Je ne vois pas pourquoi vous perdez du temps camarade Abdelmoutalib avec un Trotskiste ? Les Trotskistes sont des traitres comme il a dit Lénine et ils le resteront pour toujours. Donc cest mieux de continuer dans la discussion avec les camarades sans tenir compte des commentaires stupides et ignorantes des Trotskistes..
Dear our Great Professor Najjar, With deep sorrow and Genuine solidarity, I would like to express my deep sorrow about your loss of your soul mate and life companion.
Yet, I would liek to say that whe a tree dies, another tree grows up strengthened by the pathes that teh former one made in its life. I beleive that in memory of your departing companion you can continue your greatwork in enlighteneing the people who lost their path and closed their minds for centuries.