Mohammed Al Mekhlafi
2025 / 3 / 18
The First Prologue of a Space Too Confined to Cradle Even a Bird" by Ahmed Saif Hashed
Translated by Mohammed Al-Mekhlafi
"A Space Too Confined to Cradle Even a Bird" is an attempt to delve into some details of my humble life, through which I aim to offer a glimpse into an era we lived, marked by both hardship and ease, hope and disappointment, expanses and constraints, as well as diverse experiences and winding paths.
We strive to cross into a future we yearn for, within a reality that is backward, burdensome, and oppressive—one that stifles reason, suppresses inquiry, longs for the past, and revels in its shadows.
We swam against the current, sailed into the wind, and embraced resilience and defiance. We refused to succumb to despair´-or-cease dreaming. We endeavored to ignite light in an environment thick with darkness, pouring our lives into the effort to dispel some of the oppressive gloom that envelops existence with its relentless blackness.
We exerted considerable effort to shift a reality we found entrenched and resistant, difficult to penetrate as we envisioned. It loomed larger than our capabilities. We succeeded in some areas and faltered in others, hoping that those who follow us will learn from our achievements and heed the lessons of our mistakes, some of which were shaped by misfortune and the whims of fate.
In our struggles, we sought to remain steadfast amidst the reverberations and fractures of time. We rebelled against the monotony of the ordinary and the weariness it brings. We embraced the future with fervent passion, rejecting injustice and rising up against it. We resisted oppression and refused to submit to it.
We challenged all authorities that sought to tame us and subjugate us to their herds, transforming some impossibilities into possibilities after fierce struggle and determination.
Though we were burdened by a reality we had to endure and a fate that imposed its conditions upon us, we did not surrender. Our dreams did not yield to an oppressive reality, and we continued our quest for the future we desire, despite the heavy burdens of despair and the weight of setbacks.
In this same spirit, we call upon those who come after us to be better than we were in cultivating and accumulating awareness, in their resolve to strive for success, and in their ability to change their circumstances, no matter how heavy the burden.
We urge them to transform what seems impossible into the possible and to be more deserving than we were of life, dignity, humanity, and the future that we failed to achieve´-or-reach.
We address the simple and weary souls crushed by oppression: Do not surrender. Rebel, resist, and rise against the heavy reality that weighs upon you. Strive to break the chains that bind your feet and the authorities that stifle your voices and silence your tongues. Resist all forms of humiliation, shackles, and coercion imposed upon you, and do so with even greater determination if you possess the strength.
Fight against those who wish to reduce you to docile herds´-or-submissive beings, stripped of awareness, will, and action—mere shadows devoid of humanity and conscience. You are oppressed, denied the fundamental rights to doubt, to question, and to know. Seek freedom, a future, and a dignified life that befits you as individuals worthy of life, love, justice, and hope.
Proclaim to those who have thrived on your suffering, stolen your rights, and confiscated your dreams: History belongs to us, not to you. In the annals of history, you are nothing but tyrants, murderers, thieves, and plunderers who have passed through here without glory´-or-dignity.
Falsehood does not establish truth´-or-confer legitimacy, and illusion cannot lay the foundation for a meaningful existence. Glory is forged by great minds, by the exceptional whose achievements rest upon their shoulders, their labor, and the sweat of their brows.
Declare to them: You are tyrants and corrupt, destined to reside in the foul refuse of history, in its deepest abysses, perhaps forever cursed. "Nero" was never a hero, nor a figure of greatness--;-- he was a lord of great destruction. We, however, are deserving of life, glory, and dignity. We are the builders, while you are the destroyers.
You embody the great injustice, the ruin of civilization, and the death that robs life of its joy and happiness, burdening it with ugliness and darkness, rendering existence painful, bleak, and repugnant.
To all free souls: Lift your heads with pride in the face of sycophants, narcissists, incense bearers, and the preachers of tyrants who twist the truth´-or-bury it in their graves, who tame reason, poison awareness, and distort history. Rebel and resist all those who spill blood, propagate death, and wreak havoc and bloodshed upon the earth.
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