ناظم الماوي
الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 5304 - 2016 / 10 / 4 - 23:18
ابحاث يسارية واشتراكية وشيوعية
" الشيوعية الجديدة : العلم و الإستراتيجيا و القيادة من أجل ثورة فعليّة ، على طريق التحرير الحقيقي " ( إطلالة على كتاب بوب أفاكيان الأخير )
أكيد أنّ عنوان الكتاب الذى نلقى عليه نظرة عجلى قد جذبكم فهو فعلا جذّاب و لافت للنظر فضلا عن كونه هام و مثير أيضا . إنّه جذّاب بما ينطوى عليه من مصطلحات ليس أقلّها " الشيوعية الجديدة " التى تبعث فينا سؤال ما هي هذه الشيوعية و ما الجديد فيها ؟ وهو هام لإثارته و مواصلته الجدال صلب الحركة الشيوعية العالمية فالحديث عن الشيوعيّة الجديدة يستدعى بالضرورة و جدليّا الحديث عن الشيوعية القديمة و هذا فى حدّ ذاته مثير حدّ الإستفزاز للدغمائيين و الدغمائيين التحريفيين الذين يتمسّكون تمسّكا أعمى بماضى الحركة الشيوعية و يدافعون عنه برمّته دون تحليل مظهريه الإيجابي و السلبي و الفرز العلمي المادي الجدلي بينهما و نقد الأخطاء و طرح كيفيّة تجاوزها و أحيانا يحوّلون الأخطاء إلى مبادئ يعارضون بها أي نقد و تطوير لعلم الشيوعية . وهو مستفزّ كذلك بالتأكيد بإعتبار أنّ مؤلّفه ، بوب أفاكيان رئيس الحزب الشيوعي الثوري ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و أحد أبرز المنظّرين و القادة الشيوعيين الماويين الثوريين عالميّا منذ سبعينات القرن الماضي ، لعقود الآن محور جدال عالمي فالخلاصة الجديدة للشيوعية ، شيوعية اليوم ، التى تقدّم بها و كان مهندسها أسالت و لا تزال الحبر الكثير و أثارت و لا تزال الصراعات و الجدالات حتّى الحادّة منها .
و لعلّ عرضا مقتضبا لمضامين هذا الكتاب يخوّل لنا تكوين فكرة عن مدى أهمّية هذا الكتاب و يفتح شاهيتنا لقراءته . و لهذا الغرض إصطفينا تقديم عناوين الفصول و النقاط المعالجة فى كلّ فصل كما وردت فى فهرس الكتاب وهي على التوالي ( و خشية أن لا تكون محاولة الترجمة موفّقة و دقيقة ، نردفها بنص الفهرس بالأنجليزية ):
مقدّمة و توجّه
ضحايا التضليل و تضليل النفس
I- المنهج و المقاربة ، الشيوعية كعلم
- الماديّة مقابل المثاليّة
- الماديّة الجدليّة
- عبر أي نمط إنتاج
- التناقضات الأساسيّة و ديناميكيّة الرأسمالية
- الخلاصة الجديدة للشيوعية
- أسس الثورة
- الأبستيمولوجيا و الأخلاق ، الحقيقة الموضوعية والعبثيّة النسبيّة
- مقاربة الأفكار الذاتيّة و " الإستهلاكيّة "
- ما مدار حياتك؟ - رفع نظر الناس
II- الإشتراكيّة و التقدّم نحوالشيوعية : يمكن للعالم أن يكون على طريق آخر، طريق التحرير الحقيقي
- " الكلّ الأربعة "
- تجاوز أفق الحقّ البرجوازي الضيّق
- الإشتراكية كنظام إقتصادي و نظام سياسي و مرحلة إنتقاليّة نحو الشيوعيّة
- الأممية
- الوفرة و الثورة و التقدّم صوب الشيوعية – فهم مادي جدلي
- أهمّية " نقطة المنطاد " – حتّى الان و حتّى أكثر مع ثورة فعليّة
- دستور الجمهوريّة الإشتراكية الجديدة فى شمال أمريكا
- اللبّ الصلب مع الكثير من المرونة إستنادا إلى اللبّ الصلب
- محرّرو الإنسانيّة
III- المقاربة الإستراتيجيّة للثورة الفعليّة
- مقاربة إستراتيجية شاملة
- التسريع بينما نترقّب
- قوى الثورة
- الفصل بين الحركة الشيوعية و الحركة العمّاليّة ، القوى المحرّكة للثورة
- التحرّر الوطني و الثورة البروليتارية
- الأهمّية الإستراتيجيّة للنضال من أجل تحرير النساء
- الجبهة المتّحدة فى ظلّ قيادة البروليتاريا
- الشباب و الطلبة و الأنتلجنسيا
- النضال ضد أنماط التفكير البرجوازية الصغيرة بينما نحافظ على التوجّه الإستراتيجي الصحيح
- " الشيئان للتكبير إلى أقصى درجة "
- " الخمسة قف "
- الركيزتان
- الأممية – الإنهزامية الثوريّة
- الأممية و البعد الأممي
- الأممية – التقدّم بطريقة أخرى
- نشر الإستراتيجيا فى صفوف الشعب
- توجّه أساسي
IV- القيادة التى نحتاج
- الدور الحيوي للقيادة
- نواة قيادية من المثقّفين – و التناقضات المرتبطة بذلك
