Mahmoud Abbas
2020 / 1 / 15
In recent times, has begun to emerge more crucial than the distortion of history, they have begun to challenge Kurdish patriotism and our cause in a way In--dir--ectly, we are considered citizens within the state while denying our history in the region. Under the claim of recognizing our rights as a national on the one hand, they betray the parties of our movement on the other They are attacking a party at the expense of the whole movement. This-is a malicious shift in the methods of fighting them to us, and distorting the Relations of The Kurdish-Arab in the region, and it is in line with the era The Internet, because the old ways, where total denial of the existence of the Kurdish nation is no longer useful.
As the Arab cultural and political scene has emerged, distortions of our history are stranger than the previous,it turns out at first glance it is simple, but it is in fact dangerous, and it supports the the old approach, and his pity that he fell in which a slice of our Kurd,they responded to the dialectic by its indiscretion, published by some of the The Book and The Arab Intellectuals and the Adopters Modern Methods of Attacking, promoting that Some Of the Kurdish tribes on the island were paying the Arab tribes to protect them,i.e. they were paying the Khoa to the modern Arab tribes to be present on our island. - In accordance with what the invading Arab tribes imposed in the early days of Islam on the peoples of the region, including the Kurds, it was called "Jizya in the Islamic-Arab era"
They spread this fabrication to show that the Arab tribes in the region, al-Tay, Fennel, Rawala, Jabour, Al-Obeida, Al-Obaidat, Al-Akidat and their descendants, were here before the Kurds and were protectors of the region and the Kurdish clans, and in fact propaganda. This historical distortion is intended to move them from the new tribes of the island to their owners, and to challenge the Kurdistanism of our island and our Afrin, at a time when Arab intellectuals were supposed to focus on honest patriotism and coexistence. Safe with the Kurds within a Kurdish geography that embraces us all.
Andit is a pity that some of the Kurdish scholars and writers capture the distortions of these stalkers without looking at them, and build on them studies dominated by naive Our past has been distorted for centuries, and some offer it to our society and our readers to study from academic dimensions, and with the logic of the history of No. The fate of our descendants will be achieved if we continue to read history and practice politics. Brothers on what they do knowingly´-or-not) without realizing the disasters that will result from these research writings, in which they will And without awareness the purpose of the European writers that disappear beyond the lines and pages.
Based on the distortions they published, most of the Kurdish revolutions were challenged, and appeared on the pages of their history as not only a failure in their national, cultural and social dimensions, but also betrayals of the Islamic homeland, and like it. They showed migrations within the same Kurdish geography, as external migrations, and most of their purpose was to challenge the Kurdistan island, which in the past represented the Euphrates River its southern border, and several attempts have been made. A precedent for raising this demographic problem, and Kurdistan geographical Al-Jazeera, by highlighting the so-called "khoa" of the Arab tribes, to show as am:
1- Originally in the area.
2- They are the oldest in housing and urbanization.
3- The Kurds are the intruders or, as someOf the European writers have claimed, thenewcomers. Thus, the weak,´-or-unwanted guests, except for citizenship.
It is regrettable that these historical distortions have been passed under the control of the authorities, and the polemics have continued to be challenged over the past decades, and some of our Kurdish writers have raised them to add to the The disasters of the historical-the former political (we build a naïve present on the old distorted corners) we forget that the wrong studies of history, and the swaying pages to whitewash some of them without background and support, i.e. the distortion of the originally distorted history, is a crime One day, Wen will be punished by our nation s sons, who will re-examine their history professionally.
It is painful that some of those who do not pay attention to these methods --dir--ectly praise the enemies (who promoted these problems and tried to fix them as a fact) on the other side, i.e., their offer of Arab tribes, supported by the Arab authorities. And those who have established them as an urban on the island from the beginning of the third decade of the last century, as a force without their authority, and the owners of the land, described --dir--ectly´-or-in--dir--ectly at the expense of the Kurds, these tribes migrating from the north of the Arabian Peninsula and the colony of our island Kurdistan, owned by the owners of southwestern Kurdistan,after divide into three separate parts from each other geographically and demographically,as it likes to say to some of our movement and build on it their studies and analysis Political! They talk about the island before Afrin, Kobane before Kocher Hill,´-or-more closely, western versus winter, cougar before Alian, kikan before Daqouria,´-or-familia before the mullahs, ´-or-vice versa, and so on until the Kurdish mountains passing through the Afrin clans, their names are mentioned in the books The able researcher Dr. Mohammed Abdo.
These writers follow some of their readers, naively, no less naïve than the writers themselves, supporting such fabricated and contested historical novels, including al-Khoa, which are said to have been paid to Arab tribes such as al-Tay and Fennel, which are hadiths. That prompted the local Arab authorities, some Arab writers, especially from the Tay tribe, to promote it and brag about it and amplify it as the masters of the region, and many of their poets have done it in the past, and they wrote in it semi-epics Loose.
He reminds me here of the comment of Omar Ibn Kulthoum, who praises his tribe and satire for the other, in which he says:
"If we have to go out, we have no way of passing it."
Many of your books are in front of this kind of satire, and we fall into it when we study history as the enemies want it to study, sowerepeat this satire praise. Which we have nothing but setbacks in! Without consciously analyzing it and producing experiences, and on the contrary, some of us have become copied as they are, because it facilitates them to glorify with their own ends, and to come them. without awareness and logical analysis of our past, without having to take the incidents into your protection. ..
Dr. Mahmoud Abbas
United States
[email protected]
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