-أصبنا نساء من سبي أوطاس (غزوة حنين)، ولهن أزواج ، فكرهنا أن نقع عليهن ولهن أزواج ، فسألنا النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ، فنزلت هذه الآية : ( والمحصنات من النساء إلا ما ملكت أيمانكم ) [ قال ] فاستحللنا فروجهن- - صحيح مسلم الصفحة أو الرقم 1456
الخلاصة: أخذ المسلمون نساء من أزواجهم فى غزوة أوطاس وكرهوا أن يغتصبوهم لأن لهم أزواج، فجاء محمد بآيه يحلل لهم ذلك
شكرا استاذ سامي على هذا التحليل المنطقي للنقاش المتدينين٠-;- اذكر اني قرات في موقع ما لا اذكره الان ان لنقاش مع االمتدنين كمثل من يرد ان يمسك صابونه مبلله فى حمام
-أفيقوا أفيقوا يا غواة فإنما دياناتكم مكرٌ من القدماء فلا تحسب مقال الرسل حقاً ولكن قول زور سطّروه وكان الناس في يمنٍ رغيدٍ فجاءوا بالمحال فكدروه دين وكفر وأنباء تقص وفرقان وتوراة وإنجيل - أبو العلاء المعري
Dr. Samy: Thanks again for another good article that highlights the poison of religions. I understand that it is hard for believers to digest the truth
Dear Dr. Samy: Another great article. Any religion thought´-or-order that violates the Articles of International conventions must be labeled as such. Regarding Dr. Whatever who said to you: -أما ردى على السيد /سامى فهو :حسبى الله و نعم الوكيل و أفوض أمرى الى الله-
He does not have the courage to agree with you´-or-the intellectual capacity to argue against your article.
(8) الاسم و موضوع
Mohamed Abu Yaman Add all Islamic Universities Fatwa Offices
Dear Samy: I Alazhar and all these institutions must be added to a terrorist list. We should add all Islamic Universities that teaches hater and support terrorism through their fatwas such as imam muhammad ibn saud islamic university to the list.
To all of us human beings for letting the Yazidiies and other minorities being slaughtered and raped by Daesh. What is more shame is when you see Muslims try to find excuses for these crimes ( see Mr. Thalgy comment on the face book section of the comments). Shame, shame, shame.
(11) الاسم و موضوع
Mohamed Abu Yaman Democray by itself is not enough
Thank you Mr. Tawfeeq for your excellent article. Without secularism (separation of state and religion), strong individual right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness as they see it fit, Democracy is nothing but the rule of the majority. In my opinion, unalienable individual rights and secularism are the foundations on which to build democracy.
Rafed Ramez, Thank you very much for your courageous comments and insightful thoughts. The viscous attacks against Arab intellectual humanists and atheists by religious thugs is due to the rise and increase in the number of atheists and humanists. Check this out: https://newhumanist.org.uk/articles/4898/the-rise-of-arab-atheism Happy new year to all.
Mr Sami, Thank you very much for a concise analysis of religion values in Isalm. As you can see from my name that I was born into Islam but now I am agnostic at best. Here is my response to Mr. Ibraheem Thalgi, I am sorry but you are delusional and unable to respond to a single point that Mr. Samy mentioned in his article.