Is the cause of the alleged obscurantism of the Middle Ages in Europe Christianity???!!

Khaladoon Philipus Nseir
2024 / 11 / 19

So why was the Byzantine Empire prosperous with civilization and science and remained at the forefront of the Arab Caliphate even in its finest eras? Rather, it was the source of books, experts and scholars, along with Syriac Christian scholars, Sabians and Jews to build the House of Wisdom to be like the famous Persian Sabor soldier library, which was built by Sabor the Persian Shah also from Byzantine scholars before the Islamic Caliphate, and even the Islamic Caliphate, claiming that it is an Islamic civilization that is in fact the civilization of Syriac, Greek and Byzantine Christians, all with the Sabian civilization. And the Jews and the Persians, and then it resulted in Sufis such as Ibn Sina and atheists such as Khayyam and Al-Razi
The civilization of Eastern Christianity, which flourished along the Silk Road at the hands of the Assyrian Syriacs and Chaldeans, and extended to diverge into Persia, Central Asia, India and China, and its traces are still evident and remembered by the emperors of China, India and the sultans of Asia, and it was exterminated in stages, although it was larger in terms of followers than Hellenic Christianity in Byzantium, Greece, the Balkans, Russia, Eastern Orthodox Europe, and in Central, Northern, South and Western Catholic Europe. This Eastern Church has developed all aspects of civilization in the places where it has existed, I can guide you to experts and YouTubers studying such as the history of Assyria, even languages such as Korean, Chinese and Sanskrit bear finger-print-s from the Aramaic language, which was the language of this church with its Syriac, Chaldean and Assyrian branches.....
But the great civilization of Egypt, whose legacy was carried and was the key to solving the mystery of hieroglyphics. They are the Copts, the Pharaonic Christian people of Egypt. Champollion would not have deciphered the hieroglyphics if the Coptic priest had not taught him Coptic priest. Of course, waves of persecutions, assaults, and breaking of ancient Pharaonic temples, and the tragedy of the murder of the famous scientist Hepata will be mentioned. It was condemned by everyone and disowned by the Church. But they were not systematic destruction of civilization. They were incidents committed by an ignorant mob fanatical from some religious ignorant people, while the Alexandrian library that he burned down Those rabble transferred all their surviving knowledge from Christian scholars in Egypt from Copts, Greeks, Romans and
....... And they transferred it in manu-script-s
Distributed in many places preserved in Byzantium, Greece, Baghdad and others
Even the personalities and flags of the Library of Alexandria and other followers of Greek philosophy -convert-ed to Christianity during the evangelization of Mark and continued their great civilized work at the Library of Alexandria for centuries. So why didn t Christianity cause a dark age here as you claim to be the cause of the obscurantism of Europe in the Middle Ages?
Rather, the Renaissance, which was launched in Italy, which they claimed to have sourced from the books of the alleged Islamic civilization that came with the Crusaders and from Andalusia, so why did not the Renaissance start from Spain, France´-or-Germany, which is then why it started from Italy specifically and not others and the residence of the Pope of the Vatican in it, which is supposed to be the instigator of the obscurantism of Europe???!!
The answer is that the Renaissance in Europe started from Italy specifically and after the fall of Constantinople is the Greek and Byzantine exodus and other peoples of Byzantium with their scholars, books and manu-script-s, including the sciences of Greece and the Romans, have migrated to the kingdoms and duchies of Italy fighting with the Ottomans at sea in Genoa and Venice
..... And from there they were distributed in Italy and they were the seeds of the renaissance in all of Italy even Rome and the Vatican
In addition to the Italian monks who spoke Latin and frequented the ruins of the Roman Empire, including Rome, and read lithographs, such as the reformist monk De Cola, who read books and stone carvings.
And influenced by it and other reformed monks of Italy such as Francis of Assisi and his great social human movement with Santa Clara and before that the Benedictine Order and the Nicholocian monk, from which the legend of Santa Claus emerged. The nuns of this order used to put food and needs for the poor and sick and go without informing them after knocking on the door, as was done by St. Niklaus, and many movements and many personalities continued even in the modern era, along with the laity such as Don Bosco, Filippo Neri, and so many names.
