Downing of a Turkish Plane over Kirkuk: A Firm Iraqi-American Message to Turkey

Kawa Nader Qader
2024 / 9 / 3

Downing of a Turkish Plane over Kirkuk: A Firm Iraqi-American Message to Turkey
By: Kawa Nader Qader

The Iraqi Air Force shot down an advanced Turkish "Aksungur" drone using the French "Pantsir" air defense system, launching five missiles at it near the "Jimen" area. According to Brigadier General Abdul Salam Ramadan, Deputy Commander of the Air Defense for the Northern Region, and a statement from the Security Media Cell of the Iraqi Joint Forces, "At 9:30 am on Thursday, August 29, 2024, the Iraqi Air Defense detected a drone within the Kirkuk Operations Command sector, and by 10:30, it was shot down inside the city of Kirkuk near a residential house in the “Teseen” neighborhood."
Developments and Consequences:
After the drone was downed, it was discovered that it was equipped with advanced surveillance equipment and tools for monitoring and tracking ground targets, as well as having the capability to carry offensive missiles. Some press sources reported that "the drone was carrying phosphorus weapons and was suspected of being in contact with the terrorist organization ISIS." This suspicion is further supported by the recent escalation of ISIS activities, which aligns with the theory of a connection between the drone and ISIS.
This incident comes amid several significant developments:
1. Iraqi-Turkish Tensions: The incident followed the signing of a security and military memorandum of understanding between Baghdad and Ankara on August 15, 2024, which aimed to enhance coordination between the two countries to control the b-orderby providing Turkey with Iraqi water in exchange for combating the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). However, the agreement does not seem to have achieved its intended goals, especially as Turkey continues to expand its military operations inside Iraqi territory, including in the Kurdistan Region (Dohuk).
2. Turkish Ambitions in the Region: Turkey seeks to exert influence over the political and administrative affairs of areas of strategic importance, such as the former Mosul province, which has vast oil and gas reserves. Ankara is strengthening its influence by supporting certain local factions and political groups that align with its interests, raising concerns in Baghdad and deepening internal divisions.
3. Political Developments in Kirkuk: The downing of the drone suggests Turkey s attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Kirkuk province, which recently saw the election of a Kurdish governor,” Rebwar Taha”, from the Patriotic --union-- of Kurdistan (PUK). Ankara accuses the (PUK) of collaborating with the (PKK) and harboring its fighters in areas under its influence in Sulaymaniyah province. In response, Turkey has attempted to obstruct the new local government in Kirkuk by --dir--ecting the leadership of the Iraqi Turkmen component not to recognize the new government and to refrain from participating in it. For this purpose, Hassan Turan, the head of the so-called "Iraqi Turkmen Front" loyal to Turkey, was summoned to Ankara to discuss developments in Kirkuk. Against this backdrop, Turkey s deployment of drones in Kirkuk airspace is seen as an attempt to harass the local government and to warn the Patriotic --union-- of Kurdistan.
Messages and Strategic Implications of the Operation:
- A Clear Iraqi Warning: The downing of the drone serves as a warning to Turkey to respect Iraqi sovereignty and not to breach agreed-upon borders. This action reflects escalating tensions between Baghdad and Ankara and increasing Iraqi concern over Turkey s repeated violations under the pretext of combating the PKK.
_ Implicit Understanding with the United States: The incident suggests there might be an implicit American understanding´-or-support for the Iraqi operation as a means of in--dir--ectly pressuring Turkey. This may reflect a desire by the United States to use its allies in the region to achieve political objectives without --dir--ect involvement.

_Reshuffling Regional Dynamics: The use of Western defense systems like the French "Pantsir" could be evidence of the United States’ desire to -alter-the balance of power in the region and send clear messages to Turkey regarding its regional interventions. It may also indicate American dissatisfaction with recent Turkish policies in the area.

Ultimately, this incident underscores the complexities of regional relations and balances, suggesting that the United States may be looking to rearrange priorities and alliances to serve its strategic interests in the region.
1.September 2024. š

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