European governments’ mistakes in dealing with Islamist groups.

Elakhal Said
2024 / 7 / 26

European governments’ mistakes in dealing with Islamist groups.
All data confirm the increasing dangers of Islamist extremism in Europe. European governments are responsible for this situation. They cannot defeat Islamist extremism except by avoiding/resolving the mistakes that have been committed for decades, including:
- Allowing Islamist organizations to engage in polarization activities, collect donations, and spread extremist and hate discourse freely. In France, the authorities spotted about 20 private endowment funds that Islamist organizations exploited to finance their activities. Allowing the collection of donations and receiving funds increased the Islamists number (the Salafist movement in Germany grew as quickly as possible, moving from about (3,800) people in 2011, to (12,150) people in 2020.
- Licensing Islamist organizations to establish associations and organizations under various names, including the “Islamist Center in Hamburg,” which the German government itself considers Iran’s extended arm in Europe. In Britain, approximately 60 organizations were established, although the former British “Prime Minister”, Tony Blair, described, on September 6, 2021, “political Islam” as a “security threat of the first degree.”Also, the “German Islamist Group” DMG association, as well as the “Interaktiv Muslim” organization, which is classified as having an extremist ideology, 1,000 of its members demonstrated in Hamburg on April 17, 2024, carrying banners showing slogans: “dictatorship of values” and “Caliphate is the solution.”
- Allowing external financing for the benefit of Islamist groups, strengthens the influence of these organizations and increases resistance to integration into European societies. For example, the German government does not have details about the Muslim Brotherhood’s acquisition of a property in Berlin (4 million euros) paid by Europe Trust, an institution linked to the Brotherhood.
- The disbursement of subsidies granted to Islamist organizations is not subject to monitoring. Global Watch Analysis demonstrated, on January 7, 2022, through a mutual audit, that Islamist associations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood have benefited from (64) million euros in public subsidies granted by the European Commission and the Council of Europe since 2007. The “Brotherhood” organization is estimated to have Financial wealth between (8-10) billion dollars.
- Protecting and embracing extremists, terrorist ideologues, and activists. Arab and Muslim immigrants in Europe did not migrate to implement Sharia law´-or-establish the Caliphate. However, Ensuring the freedom of extremist sheiks to -dir-ect the Islamist community and exploit mosques and associations to spread the doctrines of extremism, infidelity, incitement to hatred, and opposition to human values has turned groups of members of the Muslim community into extremists who are victims of those doctrines.
- Connive of governments and parties with Islamist organizations to exploit them for political purposes, by entering into partnerships with them linked to the exercise of certain roles, particularly putting pressure on Arab governments in exchange for financial support and protection.
- The non-separation of extremist prisoners from common law prisoners, which extremists exploit to attract prisoners who have already been sentenced. The International Center for the Study of Extremism and Political Violence revealed in its report, which studied the personality of European jihadists recruited since 2011, that the emergence of ISIS has contributed to strengthening the link between criminality and terrorism.
- Enabling Islamist organizations to control mosques and promote extremist religious discourse that incites hatred, fanaticism, extremism, and opposition to human rights and Western values. Therefore, European countries are required to protect their societies from fanaticism and extremism, deter extremists and takfirists, and prevent them from ascending to pulpits´-or-issuing fatwas that contradict´-or-threaten the identity of the European societies, their constants, and their religious and social values. In Germany, there are 2,600 mosques, most of which are supervised by associations (about 2,000) linked to Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran.
- European countries will not be able to control Mosques and religious speech if they don t consider the religious field a governmental sector end its mess, and start appointing preachers according to specific standards including accepting democracy, coexistence, tolerance, and respecting other religions.

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