Phenomenalism, Mohammad A. Yousef

Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
2024 / 6 / 24


Mohammad A. Yousef

In the realm of Greek philosophy, there lies
A concept so profound, a theory wise
Phenomenalism, a notion grand
That captures the essence of the world at hand

Derived from the Greek word "phainomenon"
This theory explores what can be known
Through our senses, what we perceive
Is the truth we seek, the world we believe

For in this world of constant change
What we see and hear is not strange
But rather, a reflection of our own mind
A reality that we create, designed

From the teachings of Xenophanes
To the words of Parmenides and Protagoras claims
Phenomenalism has been shaped and defined
By the great minds of ancient times

The world we see, the world we touch
Is but a mere illusion, a construct
Of our senses, our perceptions
A reflection of our own conceptions

What is real, what is true
Is not for us to construe
For reality is subjective, a matter of opinion
A product of our minds, a mental dominion

So when we gaze upon the stars above
Or feel the warmth of the sun s gentle love
We must remember, it is all but a show
A projection of our minds, a reality we know

Phenomenalism teaches us to question
The nature of our reality, our perception
To look beyond the surface, beyond the veil
And see the world for what it truly entails

For in this world of illusions and dreams
Phenomenalism reigns supreme
A theory so profound, a concept so vast
That challenges our notions of the past

So let us embrace this philosophy
And see the world for what it truly be
A world of wonder, a world of thought
A world that is constantly being sought

For in the realm of Greek philosophy
Phenomenalism is the key
To unlocking the mysteries of the universe
And understanding the world we traverse

So let us ponder, let us wonder
About the world we live under
And see the beauty in all that we see
Through the lens of phenomenalism, let us be.

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