطه, فألطريق تغلق باب ألحوار, وألرأي ألآخر لا يجد طريقه للنشر, وأعلام ألحزب لا يستفيد بألشكل ألمطلوب من وسائل ألتواصل ألأجتماعي مثل فس بوك. كما أن ألمال قد يلعب دورا ولكن ليس كليا, وأعتقد أن صرف ألمال على ألأعلام وخصوصا ألألكتروني أو ألفضائية أفضل من صرفها على مقرات حزبية وجودها قد لا يبرر ألنفقات. كما أن ضعف تمثيل ألشباب وألمرأة وخصوصا في ألهيآت ألقيادية أمر مشخص ومعروف (أمرأة واحدة في لم؟) ويستدعي ألعلاج بأسرع وقت. في ألنهاية أرجو لك شخصيا كل ألتوفيق وألعافية, وللمؤتمر ألنجاح من أجل تطوير ألحزب وتعزيز ألعمل لأنهاء نطام ألمحاصة وألقضاء على ألفساد.
(8) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie محاولا التقرب حد الموت من أصحاب الشأن والجاه
To commentator no. 10, Mr Samir Tabla . Dear Mr Tabla The incidents of Pesht Ashan happened years ago, and no independent investigation yet has been carried out. As time goes by, as we all know, memory declines and some agonists might pass away, things which will make a valid investigation or a reliable historical analysis much more difficult. As we all know, Mr. Altalibani is not a very young man and he would a very important agonist in any investigation. Hence we have no luxury of choosing the right time, because the laws of nature do not not submit, unfortunately, to our (political) wishes, be they right or wrong. Regards
It is essential now, as it has been before, that the Iraqi Communist Party asks for an independent investigation into the incidents of Pesht Ashan. Failing that, others, like, Bagdad Station, would write events, possibly, thought not necessarily, in not a very objective manner.
(13) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie The Communist Part has to produce the evidence and act now
I agree wit your statement إذا أراد الحزب أن يحافظ على وجوده بين الجماهير ويعود له أبنائه وأنصاره فعليه المطالبة بمحاكمة قتلة أبنائه وتقديمهم للقضاء أو الخروج من العملية السياسية والوقوف ضدها لأنها لم تنصف المظلوم ولم تقف بوجه الظالم وعليه تبرئة نفسه من جريمة السكوت والتهاون بحق القتلة والمجرمين . However, I am opposed to anyone’s taking the law in its hand; as this can lead only to the laws of jungle and erode a state that is already hardly existent. I, nevertheless, would call on the Communist Party, which claims to have evidence against this misfit (Almultlek) to produce the evidence now; otherwise the Party would become susceptible to charges of lying, cowardice, or being an accomplice to these crimes. The Communist Party has to produce all evidence against all those committed crimes, including Altalbani and his crimes in Pesht Ashan, otherwise it is becoming an accomplice to these crimes and lose the little of people’s faith or confidence what has remained. The Communist Party has to act, and act now. It owes this to its comrades, to its self-respect and
(14) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie An honest voice and a wonderful article
Simply, this is a wonderful article that states facts as they are without wishful thinking or distorting diplomacy, i.e, political prostitution, of the parties in the current Iraqi political spectrum.
(15) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie It should be a party of the voiceless and disempowered peopl
Dear Sir You say; وانني من الذين يتمنون لهذا الحزب ان يستمر في النمو والتوسع ليرجع الى ما كان عليه سابقا ليدلو بدلوه في عملية الانتخابات المقبلة ويجد الحليف الذي يبيض الوجه Why cannot you tell us who are these allies? Why are so many of us used to be told what to do or think? You are not a soldier in an army, in which case you need only execute orders than think them through. As to the allies, there is only one sort of (potential or actual) party’s allies, namely, the oppressed, disenfranchised, and marginalized people of Iraq. They are the unemployed, the widowed women, the orphans, AND ALL the victims of the of corrupt feudal and sectarian force. Although they constitute, numerically speaking the vast majority of Iraqis, they are still voiceless and disempowered. The communist party’s alliance should be only with the voiceless. It has to give them voice and be their voice. If the party does this, it will immeasurably empower itself and at the same time give a voice to the voiceless. And this is the only honorable alliance. Regards
You seem to have fallen pray easily to your incoherent and fatally fragile rhetoric. Simplistic and vulgar propaganda can never improve a situation; it can make it even worse. You seem well suited as an excellent orator of fables.
This meeting in only a pathetic Public Relation exercise; an excellent occasion of flashing photos of (small) men wearing (big) smiles, a show off and rather a cover- up of the crimes of Pesh Ashan. It is a betrayal of all those fallen in Pesht Ashan; it is a betrayal of the rules of law; it a betrayal of democracy and it is a betrayal of all those interested really in having a democratic Iraq where the oppressed and the disenfranchised people of Iraq could have a say.
(18) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie The extreme importance of personal narratives in social rese
Dear Dr Habib I am afraid to say that your reply to Mr. Majid, commentator no 2, is somewhat odd, as it is irreconcilable with what you yourself state in your article الاستماع بأذن صاغية إلى الملاحظات النقدية التي تصل إلى قوى التيار الديمقراطية من كل من يوجه النقد بغض النظر عن مصدره والغاية منه, إذ في كل ذلك فائدة لقوى التيار الديمقراطي ويخدم مسيرتها النضالية وتحالفاتها المنشودة, كما ينبه إلى مواطن الخلل ومواطن القوة في آن وما يفترض أن يعزز أو يعالج بالتصحيح. أتمنى أن لا يفقد البعض صبره وبصيرته حين يتعرض للنقد الصريح والشفاف والمخلص. It seems you got irritated by the brief critique of the commentator, asking him in a patronizing way to behave differently and be respectful of the parties (???). I wonder how you draw the line between opposition, animosity and critique and what authority your distinction would be based on. Yesterday, an article was published which characterized, certainly wrongly, your writings as opposed to the Communist Party and your views as unhelpful. I am sure you would disagree and I would then agree with you disagreement. Things seen so would make
This is a very good step, since you could win only if you try, and I agree with the last commentator of the necessity of your finding common grounds with other leftists forces to ensure a better likelihood of wining more voices.
