- a tale of the Chameleons reign! -

Omar Ghassa Rashed
2024 / 5 / 20

The forest, ever-changing, doth hold sway,
Where once the mighty lion s roar held sway.

A buzzing insect doth pass, and declare:
"Behold, the forest now under the sway,
Of the mighty Chameleon, who holds full sway.

A lioness doth come, and ask with haste:
"Where is the buzzing one, whose voice we ve traced?"
No roar, no call, doth echo through the trees,
As the small bird doth say, with eyes that see:

"The buzzing one, I saw him, prepared a feast,
For the Chameleon, the forest s new-crowned beast.
The lionesses come, and ask once more:
"Where is the buzzing one, whose voice we deplore?"
No roar, no call, doth greet their anxious ears,
As the fox doth come, his eyes alight with cheers:
"The forest, tis the Chameleon s domain!"

They search for the lion, but find him slain.
Dust doth cover him, and mirage doth reign,
In this forest, where the Chameleon doth reign.

Written on the 20th of May, in the year two thousand and twenty-four.
This Poem is a translation of my Arabic poem

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