بهاء الدين
الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 3490 - 2011 / 9 / 18 - 12:00
الادب والفن
قصص قصيرة جدا
خلف الظلام حكاية يعيدها الضوء
بهاء الدين
صيف 2011
Very short stories
Behind the darkness , a story re-narrated by light
Summer 2011
رتب موعدا ليلتقي بصديقه , كان الغرض من لقائهما : التحدث بما يخص قلبه وذاك الحب الكبير . تحدث وتحدث , فوجد نفسه يبكي ويقول وطني ...
He arranged a date to meet his friend intending to speak out what in his heart and about that big love. He talked and talked until found himself crying and saying : my homeland …
ضوضاء الذاكرة
غص بعبرته ثم قاد خطاه نحو المرايا القديمة . لامس سطحها المطلي بالغبار , وبدأ يزيل جزءا منه , قبل ان تنعكس ملامح وجه بالكامل حطمها !!! وقام بازالة باقي الغبار .
The noise of memory
He throttled by his tear , then moved towards the old mirrors. He touched their dust-covered surface and started clearing out part of it , but before the features of his face totally got reflected, he smashed them all and cleared out the remaining dust.
خلف الظلام حكاية يعيدها الضوء
بعد 6 ساعات من حبسه في مربع معتم اسود اللون ,ولد شعاع ذهبي من ثقب صغير . عرج نحو الضوء , لامس سطح الثقب ! اكتشف انها ستارة , ازالها : وجد نفسه في فراغ مضيئ جداً .
Behind the darkness , a story re-narrated by light
Six hours after he got imprisoned at a dark square-shaped room, some golden beam of light broke through a tiny hole. He walked towards the light and touched the hole trace! He discovered it is a curtain, he removed it away and found himself in a very shining vacuum.
قبلت الوسادة قبل ان تضع راسها الممتلئ حزناً , وقالت تحملي الكم الجديد من الهم , هذه الليلة في صباح اليوم التالي وجدوها جثة . والوسادة تسيل الدمع من الجوانب .
She kissed the pillow before laying her sorrows-filled head and saying: you pillow, bear more new grief tonight. The next morning they found her a dead body while the pillow was flowing tears from the sides.
مساء النايات العراقية
جلس على ضفة النهر بحجة اصطياد السمك : يرمي بالحصى الصغيرة واحدة تلو الاخرى , كل يوم حصاة وكل فاجعة صخرة , لم يمتلئ النهر ولم تنفذ الحصى ,وقف مبتسماً . ترك النهر وترك الحصى داس على الصخور , تحمل سنارته امل .
The evening of Iraqi flutes(reed pipes)
He sat down at the bank of the river pretending fishing; he is throwing small stones one by one, a stone everyday and each rock carries a calamity. The river didn’t get filled and the stones didn’t run out, so he stood up smiling. He left the river, left the stones and stepped on the rocks while his fishing hook carries a hope.
حب من اربع اطراف
صديقتي ادرك ان الحب مشروع لنهاية صداقة جميلة , هل فعلاً تطلبين ان احدثك عن نسائي وتسكعاتي ؟
قالت : نعم
حدثها واشار بيده الى طاولة وهمية اخبرها , بانه لم يجلس عليها منذ رحلت حبيبته . امسكت يده واخذته ال تلك الطاولة , جلس مبتسماً على المقعد ثم قال : ماذا تشربين ياحبيبتي .
Love from four sides
My friend realized love is the end of lovely friendship relation, are you really asking me to tell you about my women and my hangings around?
She said: yes
He talked to her and pointed to unreal table saying he had not sat on it since his sweetheart departed. She held his hand and took him to that table. He sat smiling on the seat and then said: what do like to drink sweetheart.
كانت السماء السوداء خالية من نجومها اللامعة , لم تتزين ستائر الليل الا بضوء القمر البعيد من هناك . تتداعى اليه اصوات غريبة في هذا الشارع ويوحشه ظل النخيل والمنازل وهو يرسم مساحات معتمة , توقف عن السير وجلس على الرصيف المترب باحزان الاخرين . سمع صوت ارتطام ! سرق نظره حول ماحدث فوجد مصباح الشارع القديم قد هوى وتدلى وسقط عش الطير الذي فيه .
9 / 4 / 2003
The black sky was empty of its brilliant starts, the night curtain didn’t get decorated but by the far moon light coming from there. Strange voices are coming to him respectively in this street; he felt lonely by the gloomy palm trees shadow and the nearby houses as he is drawing dark spaces. He stopped walking and sat at the sidewalk which is dusted by sorrows of others. He heard a sound of crash! He looked around stealthily and found the old street lamp has fallen down dangling, and the bird nest inside has fallen as well.
بعد مرور سنة اكتشف : ان رسائله لم تصل لها بعد , ذهب الى مكتب البريد لاسترجاعها . فوجدها تعمل هناك .
A year later, he found out that his letters didn’t reach her yet. As he went to the post office to get them back, he found her working there.
كان يجمع الحزن في سلة عمره , عندما التقاها افرغ السلة وراح يضعها ! ولم يجم شيئا بعدها ابداً .
