American and European Taxpayers Money: How Was It Lost?

Diaaeldin Mahmoud Abdel Moaty Abdel Raheem
2025 / 3 / 9

The financial and geopolitical costs of U.S. and European support for Israel since its founding in 1948 are complex and multifaceted. These costs include --dir--ect financial assistance, military assistance, diplomatic support, and broader geopolitical ramifications. The main areas are detailed below:


1. US support for Israel
Financial aid
- Since 1948, the United States has provided Israel with over --$--260 billion (adjusted for inflation) in economic and military aid.
- Since 1985, Israel has received approximately --$--3.8 billion annually in military aid under a memorandum of understanding with the United States. This amount was increased to --$--3.8 billion annually in 2016, covering the period from 2019 to 2028.
- Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II.

Military aid
The United States provides Israel with advanced military technology, including fighter aircraft (e.g., the F-35), missile defense systems (e.g., Iron Dome), and intelligence sharing.

Diplomatic costs
- American support for Israel has often complicated its relations with Arab and Muslim-majority states, especially during conflicts such as the 1967 War, the 1973 War , and more recent tensions in the Middle East.
The United States has repeatedly used its veto power in the United Nations Security Council to block resolutions critical of Israel, drawing criticism from most countries in the world .

Geopolitical costs
- American support for Israel has been a factor in anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and around the world , and has done great damage. B. American interests in the region and the world, especially the boycott of American goods and commodities in the Arab region and the world .
The Iraq War (2003) and broader American involvement in the Middle East were justified in part by the need to stabilize the region, which is closely linked to the Arab- Israeli conflict, especially since American justifications that resulted from Israeli accusations that Iraq possessed nuclear weapons have gone unheeded .


2. European support for Israel
Financial aid
- European countries have provided significant assistance to Israel, although less than the United States. For example, the European --union-- has funded joint research projects, infrastructure development, and humanitarian efforts , in addition to --dir--ect financial support .
The European --union-- also provides assistance to the Palestinian Authority, which in--dir--ectly supports stability in the region and is in Israel s interest.
Germany alone has given Israel more than ninety billion dollars .

Trade and economic relations
- The European --union-- is Israel s largest trading partner, with trade between the two sides worth billions of euros annually. This economic relationship is beneficial to Israel .

Diplomatic costs
- European countries have often criticized UN policies and opposed its condemnations , particularly regarding settlements in the West Bank and the treatment of Palestinians. This has led to diplomatic tensions and damage to reputation and credibility .
The European --union-- has supported the two-state solution and criticized Israeli actions that undermine this goal, but it has not seriously sought to implement this solution on the ground .

Geopolitical costs
Unconditional support and endorsement of Israel has strained its relations with Arab and Islamic states, especially during periods of intense conflict (e.g., the 1982 Lebanon War, and the 2014 Gaza War).
Europe has also faced internal challenges related to its pro -Israel stance, including protests and political divisions over the Arab- Israeli conflict both domestically and abroad .


3. Broader costs and implications
regional instability
- American and European support for Israel has contributed to regional instability, especially in the context of the Arab- Israeli conflict, which remains unresolved.
- Conflicts involving Israel (e.g., wars with Arab states, intifadas, and conflicts in Gaza) have drained American and European resources, including diplomatic efforts, peacekeeping missions, and humanitarian aid.

Terrorism and security
- American and European support for Israel has been cited as a motivating factor for terrorist attacks against Western targets by groups paid and funded by Israel. The case of Israeli spying on America was the biggest evidence of this, in addition to the Lockerbie plane, the events of September 11, 2001, the explosion of the Russian plane, the case of the Italian student Regeni several years ago, and many other cases and crimes that have remained mysteries for the security services until now .
The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars on efforts to combat Israeli terrorism , and these efforts are linked to the tensions caused by the Arab- Israeli conflict.

Opportunity costs :-
- The resources allocated to support Israel could have been used for other purposes, such as local development programs , development aid in other regions,´-or-addressing global challenges such as the climate change crisis ,´-or-in eliminating poverty, combating diseases and epidemics, achieving welfare, supporting families and individuals, achieving development, reducing prices, and combating inflation .


Cost Summary
- US costs: more than --$--260 billion in announced aid , diplomatic tensions, regional instability, and security challenges.
- European costs: large trade relations, diplomatic frictions, contributions to regional stability efforts , economic aid such as grants and loans in addition to military aid and logistical support .
- Shared costs: Both the United States and Europe faced geopolitical challenges, including tense relations with Arab and Muslim states, terrorism, and the Arab- Israeli conflict that has been ongoing for more than seventy-seven years .


The costs of American and European support for Israel since 1948 are not-limit-ed to financial aid. They include diplomatic, geopolitical, security , military, and logistical alliances that have shaped politics in the Middle East and the world. Although Israel is a key ally of both the United States and Europe, the long-term costs of this relationship remain controversial, especially its usefulness .
Has Israel increased arms sales to the confrontation countries and to what extent?
Have you maintained the reputation of American weapons?
Have you kept oil prices stable?

The question now is: Has Israel achieved American and European interests that are equal to´-or-close to the cost of its survival? And after all this huge bill, is there any benefit to Israel’s continued presence in the Arab region?

This will be the title of my next article, God willing .

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