In the face of the corrupt and criminal feudal lords who invaded religious leadership positions in the Vatican, they removed the righteous and turned them into a destructive mafia of power and corruption, such as the House of Borgia, for example, and almost all of them descended from the barbarian invaders and previously non-Christians from the peoples of northern and central Europe who invaded and destroyed Rome.
And here is the horse stud and the clear hinge point that explains, clarifies and puts the dots on the letters
Europe as we know it today and in the modern era, the Enlightenment and the Renaissance does not give us a true picture of Europe in antiquity and its societies
Europe Antiquity and most of the Middle Ages except Greece and Italy are barbaric barbaric tribes fighting on conquest, piracy and grazing.
It did not contain urban communities whose religions bravely sanctified war and death with human sacrifices, but even cannibalism, such as the Celts, Teutons, Scandinavian and Slavs in Eastern Europe.
Even Greece and its islands and Italy were so until an advanced period of antiquity. The vast majority of historians believe that the sea invaders who destroyed the civilizations of the ancient world are the tribes of these areas before urban agglomerations began to form and civilization moved to them, and then they in turn began to build and develop civilization, then the era of Alexander the Great, which led to the birth of the Hellenistic world civilization, the most prolific in civilizational production through all antiquity in the East and the West.
The invasions of the Carthaginians and Romans in their wars to parts of Spain began to form some-limit-ed urban agglomerations and mention the difficulties faced by one of the most famous military leaders in Carthaginian history Hannibal in his conquest of Rome in the Second Punic War when he crossed the Bernes, Gaul and Alps
It was described
They are desolate and desolate areas inhabited by dangerous savage tribes and the Romans were shocked by Hannibal s ability to cross them to reach Rome
This seemed impossible, and most of them fall as crazy and will perish with their entire army on the way.
Indeed, when he reached Italy, most of his army died on the road.
And who actually began to storm this brutal Europe and build settlements and fortresses is Julius Caesar, the most powerful emperor of Rome and its military leaders, the cruel genius who oppressed the tribes of Gaul, Celt and Teutons ......
Even after Caesar s great conquests and the expansions of emperors after him in Europe, they did not cover beyond the northern Balkans, France, southern Britain, and the borders of the Rhine River.
This formed seeds spread from Roman urban settlements as urban islands surrounded by a rough sea of Berber tribes with which they were often in bloody and cruel conflicts, such as Paris, London, Vienna and a number of cities that were originally Roman settlements.
As for Northern and Eastern Europe, it is in every sense of the word a tribal theater that has nothing to do with civilization. The Slavs, Vikings and Teutons are shepherds who worship Oden the Great and the god of war, Thor with his hammer and their mentality, which believed in human sacrifices from their children and enemies, and even ate their meat to get their sustenance´-or-feed the meat of their dead to the eagles to reach their souls to the sky like Celt in Scotland and Ireland.
Prince Vladimir, the founder of the Kingdom of Rus Kiev before he was baptized and -convert-ed to Orthodox Christianity, is known to have already offered one of his daughters as a sacrifice to the god Thor before fighting one of his wars.
One of the information that little is known is that one of the emperors of Byzantium, which was suffering greatly from its wars and invasions that were launched by the Bulgarian Slavs, especially along with the Ostrogoths in Romania, sent Christian missionaries to them, so the Romans had received it in Latin, but the Bulgarian Slavs were not a way to write the Bible in their unwritten language, unlike the Romans, who wrote them the Bible in Latin, so he sent them a linguist who studied their language and put an alphabet for them that was used by all Slavic peoples After -convert-ing to Christianity, which is the writing and letters in which their languages were written from Russians, Ukrans, Hungar, Bulgarians......
Of course, these tribes from the Slavs and the Ostrogoths contributed with the Emperor of Constantinople, the Emperor of Rome and the Visigoths in the face of the invasion of the Hun tribes and their terrifying leader Attila the Mighty.
As for the Western Visigothic Germans, they spread westward under pressure from the invasion of the Hun tribes, the Vandals of them invaded North Africa and Spain and ruled them.
100 years
And they overthrew and looted Rome along with all the cities of North Africa and Italy.
Needless to say, the invasions of the Scandinavian tribes, the Viking pirates throughout the history of Europe, surrounded them with terrifying stories about the brutality and bloodshed of those who terrorized Europe.