He was collecting the sorrow in his lifetime basket; but when he met her, he emptied the basket and put it down. He never collected anything since then
دحرج الدينار على الطاولة ! قبل ان يسقط من حافتها : امسكه بسرعة وراح يدحرحه من جديد , يسأل نفسه كم مرة وصلتُ لحافة اليأس ومن امسكني ومنعني من السقوط ؟ دحرجه مرة اخرى ولم يمسكه فسقط . قبل ان يلامس الارض ؟ امسكه احد ابناءه وقال : ابي هل هذا لي ؟
He rolled the dinar on the table! But before it fell from its edge, he held it quickly and started rolling it once again. He is asking himself how many times I reached the edge of hopelessness and who held me and prevented me falling? He rolled it one more time but didn’t hold it, so it fell down. Before it touched the floor, one of his sons held it and said: is this for me, father?
قرر ان يزين الجدار الأيل للسقوط في غرفته الصغيرة بمجموعة لوحات فنية , فلم يجد ماهو انسب من مجموعة قطع زجاجية بأطار خشبي متواضع !!!
He decided decorating the declining wall in his small room with a collection of artistic paintings; but he didn’t find something more suitable than a set of glass pieces placed in a modest wooden frame.
اخذت الشبكة لتصطاد فراشات الحديقة , لم تفلح جهودها . خرجت لحديقة الجيران ؟ فوقعت بشبكة حب جارها ...
She took the net to hunt the butterflies in the garden, but she didn’t succeed. She went to the neighbor s garden, but she fell in her neighbor s love net
رن جرس الهاتف بينما كان يفتح باب الشقة للخروج , ترك الباب مفتوحاً , وراح يرد على الهاتف . قبل ان يرفع السماعة ؟ طُرق الباب , لم يرد على المتصل , ذهب نحو الباب فلم يجد احدا !!!
The phone bell rang as he was opening the apartment s door to go out; he left the door open and moved back to answer the phone. Before he lifted the telephone receiver, the door was knocked. He didn’t answer the caller and went to the door but didn’t find anyone!!!
ترك قلبه في حجرة الانتظار, وعندما شعر باليأس : راح يبحث عن حجرة انتظار اخرى ...
He left his heart at the waiting room, and when he felt despair he went searching for another waiting room ...
في نهاية المسافة المفروشة بالذكريات , ودع صديقه بحرارة وقال : قد وجدت النسيان اخيراً . سأذهب , القاك في موعد ترتبه الصدفة لنا . فبعد لقائي بالنسيان قد لا اتذكرك , عندما وصل الى النسيان كان لديه خياران : اما ان يمحي له الذاكرة دفعة واحدة او يفارقه الى الابد ! اختار الخيار الثاني كي لاينسى نفسه ...
At the end of the memories-furnished distance, he warmly saw-off his friend and said: at last I found the forgetting, so I will go and will see you on some date arranged by coincidence to us. After my meeting with the forgetting, I might not remember you. When he reached the forgetting point , he had two choices: either his memory is erased all at once or breaks up with his friend forever. He chose the second option in order not to forget himself.
كان يحلم دائماً بأن يلتقيها , عندما تحقق حلمه : لم يصدق , تركها وعاد يتكئ على الجدار , يبكي ويحلم من جديد ...
He has been always dreaming of meeting her; but when his dream came true, he didn’t believe. He left her and backed leaning on the wall crying and dreaming over again.
عيد الربيع
اخذ يمسح ضباب المراة , ثم توقفت يده على سطحها حبس انفاسه , يرى ان كانت ذاكرته تعمل ؟ تنهد وواصل ازالة الضباب نظر الى وجهه ورشقه بالماء المتدفق من الصنبور , غسل وجهه من فرحة الصباح واستعان بالمنشفة . قبل ان يضعها على وجه ! تناهت الى مسامعه طرقات متتالية على الباب , ترك المنشفة ثم تقدم بخطوات مرتبكة وسأل بصوت خافت :
من ؟
_ انا من دائرة الكهرباء , هل لك ان تدفع الفاتورة ؟
_ نعم , كم ؟
_ 3000 دينار
وضع يده في جيب قميصه فصدمت بالخواء البارد , ورق نقوده المطوية موزع في جيبيه الجانبي والخلفي من البنطال , اخذ يعدها , واعطاها للموظف من تحت الباب . ثم تحرى ان كان قد بقى في جيبه الاخر بعض النقود , بعدها اتجه الى المطبخ ليحظر وجبة الافطار , صفع جهاز المذياع القديم الذي تعطلت ازراره منذ زمن فأصدر صوتاً مزعجاً وبصفعة اخرى : خرج صوت المذيعة المبتهج : ننقل لكم تفاصيل هذا الاحتفال الرائع انه يوم ولادة الربيع .حاول اسكات المذياع ففشلت محاولته , نزع البطارية . كان يتمنى لو يستطيع ان ينزع قلبه عند الحاجة ا وان يصفع ذاكرته بالنسيان . مرت سنة تقريباً على رحيل ابتسامته وشعاع الشمس الذي يمر عبر النافذة المطلة على شرفته العتيقة المزينة بأصص صغيرة لورود الجوري .بينما كان يتكئ على طاولة المطبخ الخشبية : رن الهاتف ! جرى بسرعة وجلس على الارض , قاوم ارتجاف يده المتلهفة لحمل خبر سار .
