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إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

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(1)  الاسم و موضوع التعليق SABAH ALASADY
thanks for your reply
التاريخ Tuesday, July 10, 2012
 الموضوع والكاتب ما الذي فشل مع فشل الاستجواب - جعفر المظفر تاريخ النشر Friday, July 6, 2012

Dear Dr. Almudhaffar
Thank you for the reply to my comment on your failure of democracy ..... article, to start with my name is Dr. Sabah Alasady and not Sabah Alsaadi ( may be to much watching TV).
Democracy, to my understanding, is a principle of social contract between members of any community to guarantee the freedom of choice of all individuals within the limit of safety, security and freedom of other members of the society and the society at large. By definition as a moral principle there is no good and bad democracy. The main problem of our process of democracy is not being brought by America or any body else it was and is the involvement of other regional and neighbouring countries(and their terrorist activity) in the process, this ultimately fed into the benefit of the ruling parties, no matter how corrupt they are, as the fear of terrorism limited the options available at the desposal of Iraqi people.
Thank you

(2)  الاسم و موضوع التعليق SABAH ALASADY
failure of democratic process
التاريخ Saturday, July 7, 2012
 الموضوع والكاتب ما الذي فشل مع فشل الاستجواب - جعفر المظفر تاريخ النشر Friday, July 6, 2012

Dear Dr. Jaffar
Once again a well structured highly informative article with a clear insight of the subject. One think I would like to add to your article is the fact that this very young democratic process in Iraq, and because the dramatic changes in the geopolitical structure of Iraq, has attracted alot of interest in region which unfortunately can only be described as negative, with a consequent interference influencing the out outcome of such new democratic process. These facts,I think, left us in between two hard choices, one of them is the use of force by the administration, in this case is the government represented by the prime minister Mr. Almaliky and this carry the risk of development of yet another dectatorship on one side and the risk of abortion of our democratic process under the influence and interference of other countries leaders in the regions.

(3)  الاسم و موضوع التعليق SABAH ALASADY
may god bless your efforts
التاريخ Thursday, May 3, 2012
 الموضوع والكاتب أعظم مفقود وأهون موجود.. دعوة لتشكيل حزب بإسم حزب الماء - جعفر المظفر تاريخ النشر Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dear Dr. Jaafar
salam, It has been such a long tim since the time of university, it is pleasure to share you the interest in this subject, I can not think of any thing more important to the present and future of Iraq than the subject you toched on.
It is actully only last week I came back from almost two months trip to Iraq, spending big part of it in Basrah. This subject unlike the goverment is the major concern of the ordinary people in the street, what you hear from those (unlike the corrupted mind of the people in the goverment) straight forward simple solutions, like building dams along shatt alarab water way to stop wasting what ever small amount of water we get from Turkey and Iran.
I actually brought up the subject with some body I know with a good relation to the minister of (ray) regarding whether these simple solutions has been considered by the ministry, the answer was unsurprisingly not to his knowledge. Please consider me for what ever efforts I can.