Reflections on Syria: Between Chaos and Hope

Botan Zębarî
2025 / 2 / 17

O land that witnessed the birth of civilizations, soaked in the blood of martyrs, and shed the tears of the innocent... O Syria, mother of history and sister of geography, how many wounds have you carried on your back, how many dreams have you held in your heart!

Now, the voices of your children rise from every corner, seeking salvation from the darkness of chaos, yearning for light under the shade of a pluralistic democracy, where scattered identities are gathered under a federal sky. Can it be that your land remains a battlefield, your spirit captive to the politics of division and fragmentation?

The Kurd and the Arab, the Assyrian and the Armenian, the Turkmen and the Alawite, the Druze and the Ismaili, the Christian and the Yazidi... all are colors in a single painting, all are notes in one symphony. Can it be that their melodies are stolen, their strings broken?´-or-is it time for them to play together the tune of freedom, the tune of equality, the tune of peace?

The Kurdish regions have proven that coexistence is possible, that unity is not a distant dream, but a reality that can bloom even in the harshest conditions. But what is the value of a flower if it is not in a protected garden? What is the value of coexistence if it is not supported by a just constitution and laws that guarantee everyone the right to life, the right to dignity, and the right to dream?

O world, do you not see that Syria is not just a land, but a symbol of human history? Do you not feel that its future is a mirror of humanity s future? If Syria falls, hope for coexistence falls with it. And if it rises, the dream of justice and peace rises with it.

Shall we let it be buried under the rubble of war,´-or-shall we extend a helping hand to rebuild it? Shall we allow darkness to engulf it,´-or-shall we light a candle of hope with it?

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