- الثورة الثقافيّة صلب الحزب الشيوعي الثوري
- حاجة الشيوعيين إلى أن يكونوا شيوعيين
- علاقة عدائيّة جوهريّا – و التبعات الحيويّة لذلك
- تعزيز الحزب – نوعيّا و كذلك كمّيا
- أشكال التنظيم الثوري و " الأوهيو "
- رجال الدولة و القادة الإستراتيجيين
- أساليب القيادة و علم و " فنّ " القيادة
- العمل بالعودة إلى " بصدد إمكانيّة الثورة " - تطبيق آخر ل " اللب الصلب مع الكثير من المرونة إستنادا إلى اللبّ الصلب "
قائمة منتقاة فى الأعمال المذكورة
Table of Contents
Introduction and Orientation
Foolish Victims of Deceit, and Self-Deceit
I. Method and Approach, Communism as a Science
Materialism vs. Idealism
Dialectical Materialism
Through Which Mode of Production
The Basic Contradictions and Dynamics of Capitalism
The New Synthesis of Communism
The Basis for Revolution
Epistemology and Morality, Objective Truth and Relativist Nonsense
Self and a “Consumerist” Approach to Ideas
What Is Your Life Going to Be About?—Raising People’s Sights
II. Socialism and the Advance to Communism:
A Radically Different Way the World Could Be, A Road to Real Emancipation
The “4 Alls”
Beyond the Narrow Horizon of Bourgeois Right
Socialism as an Economic System and a Political System—And a Transition to Communism
Abundance, Revolution, and the Advance to Communism—A Dialectical Materialist Understanding
The Importance of the “Parachute Point”—Even Now, and Even More With An Actual Revolution
The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America—
Solid Core with a Lot of Elasticity Based on the Solid Core
Emancipators of Humanity
III. The Strategic Approach to An Actual Revolution
One Overall Strategic Approach
Hastening While Awaiting
Forces For Revolution
Separation of the Communist Movement from the Labor Movement, Driving Forces for Revolution
National Liberation and Proletarian Revolution
The Strategic Importance of the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women
The United Front under the Leadership of the Proletariat
Youth, Students and the Intelligentsia
Struggling Against Petit Bourgeois Modes of Thinking, While Maintaining the Correct Strategic Orientation
The “Two Maximizings”
The “5 Stops”
The Two Mainstays
Internationalism—Revolutionary Defeatism
Internationalism and an International Dimension
Internationalism—Bringing Forward Another Way
Popularizing the Strategy
Fundamental Orientation
IV. The Leadership We Need
The Decisive Role of Leadership
A Leading Core of Intellectuals—and the Contradictions Bound Up with This
Another Kind of “Pyramid”
The Cultural Revolution Within the RCP
The Need for Communists to Be Communists
A Fundamentally Antagonistic Relation—and the Crucial Implications of That
Strengthening the Party—Qualitatively as well as Quantitatively
Forms of Revolutionary Organization, and the “Ohio”
Statesmen, and Strategic Commanders
Methods of Leadership, the Science and the “Art” of Leadership
Working Back from “On the Possibility”—
Another Application of “Solid Core with a Lot of Elasticity on the Basis of the Solid Core”
و قد سبق نشر متن هذا الكتاب فى شكل ملفّ بى دى أف على موقع جريدة " الثورة " ، منذ أشهر الان و تمّ نشر مقتطفات منه فى عدّة أعداد من تلك الجريدة . و لا يزال متوفّرا للقرّاء على الرابط التالى :
و النسخة الورقيّة يمكن الحصول عليها بالإتصال المباشر بمكتبات " كتب ثوريّة " أو بموقع إنترنت جريدة " الثورة " أو دار نشر الكتاب أو مكتبات أخرى على النات :
