“Syria Between Terrorism and Collusion: The Alawite Genocide Under Arab Silence”

Najah Mohammed Ali
2025 / 3 / 9

Syria is witnessing a dangerous escalation of armed violence by the new government and its militant factions, most of which come from outside the country, particularly in the coastal regions that were, until recently, considered among the most stable areas in the nation.

The brutal massacres committed against the Alawites and other minorities are unfolding before the eyes of the international community, amid clear regional collusion and a suspicious Arab media silence. What is happening today is not merely an internal conflict-;- it is a systematic sectarian and ethnic cleansing campaign led by armed groups, with political governmental cover and military support from regional and international powers. In this analysis, we will examine the various dimensions of this humanitarian catastrophe and shed light on the dubious role of certain forces while refuting the false claims accusing Iran´-or-the so-called “remnants of the previous regime” of involvement in these events.

First: The Escalation of Massacres Against Alawites

1. The Expansion of Military Operations in Syria’s Coastal Region

The coastal areas, particularly Latakia and Tartous, have witnessed a significant escalation in military operations targeting Alawites under the pretext that they are loyal to the former regime. Armed factions, led by the Jolani group (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham), have intensified their attacks against Alawite villages and towns, using heavy weaponry in mass killings and systematic destruction. Reports from within Syria indicate that field executions have been carried out against civilians solely based on their sectarian identity, in addition to organized kidnappings aimed at terrorizing the population and forcing them into mass displacement.

2. Systematic Destruction of Property and Infrastructure

The crimes committed by these armed factions are not-limit-ed to -dir-ect killings-;- they also include the destruction of Alawite homes, the burning of marketplaces, and the targeting of infrastructure in Alawite-majority areas. The goal of these actions is not just political revenge but an ethnic cleansing strategy aimed at altering the demographic composition of these regions, revealing a clear agenda of systematic population displacement.

Second: Regional and International Complicity in Crimes Against Alawites

1. Turkey’s Role: Military and Logistical Support for Armed Factions

The atrocities being committed in Syria today cannot be separated from Turkey’s clear role in supporting armed groups, especially Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. Intelligence reports confirm that Turkey has supplied these factions with weapons and ammunition and has even facilitated the passage of foreign fighters into Syria. The Turkish government, which has long claimed to seek a political solution, is in reality one of the main instigators of the sectarian war, exploiting Syria’s chaos to achieve its expansionist ambitions even after it established control over the central government.

2. Arab Media Silence and Suspicious Double Standards

Despite the unprecedented scale of the massacres against Alawites, Arab media deliberately ignores them, reflecting blatant hypocrisy. While media outlets have provided extensive coverage of any incident that could be used against the former Syrian government, the crimes committed by the ruling armed factions today are met with complete silence. Some media channels actively propagate false narratives, attempting to portray the events as a “popular revolution” supported from outside—implying Iranian involvement—when in reality, what is happening on the ground is pure sectarian cleansing.

3. The United States and the West: Double Standards in Counterterrorism

The Western stance on Syria clearly illustrates a double standard. Although the armed factions controlling Syria (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and its current leader) are classified as terrorist organizations under international law, the West turns a blind eye to their crimes, treating them as a legitimate political entity. The United States and the European -union-, despite their claims of fighting terrorism, have taken no serious steps to halt the massacres against Alawites, reinforcing suspicions about their true intentions in Syria.

Third: Iran Is Not Involved in the Ongoing Conflict

1. Debunking the Accusations Against Iran

Despite media propaganda attempting to implicate Iran in recent events, the facts on the ground prove otherwise. Tehran has not intervened in these conflicts, even when the Syrian crisis was at its peak before the fall of the previous regime. Instead, it has repeatedly called for a political resolution that preserves Syria’s unity and prevents further bloodshed. Claims about Iranian involvement in supporting Alawites are nothing more than a transparent attempt to justify sectarian crimes.

2. “Remnants of the Former Regime”: A Lie to Justify Ethnic Cleansing

One of the most dangerous falsehoods propagated by armed groups and their supporters is the claim that those being targeted in the current massacres are merely remnants of the previous Syrian regime. This narrative is designed to legitimize the mass killings of Alawites, despite the fact that most of the victims are civilians with no political affiliations. This fabricated media discourse is being used to obscure the reality that what is happening is not political retribution but outright sectarian genocide.

Fourth: The International Community Faces a New Moral Test

1. The Responsibility of the United Nations and Human Rights Organizations

Despite human rights reports documenting the crimes committed by armed factions under governmental cover in Syria, the international community remains negligent in taking any serious action to stop these violations. The United Nations, which is supposed to be an impartial body protecting civilians, has yet to issue a clear condemnation of these atrocities. This international silence raises questions about the integrity of these institutions and their ability to protect human rights in the face of clear political complicity.

2. The Urgent Need for Immediate International Action

As massacres against Alawites continue, the need for urgent international intervention has become more pressing than ever. Major powers must abandon their narrow self-interests and assume their moral responsibilities. Strict sanctions should be imposed on states supporting armed groups and on the government that is openly conducting field executions. Additionally, an international investigation committee should be established to hold those responsible for these crimes accountable.

Conclusion: A Collective Responsibility to Confront Sectarian Genocide

What is happening in Syria today is not just a political conflict-;- it is a systematic sectarian genocide unfolding in front of the world. The massacres against Alawites, supported -dir-ectly by regional powers and shielded by Arab media silence, represent a humanitarian catastrophe that cannot be ignored. International and regional complicity is evident, and the Arab media silence is highly suspicious, making it imperative to expose these crimes and uncover the forces that support them.
• These horrific crimes highlight the failure of the interim government led by Ahmad al-Shar’a (Jolani) to achieve stability, as divisions among armed factions continue to grow. Foreign interventions further complicate the Syrian scene, weakening the chances for a political resolution.

The current situation suggests ongoing tensions with a high probability of further escalation unless an internal consensus is reached´-or-an effective international intervention is made to halt the massacres.

The international community, key global actors, and human rights organizations must assume their responsibilities to prevent the recurrence of past genocides. Ignoring these crimes will only lead to more chaos and extremism and will forever remain a stain on the conscience of all who remained silent´-or-were complicit in these atrocities.

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