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�Photonic diamond DNA activations! Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2024 / 10 / 3 Natural Sciences 
Reduction in infant mortality and an indicator of the development of societies Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2022 / 9 / 6 Rights of children and modern education 
Broken windows theory Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2022 / 6 / 14 Civil society 
Monkeypox virus Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2022 / 5 / 21 Abolition of the death penalty 
Therapeutic vaccines in the treatment of cancer Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2021 / 9 / 7 Research topics and political essays 
Young people spreading Covid-19 Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 8 / 9 Civil society 
When will it end? Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 8 / 6 Research topics and political essays 
These days Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 8 / 6 Civil society 
A strange and illogical statement Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 8 / 4 Civil society 
The PCR test in the diagnosis of Covid-19 Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 29 Research topics and political essays 
Reinfection, herd immunity and the vaccine. Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 24 Research topics and political essays 
Four vaccines for Covid-19 Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 23 Research topics and political essays 
Oxford Covid-19 vaccine Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 21 Research topics and political essays 
Isolation period Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 21 Research topics and political essays 
The calls for war Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 18 Civil society 
How much virus did you get? Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 12 Research topics and political essays 
What is the virus? Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 7 / 8 Nature, pollution, environment protection 
Tests for COVID-19 Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 6 / 28 Research topics and political essays 
The seriousness of the COVID-19 virus Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 6 / 27 Research topics and political essays 
What can you do if there is a shortage of antiseptics in your area Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni  2020 / 6 / 25 Research topics and political essays 


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