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The Riyadh Summit: A Turning Point for Iran, Iraq, and the Regional Order Najah Mohammed Ali  2025 / 3 / 2 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
British Army veteran who served in Iraq now facing deportation Najah Mohammed Ali  2022 / 6 / 21 Migration, racism, rights of refugees, and immigrant communities 
No single Republican has ever proposed viable alternative to JCPOA Najah Mohammed Ali  2022 / 6 / 18 Abolition of the death penalty 
U.S. sends wrong signals Najah Mohammed Ali  2022 / 6 / 18 Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES 
Fraud prevails in the Iraqi elections.. Najah Mohammed Ali  2021 / 12 / 21 Research topics and political essays 
Towards a comprehensive solution to the election crisis .. Najah Mohammed Ali  2021 / 12 / 20 Research topics and political essays 
Trump: Israel used me..i Najah Mohammed Ali  2021 / 12 / 20 Terrorism, war and peace 


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