Hassan Ajami
2024 / 5 / 12
On one level of knowledge, we know that the universe is material, such that it consists of material atoms, as it is expressed in classical physics. And, on another level of knowledge, we know that the universe consists of abstract information due to what many Physicists, such as John Wheeler, said. And, on a third level, we know that the universe consists of abstract mathematical equations due to what some physicists said, such as Max Tegmark. So the universe consists of multirealities, such as the reality of being material and the reality of being abstract information, leading to multi-knowledge, such as knowing that the universe is material and knowing that the universe consists of abstract information. This leads to reconciling being materialism, according to which, the universe is material, and idealism, according to which, the universe is abstract. And this also leads to a holistic and humanistic conception of the universe and knowledge, such that different theories of the universe and forms of knowledge are equally acceptable and plausible.
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