Hassan Ajami
2021 / 7 / 13
Universefulism is a scientific hypothesis which says that the universe has the ability to become a different universe, i.e. the same universe could change into any other possible universe. In this sense, any universe can transform into another possible universe, leading to the existence of transformant universes. For universefulism, reality is characterized by a unique property called universefulization which is a process enabling reality to be any possible universe from among all of the infinite possible and parallel universes.
Reality is the sum of all the parallel and possible universes. This is the foundation of the scientific view that there are many different parallel universes as string theory and quantum mechanics maintain. But if reality is the sum of all the different possible universes which have different facts and laws of nature from each other, then any reality should have the ability to become any possible universe from among these parallel and diverse universes. Hence, reality has the ability to be any possible universe, i.e. reality has the property of universefulization, which is a process in virtue of which reality is able to become any parallel universe. And therefore, universefulism is true.
The universe is indeterminate, such that it is indeterminate whether the particles are particles´-or-waves as quantum mechanics says. Yet if the universe is indeterminate, then it could be in any possible state from among all the different and competing possible states. And hence, the universe could change into any parallel universe, leading to the conclusion that the universe has the property of universefulization in virtue of which it could become any possible universe. If the universe lacks this property of universefulization, which enables the universe to become any possible and parallel universe, then it will be strange and unlikely that the universe behaves as if it is many different universes, such as a universe in which particles are particles and a universe in which particles are waves instead of being particles. In other words, the best explanation of the fact that the universe behaves as if it is many distinct universes is that it has the ability to be different universes and it becomes these different universes whenever the laws of nature permit´-or-whenever the laws of nature are broken leading one universe to change into another different universe, exactly as universefulism says.
According to universefulism, reality has the ability to become any possible universe. And this is why particles are particles and waves (which are the opposite of particles) at the same time, and the same particle could be in two different places at the same time, as quantum mechanics holds. Given that reality could become all of the different universes, it is natural that there is in reality a universe in which particles are particles and there is also in reality another different universe in which particles are waves instead of particles, leading to the conclusion that in reality particles are particles and waves at the same time. This shows that universefulism entails, and hence, explains the weird behavior of reality, such as the behavior of particles as particles and waves at the same time although particles are the opposite of waves, leading universefulism to possess this successful explanatory power. And in light of its successful explanatory power, we could rightly infer that it is a plausible theory.
Universefulism is a scientific hypothesis because it could be tested either actually´-or-theoretically. If we find the traces of different universes (such as different laws of nature) within our own universe, then it is probably true that a universe could transform into another universe, such that a certain universe´-or-universes had transformed into our own actual universe, leaving behind traces of its´-or-their past existence. If universefulism is true, it is very likely that our universe has diverse laws of nature, even if they are only applicable to certain specific circumstances. For universefulism, the universe is full of other universes, leading the path for unforeseen possibilities.
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