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Title | Name | Date | Category |
?Projeya netew� ya Kurd-Kurdistan t� �i watey� | Mahmoud Abbas | 2022 / 1 / 15 | Secularism, religion, political Islam |
Problems of Kurdish history Part- 3 | Mahmoud Abbas | 2020 / 3 / 3 | Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination |
Problems of Kurdish history Part- 3 | Mahmoud Abbas | 2020 / 3 / 3 | Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination |
The Federal Republic of Syria | Mahmoud Abbas | 2020 / 2 / 4 | Research topics and political essays |
Problems of Kurdish history- Part 2 | Mahmoud Abbas | 2020 / 1 / 15 | Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination |
Problems of Kurdish history- Part 1 | Mahmoud Abbas | 2019 / 12 / 19 | Studies and research in history and heritage |
About Donald Trump And his attitude towards the Kurds | Mahmoud Abbas | 2019 / 12 / 15 | Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES |
Why Trump killed al-Baghdadi now | Mahmoud Abbas | 2019 / 11 / 2 | Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES |
Syrias federal�-or-death drums 2/2 | Mahmoud Abbas | 2019 / 10 / 2 | Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination |
Syrias federal�-or-death drums � | Mahmoud Abbas | 2019 / 9 / 28 | Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination |