Can all the Iraqy parliment members swear at there quane that they never drank any kind of the drinks ,or they drank enought and now they want to stop and become honset . (Alena ... mo... mllena ).
How long will be these kinds of thorns will continue to grow in our world, and how much longer will the big cactus stay alive...? Thank you and greatly apprcaited
Thank you for this good supject ,but befor the 4th war will be finshed , the 5th war started and it is the worriest ,it is the economy war ,and when the U.S bcomes hangry the world will be die
God bless U, I knowe how much U suffer when U writte like this subject ,but some peple still want to be slive ,and the problem it is the big boss mohamad and his dirty book, and ourl countries will still suffering till they discover the truth ,that this book isnot from God , but it is from the devil ,