(20) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie We certainly need much better psychiatric Services
Dear Ms Reem Alrubaie As I am a psychiatrist and psychotherapist myself, I certainly strongly support your calls for much more advanced psychiatric treatment and counseling of all forms like bereavement, family and marital counseling. With the number of the handicapped, orphans, widowed and divorced amounting to several millions, and with the terrorist machinery filling the daily life of every Iraqi with despair and immeasurable fear, we see that the psychiatric services is not measuring up even to the minimum of what is required. We also know of the extremely dangerous, widespread use of illicit drugs, particularly among the youth. We call on the Minster of Health, who himself is a psychiatrist, to pay much greater attention to improving the psychiatric services and the desperately needed empirical research into this field. Thanks for this excellent article
(21) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie The urgent need to unit democratic forces, not to dissipate
Dear Mr Salam Jaafar I feel touched and empathize with your love and loyalty for your late father and his cause which is also our cause. However, I wish also, if I may, to mention the following. Instead of fighting the real fight, the fight that really counts, namely, the historical fight against the sectarian and feudal forces of Iraq, as represented by the current corrupt government and its supporters, the article and some other comments, unfortunately, have managed to divert us away from our main fight, and now we are involved in unnecessary and destructive infighting about claims and counter-claims regarding who is the real lover or defender of the Communist Party and who is not!!! (Do we have the magic litmus paper to tell us?). And what is the importance of these questions or their answers? While we are busy trying to answer these unanswerable questions (since only history can tell), the ship, namely, Iraq (that is, all of us) is drowning deeper and deeper. With the upcoming election getting closer and closer every day that goes by, the need to unit our forces is
Dear Mr Kamil I have 2 observations to make: Firstly, the communists do not need a Certificate of Good Standing from Aljafari and the like of his. And who does need a cerificate from a person like him, a sectarian, failed ex-prime minster? He and his associates should stop robbing Iraq and spreading corruption that has become endemic now. Secondly, what is wrong with being agonist or atheist? We know from theory and praxis that religion has nothing to do with ethics, and the reality of Iraq now is the best evidence thereof. Although the current governing parties are religious, they are unethical. Religion can never be equated with ethics. A person has to be only ethical, not religious. Ethics, not religion, is what counts. Regards
(23) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie This government needs corruption as it needs the air to surv
Dear Mr. Almutair I wonder why the Hero of Law and order has not opened yet an investigation into this very serious matter and other matters of corruption and irregularities committed by high officials in his government. This government says things when it means the opposite, say things just to muddy the water, or just use words as an empty rhetoric or for appearing respectable or as an elections propagandistic maneuvers. This government and its president, to whom you address your message, unfortunately has lost all credibility, otherwise it should have launched already an investigation into this and other similar or even identical matters. This government only lives off corruption and would wither away immediately if corruption were eradicated. This government needs corruption as it needs the air to survive. And the question I would half-seriously ask you; Do you expect the ‘Advocate of Law and Order to read your message, let alone respond to it, if he went on the record as saying that electronic journalism is rubbish? With best wishes and regards
(24) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie Is the Iraqi Communist party Marxist or Christian or what?
And what about the killings of Pesht Ashan? Is it more than indescribable irony that the killer’ occupies the highest post in the Republic of Iraq? It seems we have a government of killers and corrupts, of a political Mafia. There are killers in every corner and corridor of this government As to the Iraqi Communist Party, it seems to follow the Christian dictum that says if you slap me on one cheek, I give you the other. Well, I have no problem with the Christian commandment, but the Communist Party is supposedly a Marxist party, not a religious or Christian party. SO WE NEED TO KNOW WHETHR THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF IRAQ IS MARXIST OR CHRISTAIN OR WHAT. AND WHY DOES THE PARTY KEEP SILENT, IN THE MAJORITY OF CASES, ABOUT THE KILLING AND TOTURE CMMITTED AGAINST ITS MEMBERS AND UPPOTES DURING THIS OR LAST REGIEMN?
(25) الاسم و موضوع
Talal Alrubaie Where are Women’s Human Sexual Rights or the Scientific Fact
Thanks for your comments. I always use my real name. Unfortunately you are trying g to help a bad situation by equally bad measures that would in the end make things even worse for most women. Also, I am, as a medical sexologist, disagree fully with you when you say that women at menopause lose their sexual desire. Scientific evidence says just the opposite. I have advised you before, and I hope you go back to the archive, to get your facts right before meddling in these serious matters since half-knowledge could be very serious and it is not your fault, because I understand you are a lawyer, and not a medical doctor, a biologist or a sexologist. Please, and I ask you kindly again and again, I would like you to educate yourself on matters of sexology before you write. As a start, you might wish to look up Hong Kong declaration of sexual human rights 1999, They are Declaration of Sexual Rights (http://www.tc.umn.edu/~colem001/was/wdeclara.htm) Sexuality is an integral part of the personality of every human being. Its full development depends upon the satisfaction of ba