although I agree with Resha Mumtaz, Suzan , ismail Gabouri en others, I would like to espose one point: The scinence and sceinitsts are not tryning to proof, disproof or reject the Islam or any religion as Mr Shamel claim. I think that Mr Shamel does not know what are the goals an objectieves of science. If he does, then he is simply a demagogue.
will it make any difference to comment ? there is no medicine for virus. it is now the 21-st century and no longer the time of : beleave it or not ! evidences and probative values are essential. Are they available to prove the existance of any god except that of Einstein ?
Excellent ! I did enjoyed it very much indeed, not because being a biologist, but also the way of explanation and comparison, promoting science and common sense for all. Thank you. Hatqo Fathi Radjab
When I asked a cotholic woman what is God to you ? She said: my energy ! If she was talking about the real energy in the cosmos, then she was absolutely right. We entierly exist of sun energy which is a part of the total cosmos energy. This have been mentioned in the Islam: - Allahu welmelaiketu agsamun nouraniye - Nour or light is nothing but energy.