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Modern Discussion  » Public Awareness

Public Awareness

Articles Nr in this Category - 105 -
Show From - 1 - To - 25
Title Name Date
1 Media and the Fallacy of Repetition Mohamed Omara Taqi Alden  2024 / 11 / 18
2 The meaning of religion ,Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 9 / 13
3 The clash between knowledge and experience Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 9 / 12
4 The Meaning of Work , Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 9 / 10
5 Doublespeak in Western Political Discourse in the Middle East, Mohammad A.Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 9 / 1
6 Beirut is the capital of political assassinations , Mohammad A.Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 8 / 11
7 Mossad and political assassinations , Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 8 / 11
8 Absurdity of life on earth , Absurdity of Heaven , Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 8 / 9
9 Virtual Training Best Practices , Nour Mohammad Yousef Nour Mohammad Yousef  2024 / 8 / 6
10 History of political assassinations executed by Israel against Palestinian literary men and intellectuals Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 8 / 4
11 History of Political Assassinations , Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 8 / 2
12 Why do Middle East pipeline projects fail? Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 6 / 5
13 The Poor Meaning of Poverty Shamsan Dabwan Saeed Al Sharaabi  2024 / 6 / 1
14 Lobbies in Crisis Management, Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 4 / 2
15 The Middle East in 2050 , Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 3 / 26
16 Backrooms and Their Role in Decision Making in the Oil Industry Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 2 / 19
17 Economic and social impacts Economic sanctions imposed on Syria and neighboring countries Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry  2024 / 2 / 1
18 Blind Spot in American Politics Towards China, Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 2 / 1
19 Globalization of the economy and Arab economies Prof. Dr Moustafa Mohammad El-abdallah Al Kafry  2024 / 1 / 31
20 USA-Israeli Relations are Thicker than blood Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 1 / 31
21 Puritanism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Examples , Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 1 / 28
22 America Is Planning to Withdraw From Syria , Mohammad A. Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 1 / 27
23 Analyzing the Implications of Trump winning the Presidency Race for Taiwan Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 1 / 26
24 Features of the Egyptian Economy Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry  2024 / 1 / 26
25 Sources of inflationary pressures in developing countries Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry  2024 / 1 / 23

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