Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
2008 / 10 / 7
Return to Iraq
The richest and the most beautiful and civilized homeland in the world
I went back to what you might have called my former homeland, Iraq, after 33 years of absence. I left very early and swore never to go back for I hated anything which had to do with pride, heroism, patriotism, nationalism and religion and I believed those evils were at the root of our calamity. But what I often heard that Iraq was more than rich and was the cradle of civilization made me envious and jealous and I wanted at least to have my share. I thought of my interests and how I could become rich in a short time. True, I was absent or what you might call a traitor but I was at least in touch through satellite TV, radio and the press. I often heard people praising and saying:
1.What a rich country Iraq was, practically swimming on a sea of oil. Accordingly I thought every Iraqi should be at least as rich as a millionaire by now if you took into consideration the fact that the population is only about 25 million if I am not mistaken since reliable statistics have been non-existent. In addition, half of the population I mean, women, do not work or are invisible.
2.Iraq is the mother of civilization, the birthplace of law and script.
What I saw was exactly the opposite. I saw a poor country, dirty, with no infrastructure and full of corruption and nepotism. I started asking: if a country was so rich with such a history, why has it always been in ruins then and turned to a beggar? Has it ever been rich? Then I thought the best way was when we left the country to be governed by others whether they were British or Americans because we have not been able to do so, so far. Even if they stole half of our oil, at least 50% would be left for us which were more than when Iraqis governed at any time and the country would make progress.
Then I remembered what people often said that Americans, the British or the Russians have nothing in mind but their interests. I wondered why the very people who think of nothing else but their own interests should accuse others of handling on the basis of their interests. I have never seen a person or a country who or which does not place its interests first. Are we Iraqis angels then? Maybe because we are a nation full of self-praise, pride, think of nothing else but heroism, patriotism, nationalism and religion. We have already reserved a place in heaven, not on earth. But as the Germans say: Self-praise stinks.
5 October 2008
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