_ الو ؟
_ إبنتك ...
لقد عدت يا ابي وانا بخير سأكون عندك قبل المساء لنحتفل بالعيد , اغلق سماعة الهاتف واسرع بفتح الباب الخشبي وتلك النافذة ثم اخذ يبحث عن ابريق الماء لسقي ورود الجوري .
The Spring Day
He started wiping the mirror s mist, then his hand stooped at its surface. He held his breathe to see if his memory is still working; he sighed and continued wiping the mist. He looked at his face and sprayed it with water pouring from the tap, and he washed his face from the morning delight and took the towel. Before putting the towel on his face, he heard successive knocks at the door, so he left the towel and moved ahead with confused steps and wondered with faint tone:
- who is it?
- I m from the electricity office, would you pay the bill?
- Yes, how much?
- 3000 dinars
He put his hand in his shirt s pocket but shocked with cold emptiness. His folded money papers are distributed in his trouser s rear and side pockets. He started counting the money and gave it to the collector from under the door. Then, he began searching if there is some more money remained in his other pocket. After that, he headed to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast food; he slapped the old radio which its buttons had broken down long time ago. An annoying sound came out, and with another slap, the cheering voice of the female-announcer spoke out: we are broadcasting details of this wonderful celebration: it is the birth of Spring. He tried shutting up the radio but failed, so he removed the battery. He wished if he could take off his heart when necessary and slap his memory with forgetting. Almost, one year has passed since the departure of his smile along with the sun ray that was passing throw the window located at his old balcony which is decorated with small damask rose pots. And while he was leaning on the kitchen wooden table, the telephone bell rang!
He hurried up and sat on the floor resisting the shivering of his hand which is eager to hear some happy news.
- Hello?
- I m your daughter, father… I ve returned back, and I m doing well. I ll be with you before evening to celebrate the Eid (feast). He put down the telephone receiver and rushed to open the wooden door and that window, then he began searching for the water jug to irrigate the damask roses.
حذاء ممزق
كانت البالونات الملونة تتطاير بتجاه غيوم السماء وضجيج العربات المسرعة واصوات الاطفال تدعو لآمر جميل كأن هناك فرحا منتظرا يجب ملاحقته . ارتدى بنطاله القديم وقميصا اعطاه اياه ابن الجيران مسبقاً , ثم خرج الى الشارع المبتل بقطرات المطر . كان الرصيف مزدحما بخطوات الاطفال بأحذيتهم الجديدة , وملابسهم الملونة , يشيرون الى جيوبهم ويتنافسوا : من يمتلك مالا اكثر من الاخر . هو طبعاً ما جنوه لينفقوه في مثل هكذا يوم .لم يكن يمتلك قرشاً , كل مايملكه فرحة بحجم العيد !!! لانه سيرسم خطواته ال بيت معلمته ليهنئها بالعيد , مع ايقاع اقدامه ودقات قلبه ترقص يداه ويغني اغنية العيد . يدور براسه يميناً وشمالاً كأنه يحدث العصافير ويسرق من الاشجار نسيماً لانفاسه . وصل ال بيت معلمته , طرق الباب ودلى برإسه الى الاسفل يشابك اصابع يده مع بعضها . فسقط نظره على حذائه ؟ كانت اصابع قدمه قد ثقبت الحذاء ! تلامس الارض الموحلة بمسافة الفرح التي قطعه , غلبت الجاذبية دموعه وترك المكان بسرعة ...
Torn shoe
The colored balloons were flying towards the sky clouds; the noise of speedy vehicles and sounds of children were portending good as if some happiness was awaited there and worth to be followed . He wore his old trousers and a shirt his neighbor gave it to him earlier and then went out to the rain-wetted street. The sidewalk was crowded with steps of the children s new shoes and colored clothes as they were pointing to their pockets and competing each other: who has money more than the others. It is of course what they had saved to spend on such day. He didn’t have a penny, but all he has is a delight as huge as Eid(feast)!!! because he would draw his steps towards his she-teacher to congratulate her on occasion of Eid. Along with the rhythm of his feet and beats of his heart, his hands were dancing and he was chanting the Eid song. He was turning his head right and left as if he was talking to the sparrows and stealing a breeze to flourish his breathe. He reached at his teacher s house, knocked the door and bowed his head down while he was interlacing his fingers with each other. At this moment he looked down at his shoe!! His foot s fingers had pierced the shoe touching the ground which covered with mud along the distance of happiness he already crossed. His tears responded to gravity and went down, then he left the place quickly…
#بهاء_الدين (هاشتاغ)
كيف تدعم-ين الحوار المتمدن واليسار والعلمانية
على الانترنت؟