The picture has become clear what Europe was during ancient times and the greater part of the Middle Ages. I mean, it was not the lost civilization of Atlantis, but it was similar to the jungles of Africa in the era of colonial discoveries.
For example, the Teutons tribes, who are the origin of the Germans, and the Viking tribes, the origin of the Swedes and the Norwegians, and they are the most civilized people in the world in our time, and they revere man and life, and respect work and science.
In the explanations of historians to -print- Slavs - Germans - Scandinavian - Celt and Gaul ......
The Teutons were not working, it was a shame, only women and slaves were working as men s task of conquering, killing and fighting, while the Vikings were, but because of Scandinavia s harsher climate, they also had to work alongside women and slaves, who would believe this radical coup???!!
By virtue of the game of conflicts and politics of the owner and empires, the emperors of Byzantium resorted to preaching to the Slavs to pacify and tame these tribes and attract them to their side instead of fighting them exhausting all the time and even teaching them to write and read, as we noticed earlier with the Bulgarians, Russians and Romans....
As well as the popes of the Vatican, who were in a much worse situation than the emperors of Byzantium because Rome and Italy are under the control of these tribes exclusively was evangelizing to pacify and tame those tribes and by virtue of the fact that they are the rulers was the interaction other than Byzantium, which was mostly tender has been their relationship give and take, princes and leaders of the ruling tribes crowned by the popes kings and baptized them and launched to others titles princes and others count´-or-baron or......
These barbarian warriors became Christians, kings, princes, and feudal lords, landowners under whom the people work and who have power in their hands. Of course, religious legitimacy must also be held. They infiltrated the papacy and controlled its leadership, and it became confined to their hands. Their barbaric culture will not disappear overnight. Rather, it has come to influence the Church itself and run it from its leadership, which has become one of them. They even made it the leadership of all Europe, and they began to wage wars in its name to spread the Christian faith by force instead of proselytizing. The most famous of them is Charlemagne and other kings who raced for this. The popes sent missionaries who arrived in Scandinavia, so the Vikings stopped piracy and turned with the same mechanism. All these kings, princes and feudal lords were stationed in the palaces and castles of the Roman ruins, and then they began to build others and form villages and village groupings for slaves and serfs, next to them monasteries to manage the life of simple people and reap their fatigue from them.
This is how the seeds of Europe were, which many do not know, although the Catholic Church became a barbarian domineering and anti-civilization, besides, but it was building universities and schools in all these population centers that formed Europe, as it was the one in which manu-script-s and sciences were protected from the looting of the barbarian invaders, and the most famous universities in the world and Europe were established by the Catholic Church, from within which also moved the movements of the Renaissance, reform and enlightenment such as the University of Plonia, the Sorbonne, Cambridge, Oxford..........
Even in the Renaissance, the pioneers of the Renaissance were monks like Bruno, who burned it. The Vatican asked one of the most famous geniuses of the Renaissance to build magnificent architectural masterpieces by Raphael, Angelo and da Vinci.
Even before it in the Gothic period, giant churches served as shelters, hospitals and schools built by monks, some of them antiques, such as Cologne and Notre Dame Cathedral.
The seed of Europe grew from Christianity. Yes, this is the truth. Until the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment, not all the church was obscurantist-;- its leaders were mostly so. As for its lower classes, the opposite. The humanistic Christianity that was launched in Sweden after its defeat in front of Russia is the seed of Sweden today. And values of the Protestant Reformation built the value of work and perfection for the Germans.
And one of the most famous philosophers of the Enlightenment was Voltaire, the satirical atheist with a stinging tongue in his satirical play of religions when he met Christ in which he said I want to be your disciple
Spinoza and his god of nature, one of the most famous philosophers of the Renaissance, the former Jewish atheist, described Jesus as the greatest moral teacher of all time. His only drawback is that he claimed to be a god.
Yes, Christian moral values are an essential major component with Greek philosophy and Roman law of Western civilization and an essential component with them for Europe centuries.
Central, Renaissance, Reform, Enlightenment and Modern Perfume
The medieval period was obscurantism as a natural result of the extreme cultural backwardness of the peoples and tribes of Europe at that time, which influenced the church and not the other way around.
With social development, Europe moved with the church in its later stages.

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