Available Now:
For individual orders: at Revolution Books NYC, Revolution Books Berkeley, and Insight Press
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For "Buy 2 at a discount with second one sent to a prisoner" and bulk orders: Contact Insight Press, [email protected]´-or-(773) 329-1699. Payment accepted via credit card´-or-money order.´-or-write Insight Press, 4044 N. Lincoln Ave., #264, Chicago, IL 60618
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و بعدُ قد صدرت عن قرّاء و مثقّقفين كثر آراء تخصّ مضمون هذا الكتاب فضلا عن تقديم الناشر للكتاب و منها نقتطف لكم البعض :
What People Are Saying About Bob Avakian and THE NEW COMMUNISM
During a recent event at Revolution Books in Harlem a patron presented reservations about a revolution, citing Malcolm X and that it would be bloody. This is an issue that Bob Avakian, as always, meets head on without equivocation in his latest book The New Communism. “You don’t make a revolution without tremendous sacrifice,” Avakian writes. This is a reality, he continued, “...you have to go through to get to a better world.” In this book, Avakian honestly and perceptively handles a number of questions about the difficulties of bringing about a total change in an oppressive system. It is a valuable addition to his corpus of work a splendid exegesis of revolutionary potential.
Herb Boyd, author of the forthcoming Black Detroit—A People s Struggle for Self-Determination (Amistad Press, 2017)
THE NEW COMMUNISM is exciting! Hundreds of pages, decades of research, a method and approach to understanding and confronting reality, and a strategy to actually make a revolution in the 21st century. This is monumental for the billions of people who catch the worst hell under this system, and for everyone wondering why the world is the way it is and how it could be radically different, Bob Avakian’s work is unrivaled! To get to a new and radically better society on the path to a world free of exploitation and oppression will take nothing short of a Revolution, not an easy task however you slice it. But, in BA’s work and leadership, readers and revolutionaries can discover the scientific method and approach that has been lacking in previous socialist movements, as well as an understanding of how revolutions are made, and ways to move forward today to fight the power and transform the people. Viva BA!
A young woman from West Africa
Having gone and listened to a live, public Bob Avakian speech, as I have, is to be exposed to one of the most provocative, serious and controversial social thinkers of our time. He s an American original who should be heard, debated and critiqued for these dramatic and troubling times.
James Vrettos, professor, John Jay College, NYC
This is a book of “big ideas” in an era where so few have the intellectual courage and the epistemological backbone to analyze social phenomena in their totality and in their mutual penetration... let alone while announcing one’s intentions to lead an actual revolution. The strategy and method of that revolution is drawn from precisely the book’s intricate analysis, which is full of suggestive provocations and sharp indictment of the capitalist system and prevailing culture.
A grad student in sociology
The world has been crying out for The New Communism!
The conditions of the masses of the world are intolerable, they have been awakening to political life and yearning for revolution.
It has been decades since the loss of the last socialist states and we would not be able to have a deep understanding of the reasons that led to the defeat of socialism by the defenders of the old order had it not been for the tireless investigation of BA that has led to the development of The New Communism.
The New Communism is what revolutionaries across the world have been needing to be able to break with the traditional ways of thinking of what true communism and a true revolutionary line based on a higher scientific understanding is, to be able to lead masses of people to emancipation. As Mao said: “The correctness and incorrectness of the ideological and political line decides everything” and this is what has been lacking in the revolutionary communist movement.
The New Communism, the correctness of the ideological and political line, along with other factors could have put the 1979 Revolution in Iran on a different path it could have had taken the struggle in Peru to a different level and put Nepal on the map as the next socialist state.
The New Communism is the true meaning of internationalism, it is communism with a true global perspective, The Whole World Comes First, the angle from which communist revolutions need to be led within local boundaries.
The New Communism is as important to today’s world as Marx, Lenin and Mao’s work was to previous revolutionary struggles.
It needs to be taken broadly out to the masses of the world. Without The New Communism, there will not be a radically different socialist economic system a radically different political system, the dictatorship of the proletariat and a transition to communism, and the masses of people will suffer endlessly.
Internationalist supporter of BA s new synthesis of communism originally from Iran
...I particularly enjoyed how BA stated the new constitution is constructed in such a way that you have to repeatedly win the masses of people to stay on the socialist road and ultimately communism. The very last sentence is an in-depth dialogue in its own right, continually winning people over to take up all manner of contradictions, including ones that the dogs put in your way to turn people against you.
I was likewise struck by the way BA issued the challenge that more people should be grappling with the new constitution to show what kind of society we’re fighting for of course. But also to convey how heavy all this is.
Excerpt from Letter from a California prisoner, on reading a pre-publication copy of THE NEW COMMUNISM
Bob Avakian has made trenchant observations and brought insightful analyses to a host of problems confronting contemporary society. He is genuinely concerned about the plight of the masses and has given much critical thought regarding proposed solutions for their uplift.
Norm R. Allen, Jr., author and founder of African Americans for Humanism
Why is the world the way it is?
Is there a way to change it?
Isn’t communism a nightmare?
What is socialism?
What kind of world could we build?
From questions of morality to questions of what is reality, from the science and its role in changing the world. The more crucial questions for human emancipation are not just explored but deeply developed in this book in a very profound way. Have you ever felt in the Matrix as Neo when he took the red pill? Have you ever felt the veil of illusions, ignorance and lies fed to you by this system get dissipated? Revealing, challenging, bold, and very accessible. That is what this book is about, Bob Avakian challenges the ways you think about yourself, and the world, it exposes what ways of thinking represent what interests, it challenges you to take action in the road to emancipate the whole world, not just a group of people, an area´-or-a country, but all of it. And it gives you a way to do so. This is the science, the strategy and the leadership humanity needs for bringing into being a whole new world. It all is in here and is a challenge from beginning to end.
A young woman from Latin America
Dear Revolution: I am really excited about the publishing of the latest major work by Bob Avakian, "The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation", in the form of a book, with an apt new title, The New Communism. I believe this to be an historic event at an historic moment, with world wide ramifications for the future of humanity.
At a time when people in this society are standing up against and resisting oppression and taking a firm stand against police brutality, the timing could not be more opportune. Also, there is a great upheaval in the world, and the Imperialists are having to deal with ever sharpening unresolvable contradictions. This has the potential for sudden jolts in the system of capitalism imperialism.
Besides, the suffering in the third world, (including the South Asian subcontinent, the area I migrated from) the death and destruction caused by wars for empire the human suffering of displaced persons/refugees the constant degradation of the environment with catastrophic possibilities, are all crying out for communism.
Since the restoration of capitalism in China in 1976, after the death of Mao, the first wave of communist revolutions practically came to an end. In the new era, Bob Avakian, coming out of the upsurge of the 60 s, emerged as a new revolutionary leader, who took over the responsibility of deeply analyzing the whole previous revolutionary experience, studying both their short comings and great achievements, with the aim of finding what led to the reversal of communism in China, and how to move forward from there on.
His painstaking work of several decades culminated in " The New Synthesis". As Ardea Skybreak has rightly said in her interview:".... Bob Avakian s work in this period is actually ushering in a new stage of communism". BA s work has taken the science of communism to another level, and in addition to making significant leaps in many aspects of revolutionary theory, and important ruptures, he has also made crucial breakthroughs and resolved crucial contradictions, putting the science of communism on a far more firm foundation. He has raised Internationalism to a new dimension, completely breaking with narrow nationalism, national chauvinism, identity politics and the like. This is reflected throughout his works: "... the whole world comes first", "...American lives are not more important than other peoples lives", "...emancipation of humanity" and so on. Today, in the era of the second wave of communist revolutions, BA s New Synthesis is the only correct revolutionary theory that can lead to a successful revolution. His breakthroughs and path breaking contributions, put him at a par with the founders of communism, Marx and other great communist leaders, Lenin and Mao.
In the global situation that prevails today, anyone who cares about humanity and its future, has got to get connected with BA, engage with him and spread his vision world wide, so that people can be armed with "The New Communism", to prepare and organize for communist revolution, to deliver humanity from the clutches of Capitalism-Imperialism end all forms of oppression and exploitation, and build a socialist society, on the march to achieving the final goal of communism world wide.
An internationalist supporter of the new synthesis from South Asia
وفى الأيّام القليلة القادمة ، إحتفاءا بصدور هذا الكتاب المعلم و الهام محلّيا و عالميّا ، سيجرى عقد ندوة فكريّة من المتدخّلين فيها مناضلان بارزان هما كرنال واست و كارل ديكس و هما مؤسّسا شبكة إيقاف السجن الجماعي :
http://www.stopmassincarceration.net و
التى نظّمت التحرّكات الجماهيريّة الناجحة فى عدد من مدن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيّة فى أكتوبر من السنة الماضية ( أنظروا تغطية التحرّكات من قبل شادي الشماوي على الحوار المتمدّن ).
The Launch of This Pathbreaking New Book from Bob Avakian:
Saturday, October 8, 1:30 pm
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
515 Malcolm X Blvd. @135th Street, Harlem, NYC
(2/3 trains to 135th)
Featuring: Cornel West and Carl Dix
Moderated by:
Andy Zee, spokesperson for Revolution Books
Presented by: Revolution Books, The BA Institute, Revolution Books Educational Fund, Insight Press
هذا الكتاب المنظّر للثورة فى الولايات المتحدة ، قلب الغول الإمبريالي ، و فى العالم قاطبة منارة شيوعية تستحقّ الإهتمام و القراءة و أكثر من ذلك الدراسة العلمية الجدّية المتأنّية و العميقة كما تستحقّ إعمال الفكر النقدي و فى نهاية السيرورة القيام باللازم شيوعيّا تجاهه و تجاه بقيّة أعمال بوب أفاكيان مهندس الخلاصة الجديدة للشيوعية . لذلك ندعو الباحثين عن الحقيقة و الشيوعيات و الشيوعيين و المتطلّعين إلى تغيير العالم تغييرا ثوريّا و تحرير النساء و الإنسانيّة جمعاء إلى خوض غمار هذه المغامرة الشيّقة و إكتشاف الآفاق الثوريّة التى يفتحها علم الشيوعية الجديدة ، شيوعيّة اليوم ، الخلاصة الجديدة للشيوعية ليساهم كلّ من موقعه فى دفع عجلة التاريخ و الثورة البروليتارية العالمية فنكون من طليعة المستقبل ، لا من بقايا الماضي .
#ناظم_الماوي (هاشتاغ)
كيف تدعم-ين الحوار المتمدن واليسار والعلمانية
على الانترنت؟