Dear writer, really you confused me in your article and you call muslims to turn islam which they have believed in since over 1400 years upside down and to cheat themselves and others in order to live peacefully in europe, howcome? I understand your trials to find solutions for islam but believe me this is not going to work, to beautify the ugly is wasting for all your previous trials.Thank you for the modern discussion publishing my comment,merryChristmas and happy new year for all
Dear Makarim,I think you agree what is written in this article,Danish Cartoons is matching Mohammad-s life according to Quran and sunna and muslim clerks admit that but this series which this article talking about is not matching Juseslife according to Holy book.Regarding Davinshi Code movie I saw this movie 3times here in Canada and 2 times in France and its normal no one took bad reaction .The problem is in the muslims reaction.Regards
Dear writer,thanks for your frank confession and I wish all the writers do same thing which make us both readers and writers be more colser to each other and understand each other and we form very beautiful garden which our next generations be proud of us.The internal(inside) freedom leads to brave decision. .I wish thankfully modern discussion publish my comment.Regards
Dear Writer, I think you have to direct your articles to the muslims who dont want to integrate with the new communities, after acheiving their integration you can criticize th west civilization,dont jump the steps of the ladder.its not good to wear burqaa when we write and give opion.Regards
Dear Writer,All The western countries has the right to protect their communities from any uneducated cultures and by experience they know very well which culture could hurt them and they will not allow anyone use human rights gate to pass his bad things to their communities and because of those immigrants(everyone now knows them very well who are they and what they want)the human rights is not going to be as before.Regards
Dear writer,in the middle east and moslim communities the main gate of terrorrisim is the religous gate,i feel that we will stay like that for good and there is no any hope to get rid of that gate.
Dear 1st class writer Albabely Alhakim,I am wondering why the others looking for stupid excuse to attack you like publishing your picture?I want to tell them we need strong and live words not picture we need strong articles like yours we are in no need for in- between articles or gray articles( as was said in the bible,as long as you are not or not cold I am going to vomit you) please dont listen to them keep going as you are.
Dear writer, thank you for your words and feelings yes the only criminal in this murder is the religion and the stupid dictorate my question is what the christians can do in this case to defent themselves?Regards Raad