The Constitution of the Palestinian Struggle

Mohamed Omara Taqi Alden
2024 / 11 / 7

Mohamed Omara Taqi alden
"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within" thus the great historian and philosopher Will Durant pushes towards a central conviction that is the result of his contemplation of the course of the history of nations, which is that nations do not collapse due to an external factor as much as they do due to the influence of internal factors.

They are the ones who destroy themselves by themselves, when they indulge in pointless conflicts between their components, forgetting their fateful challenges and their real enemy, which is, in fact, a strict law that would apply to all nations that surrender to the temptation of their obsessions and then their internal conflicts.

The great historian Arnold Toynbee also argues in his famous theory (challenge and response) that any nation is inevitably exposed to central challenges, and that its fate depends on the quality of the response to those challenges and the means of engaging with them.

There are negative responses that lead to its collapse, and other positive responses that push it towards further progress and development.

This negativity is preceded by a complete collapse of its system of human, moral and ethical values that it was previously founded on, and then its inability to deal with the challenges it faces in a right and conscious manner, as it is afflicted, as Durant says, with a state of calcification, stagnation and the death of the innate ability to create and develop.

This is the same as what our great scholar Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun went to, confirming that the internal collapse begins with stagnation and imitation, as everything seems to have been mummified, and is swept away by the developments of time and life that are in a continuous process. We see that this collapse begins with that nation, any nation, losing its comprehensive vision of the reality and nature of the challenges it faces, and even the absence of the ability to predict them before they occur and then framing ways of conscious, scientific and studied engagement with them by building future scenarios to manage those challenges and then overcome them.

Without a doubt, the fateful challenge facing the Palestinians is to get rid of this Zionist occupation, the most hideous occupation throughout human history.

This article is in fact a foundational article, as through it, an attempt will be made to draw a panoramic and comprehensive cognitive map of the paths that we believe the Palestinian struggle against the Zionist entity and global Zionism must follow, and not deviate from it even an inch, if it wants to be freed from this bitter reality.

This constitution´-or-map must be engraved in the mind, heart and conscience of every Palestinian, Arab and Muslim, and indeed every individual in this world who seeks to support the right in the face of force, and values against utilitarianism, and compassionate humanity against instrumental materialism armed with a racist chauvinistic tendency.

Diving into the deepest levels of analysis is something that will tell us that this constitution´-or-map that we are trying to crystallize its features is a triangle, as its sides are made up of three paths (identity, unity, liberation).
Rather, each of these paths is necessarily divided into three sub-axes, and these paths are:
The first track: The track of preserving identity.

That identity, if the Zionists were able to obliterate it, the Palestinian cause would evaporate into thin air.
From here we can understand the enormous efforts made by the Zionist entity in this field, and from here the centrality of this track in the Palestinian struggle.

This track revolves around three axes:
The first axis: Deepening the Palestinian component of the Palestinian identity.
The second axis: Deepening the Arab component of the Palestinian identity.
The third axis: Deepening the religious component of the Palestinian identity.

These three components (Palestinian/Arab/religious), if they are well crystallized, are what will preserve the Palestinian identity present, strong and shining against the malicious Zionist attempts to obliterate it, as the weapon of identity is truly the weapon that the Zionists fear more than any other weapon.

The second track: The track of unity.
It revolves around three axes:

The first axis: Unity between the Palestinian factions. This is through their religious, nationalist, leftist, liberal and other currents, by healing the rift and division occurring in the Palestinian arena. If a collective Palestinian consciousness is established that has the conviction that the center of the ego is necessarily in the other, and then each party takes a step towards the other based on the unity of purpose and the unity of destiny, and then rearranges national priorities based on that conviction, at that moment we will be on the threshold of comprehensive reconciliation.

Second axis: Unity with the Palestinians within the Zionist entity.

This is done by building bridges of communication with them and supporting them in their efforts to confront the attempts of Israelization that are taking place against them, and crystallizing their struggle to expose Zionist democracy as a racist, criminal system that has no connection to humanity, for it is the democracy of the Zionists alone´-or-the democracy of the mafia, as Dr. Al-Messiri used to tell us.

Third axis: Unity with the Palestinians of the diaspora.

Through effective communication with them, they understand the true reservoir of the Palestinian cause, and if their role is well-utilized, they will be able to spread the Palestinian narrative (the narrative of truth) about this conflict in all parts of the world.

The truth is that without this unity on the three levels, it will be very difficult to end this occupation in the way we want. Rather, the continuation of division and fragmentation will lead to more failure and then downfall.

On the other hand, the Zionist entity seeks to exploit this division against us by promoting that there is no point in engaging in a real peace with the Palestinians under the pretext that there is no specific party to negotiate with, and there is no one who speaks on behalf of all Palestinians, and that if its forces withdraw from the occupied territories, internal fighting will occur, and unfortunately there are those who believe them in this world.

The third path: The path of liberation.

The central note here is that we must realize that this path will not be achieved without achieving the two previous paths (the path of preserving identity and the path of unity).

This path revolves around three axes:

The first axis: Action on the Palestinian level. By making possible efforts for liberation, on all levels: politically, economically, socially, culturally, media-wise, and scientifically, and even effective resistance on the ground.
The second axis: Action on the Arab and Islamic level.
By mobilizing the Arab and Islamic worlds to defend the Palestinian cause and exert real pressure on the Zionist entity.
Third axis: Action on the global level. Through serious communication with all official and unofficial international institutions to support the Palestinian right and the demands for liberation as an inherent right called for by all international charters.
Also, communicating with humanitarian organizations and mobilizing human rights activists and advocates of humanity in the world from all customs, religions and nationalities for that purpose.

In the final analysis, this is the constitution of the Palestinian struggle, and these are the three paths (divided into nine axes) that must be followed simultaneously, with all seriousness and sincerity, if we want a quick end to this Zionist occupation.

Provided that serious scientific studies are employed and mental maps and future scenarios are built, as well as the new media and social media are employed extensively in our battle in a planned and systematic manner with high quality and efficiency without the improvisation and randomness with which we have previously managed this conflict in the past decades. In previous articles, we have sought to crystallize the features of a cognitive map of the entire Arab-Zionist conflict as a whole, the dynamics of the Zionist project, its mechanisms of movement and paths of expansion, its weak points and sources of strength, and then the means of engaging with it through dismantling, confrontation and then undermining.

In a series of upcoming articles, we will try to explore the depths and deepen the theses of each of those nine axes, God willing.

( Mohamed Omara Taqi alden : Egyptian academic in political sociology and Arab-Zionist conflict)

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