  Modern Discussion

Modern Discussion  » Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination

Articles and topics on nationality questions, minority rights and the right to self-determination.

Articles Nr in this Category - 46 -
Show From - 1 - To - 25
Title Name Date
1 The trial and execution of Judge Mohammad Hamid Kashkoli  2024 / 4 / 9
2 Sadat’s war on Copts: Alive and well long after his death by fellow OIC perpetrators of Islamization goal. Dr. Ashraf Ramelah  2023 / 10 / 3
3 75 Years after the Establishment of the United Nations, Dr A. Hussain Shaban Hussain Shaban  2023 / 3 / 2
4 The people will be unbreakable by jungle law. Kawa Nader Qader  2022 / 11 / 21
5 Iranian uprising by women´-or-restoring humanitys values was confiscated. Kawa Nader Qader  2022 / 11 / 17
6 Al-Azhar: Schandfleck auf der Stirn Ä-;-gyptens Medhat Klada  2022 / 9 / 26
7 Iraqi Christian: Searching for safety and Participating in Public Life Tayseer A. Al Alousi  2021 / 1 / 2
8 Nationalism is another form of extremism Mouloud Benzadi  2020 / 12 / 19
9 Problems of Kurdish history Part- 3 Mahmoud Abbas  2020 / 3 / 3
10 Problems of Kurdish history Part- 3 Mahmoud Abbas  2020 / 3 / 3
11 Problems of Kurdish history- Part 2 Mahmoud Abbas  2020 / 1 / 15
12 Free your mind Midia Habash  2020 / 1 / 10
13 Syrias federal´-or-death drums 2/2 Mahmoud Abbas  2019 / 10 / 2
14 Syrias federal´-or-death drums ½ Mahmoud Abbas  2019 / 9 / 28
15 Beyond Democracy and Populism In the West and Middle East Hussain Shaban  2019 / 6 / 3
16 (the unparliamentary language(upl) Ibrahim Abu Hammad  2019 / 5 / 23
17 It is time for an Amazigh Federal Republic in Morocco Ali Lahrouchi  2019 / 5 / 9
18 50 years of Palestinian struggle: A critical analysis Gilbert Achcar 2019 / 1 / 1
19 Are the Kurds Ovens? Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 1 / 2
20 ALIENATION Freeyad Ibrahim 2014 / 12 / 7
21 O! Kurdistan it is Daybreak Freeyad Ibrahim 2014 / 10 / 26
22 Beats of The Antonov mustafa mudathir a. 2014 / 9 / 20
24 La tribu des Reguibats face à l’opa algérienne DARREHMANE BOUDRISS 2014 / 2 / 17
25 The Plight of Shabaks in Nineveh Nemat Sharif 2014 / 2 / 5

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