Mahmoud Said Kawash
2024 / 6 / 10

Poem by Mahmoud Said Kawash

Had I known when to meet you, I would know how and where to be safe
I would have stopped searching in the sands of the beaches and the dunes
Among the flowers in the gardens, pastures and meadows
Among the trees in the forests, mountains, plains and valleys
Had I known the time, my ships would not have been lost between the ebbs and tides
Or between the letters and words of this era
My perfumes would not burn and the waters of the spring and the river would not dry up
I would not oscillate between reality and imagination
Had I known when, I would not dived deep into the depths of the sea
I would not search in the corners of libraries´-or-in what my memory had stored
I would not look after flower buds and perennial plants, in a time worn out and lost among ancient lines
Had I known, I would not be torn between day and night, between sunrise and sunset, and between dawn and dusk
I kiss you a thousand million kisses, and more
I kiss you until I become intoxicated with silence and love from your saliva
Just as elegance and perfumes become intoxicated from the contents of your mouth
And just as sugar freezes over it
So wait, beloved of life, I am coming, wait
The meeting is near. It is definitely near.

[email protected]

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