
Jenny Hussien Ali
2024 / 7 / 13

Whine ~
I gathered my strength and put the key in the heart of the door. Abandoned houses are lonely, but Don t you agree, that they arouse curiosity and attract every passer-by, to the point that most of the world s children are tempted to enter an abandoned house, Especially if there is a mystery and a lot of intriguing stories around it. There is something magical about these dwellings that draws folks in.
He opened the door easily, even though it was subtle in its weight and size. It gave me the impression that the house was a door whenever I approached, and as soon as I entered the house and took several steps, the door closed behind me! I didn t care if the wind might have closed it.
The spotlight illuminated the corners of the place. The spider webs were dense and were woven in every corner, and hung down to the middle of the walls. Even the wall paintings were not spared from their threads, as the spiders wove on the paintings without distorting them. On the contrary, they added a charming combination between the silk threads and the colors and another dimension. Of originality.
The spotlight illuminated the corners of the place. The spider webs were dense and were woven in every corner, and hung down to the middle of the walls. Even the wall paintings were not spared from their threads, as the spiders wove on the paintings without distorting them. On the contrary, they added a charming combination between the silk threads and the colors and another dimension. Of originality.
I decided to leave the house and come back later. I suddenly felt cold in the place, so I rushed to the door to get out, but it did not open! The rust was enough to seal it and I noticed that it had doubled!!
Likewise, I did not succeed in opening the windows. I took a sceptre (noun: scepter) that was hanging on one of the walls and started trying to break the window glass to get out. Nothing strange is broken, an enchanted house?!
All the horrible scenarios began to play out in my thoughts.
I sat tired in my seat, waiting for the monster to reveal the next stage in what would happen. Yes, all that remained was the apparition of the one-eyed monster, who lived in this terrible location and was about to devour me, just as in the legends.
The sky began to darken, and light steadily faded until utter darkness fell. Within seconds, all of the house s lights were switched on!! The heaters were turned on, music was playing, and the cobwebs were cleaned, as if the home had come to life and the discussions in the images been heard!
I tried calling... who s there? But I lost my capacity to talk, and my words came out limp and stuttering in an unintelligible tongue, but I was able to rise up and hurry towards the entrance, where I noticed that the rust had been removed. Will the door open now?
My hand, which I could not feel, stretched to open the door. It opened effortlessly. I didn t glance back and stepped outside, just ready to go. I heard a voice behind me say, "Wait...wait."
I was trapped in place, my mind urging me to go and my heart begging me to wait...
But how? I can t even turn around to see who owns that voice! He may be a scary ally.
I felt a gentle hand placed on my shoulder to turn me around, and the voice returned whispering, "Do not be afraid, for I have ignited my heart to light up your night and removed the rust of the years so that you can be free!" Don t I deserve something more in return?

His voice came from deep within me! How do you do that? But I didn t speak! I wish I could turn around, but I can t. I want to see him!?... Be encouraged.
If you re terrified to see me, there s no need to glance back.
We can still talk like this--;-- I see you anyhow.
-You put the key in my way? I asked with a shaking voice.
-No, I ve left the key for whoever finds it.
-You re saying you didn t mean me?
-He murmured, Shshsh "I know who ll find it."
-Are you a spirit?
- Your spirit," he added.

Written by:Jenny_Hussein_Ali

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