God is bigger than all , Mohammad A. Yousef

Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
2024 / 6 / 28

God is bigger than all

Mohammad A. Yousef

God is bigger than your past,
The mistakes you ve made,
The regrets that haunt you,
The shame that consumes you.
His forgiveness is vast,
His mercy endless,
His grace overflowing,
Washing away the stains of yesterday.

God is bigger than your present,
The struggles you face,
The challenges that daunt you,
The burdens that weigh you down.
His strength is infinite,
His peace surpassing,
His love unending,
Guiding you through the storms of today.

God is bigger than your future,
The uncertainties ahead,
The fears that grip you,
The doubts that plague you.
His plans are perfect,
His promises sure,
His hope enduring,
Leading you towards a brighter tomorrow.

God is bigger than your pain,
The wounds that scar,
The tears that fall,
The heartache that lingers.
His comfort is tender,
His healing gentle,
His compassion deep,
Wrapping you in arms of solace.

God is bigger than your anger,
The rage that boils,
The bitterness that poisons,
The grudges that bind.
His peace is calming,
His forgiveness freeing,
His reconciliation restoring,
Transforming your resentment into redemption.

God is bigger than your fears,
The anxieties that paralyze,
The phobias that haunt,
The worries that consume.
His presence is comforting,
His protection assuring,
His sovereignty reigning,
Empowering you to walk in faith, not fear.

God is bigger than your scars,
The wounds that remain,
The memories that haunt,
The stories they tell.
His restoration is beautiful,
His redemption transformative,
His grace profound,
Working all things together for your good.

God is bigger than your insecurities,
The doubts that whisper,
The comparisons that taunt,
The self-esteem that wavers.
His love is unchanging,
His acceptance unwavering,
His value unshakable,
Affirming your worth in His eyes.

God is bigger than your sins,
The mistakes that shame,
The offenses that grieve,
The rebellion that separates.
His forgiveness is complete,
His mercy abundant,
His grace extravagant,
Cleansing you from all unrighteousness.

God is bigger than your doubt,
The questions that linger,
The skepticism that lingers,
The faith that wavers.
His truth is unchanging,
His word eternal,
His promises trustworthy,
Steadying your wavering heart with the anchor of His faithfulness.

God is bigger than your certainties,
The convictions that guide,
The beliefs that anchor,
The truths that define.
His wisdom is infinite,
His knowledge all-encompassing,
His guidance unfailing,
Illuminating your path with the light of His revelation.

God is bigger than your uncertainties,
The mysteries that perplex,
The doubts that cloud,
The unknowns that unsettle.
His sovereignty is unwavering,
His purpose unyielding,
His goodness unassailable,
Navigating you through the mysteries of life with the compass of His providence.

God is bigger than all,
The universe bows to His power,
The heavens declare His glory,
The earth trembles at His majesty.
He is the Alpha and Omega,
The beginning and the end,
The source of all creation,
The sustainer of all life.

And He is the creator of all miracles,
Turning water into wine,
Feeding thousands with a few loaves and fish,
Raising the dead to life,
Healing the sick and broken,
Restoring the lost and wandering,
Redeeming the sinful and wayward,
Transforming hearts and lives with His miraculous love.

So trust in the greatness of God,
For He is bigger than all,
And in His hands, you are held,
In His love, you are cherished,
In His grace, you are saved,
In His presence, you are known,
In His mercy, you are forgiven,
In His power, you are victorious,
For He is the God of miracles,
And in Him, all things are possible.

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