  Modern Discussion

Modern Discussion  » Natural Sciences

Natural Sciences

Articles Nr in this Category - 14 -

Show From - 1 - To - 13
Title Name Date
1 þPhotonic diamond DNA activations! Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2024 / 10 / 3
2 The Fifth Power in Nature Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 6 / 13
3 Dr Salma Jamoussi lauréates en technologie pour l’année 2022 Bouzid Sofiene  2023 / 1 / 7
4 Agricultural Development in the Arab World Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry  2022 / 10 / 5
5 Common Ancestor Bosy El Gamasy  2022 / 5 / 13
6 The Universe Is a Living Organism Hassan Ajami  2022 / 4 / 16
7 What if gratitude is induced in the lab? . Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2021 / 12 / 27
8 Hassan Ajami on a New Cosmological Hypothesis Iosr Journals  2021 / 10 / 28
9 Transformantalism : Spacetime Theory of the Universe Hassan Ajami  2021 / 8 / 3
10 Unifulverse : The Universe is Full of Other Universes Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 27
11 Uncertainty = Infinite Probabilities ÷ Energy Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 24
12 Uncertainabilism: A Law of Nature Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 19
13 Universefulism: A Theory of Transformant Universes Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 13
14 THE PERSPECTIVE OF HOLISTIC MEDICINE Mousab Kassem Azzawi  2020 / 10 / 3

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